Even if Li Hongyuan's words mean that his daughter is looking for humiliation, Ruan Ruizhong has nothing to say. Yes, his daughter is also a concubine. In the end, she is a concubine. It seems that the master doesn't want her very much. It's really his connivance. Every time he sees her crying silently to himself, and doesn't make a lot of noise, he's heartbroken. Then he feels soft again and again without any accident. But he can't see the prince Jin in his heart, and thinks that he is a big fire pit On this point, she strongly refused her daughter and always wanted to wait for her to die.

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And then, after a long delay, the consequences of today's disaster are created.

His daughter is good-looking, good-natured, talented, and good at cooking. Apart from her lack of heart, he doesn't boast about anything else. He's afraid that he can't find any more excellent girl. There were a large number of young talents to choose from, but in the future, they will not be bad. As a result, why do they prefer others to avoid them And? Just like him, I can't understand. Prince Gong's residence has to go. Why do you want to add a foot to this?

Seeing his changeable face, Li Hongyuan can probably guess what he is thinking.

Ruan Ruizhong was born with a piece of material for officialdom, so the ups and downs of officialdom had no effect on him. After five passes and six cuts, he would go to the position of cabinet leader and assistant, which all showed his extraordinary ability and extraordinary wisdom. However, such a man also had fatal weakness because of his confidence He thinks that he can't do anything wrong with his conceit, which is the same with women. So his stepwife is obedient to him, and the house is properly managed. He treats his children as if they were his own. He is also a generous legitimate mother to his children. In his opinion, he should be. If the woman does well, he gives all his trust. He never interferes with the house, and never interferes with it If you don't pay attention to it, you will not know what it is like under the orderly appearance of his back house. After all, he didn't trust his wife, but his charm.

But he doesn't think about it. Why is he? My daughter-in-law is older than others. When you enter the door, you not only become a stepmother, but also a grandmother. You are too old to be a father. Do you have any complaints about a teenage girl? No emperor in the world has this confidence, right? Now, his daughter-in-law is just like a young woman. They stand together, not to mention father and daughter. If they are grandparents, some people will believe them. If they don't say anything else, are you still hard enough to satisfy your daughter-in-law? Although it's normal for a woman to stay in an empty house after 30, if she is really a good wife and mother, it's OK. But Li Hongyuan, who knows her nature, sometimes even thinks maliciously that our powerful first aide, do you know how many green hats she wears?

Ruan Ruizhong, who has been a winner in his life for decades, ended up with a lot of plagiarism in his old age.

First, it was revealed that his stepwife was adulterous with his son. It seemed that he was not a son. Then it was revealed that his daughter was not a natural. I don't know which wild man it was. Then, it was revealed in his study that the letter of adultery and treason

Of course, when these things happened, Li Hongyuan had also been forced out of the capital. Qi Yuan was in a time of border wars and internal strife. When he came back, the affairs of Ruan's family had come to an end. There was no way to know the specific things. Only by chance, I learned that Ruan Fangfei had married outside, and I didn't know where she was. Besides, if she was not Ruan's own daughter, I didn't pursue her anymore Drop.

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In this life, because treason will not be accomplished in a short time, and Ruan Fangfei's persistence in him is far greater than that of his previous life, Li Hongyuan has carefully checked him from the beginning, and the result is really unexpected.

Ruan Ruizhong, a shrewd man, was planted in a woman's hands. He was put on a green hat and carried a black pot. Even when he died, he didn't know what happened. When learning the truth, Li Hongyuan doubted that in his previous life, Ruan Ruizhong's stepwife was probably not dead, and he had concealed it well for more than 20 years. How could all of a sudden burst out? These things may just be to divert other people's attention, so as to hide her real identity and mix up the water, but it is easy to get rid of the shell.

Ruan Ruizhong is so conceited. Ruan Fangfei is similar to him in this respect. Therefore, it's a bit surprising to say that Ruan Fangfei is not his daughter. But it doesn't matter whether it's for him or not. In terms of government affairs, Ruan Ruizhong is not the case, or he would have fallen for a long time.

Seeing that his ability is beyond doubt, Li Hongyuan will definitely stay him for a few more years. Doesn't he just want to devote himself to Qiyuan and die later? I'm sorry if he doesn't drain all his value? However, we must let him taste the taste of falling into the dust - let him know the truth bit by bit, and see what kind of mother and daughter he holds in his hand. At that time, the first assistant of the cabinet should have a wonderful expression.

Li Hongyuan leans lazily. He is in a good mood now. He will mend the knife for the first assistant in his spare time.

"Ruan Ruizhong, you can't see the king, can you see the king without cost, can you see Ruan Fangfei? In the eyes of the king, she doesn't even count as grass. In fact, you should be glad that you didn't compromise to ask the father and the emperor for a marriage one or two years earlier. Otherwise, your father and daughter will lose their face at that time. You know, if your good daughter enters the royal family, she can't be the right wife. She has been approved by master Chen. She wants to marry this king with all her heart, but she doesn't want to be a concubine who lives in the hands of others all her life. "

Ruan Ruizhong was shocked beyond words.

Li Hongyuan told him that he didn't worry about what he would say, couldn't go to prove with his father and emperor, and couldn't take it back to tell his good wife and daughter. However, it doesn't matter if it's said. What can he do if he already knows about it?

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Li Hongyuan returned to the mansion after leaving Lord Ruan, who had been unable to recover for a long time.

Just wait for Yun Niang to know that Li Hongyuan has sent him home to be careful of the liver, but she doesn't want to go to her at all, I don't know if she will be furious. However, Emperor Lecheng can't help her, let alone her hidden grandmother.

Jingwan went back to Luo's house and changed her dress completely, but the people who saw her all the way didn't seem to be any different, even everyone wondered why she was so long behind others.

If Luo Jingying had sneaked out and come back, she would have changed her original dress and hid all the way, but at last she became like that. Now jingwan is so aboveboard, no one doubts about ghosts.

This is the biggest difference between people who are long to see and those who are not.

When jingwan returned to Haitang elegant residence, sun Yijia had been waiting for a long time. Seeing that jingwan was completely new from head to toe, she would never pay attention to how expensive her things were, but the problem behind this matter. Imagine a girl's family going out alone with her fiance for more than two hours, and changing clothes completely. But anyone who knows something will understand what it means.

If sun Yijia is not good at self-cultivation, he is not only a little impatient and grumpy.

Seeing that someone is more nervous than his client, jingwan's heart's pimples are gradually disappearing, and the touch on her body seems to be a lot lighter. Instead, she feels like a coke and laughs, "what are you doing, sister-in-law?"

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"When is it time to laugh? You can still laugh." Sun Yijia couldn't help pinching her.

Jingwan smiled and dodged, and then grabbed her hand. "Is it the collapse of the sky or the subsidence of the earth that is so serious?"

When sun Yijia saw her reaction, she thought she wanted more, and then subconsciously reached out to pull jingwan's neckline, which opened a little bit, and her face turned black. "How could that bastard be a gentleman?"

Jingwan hurriedly opens her hand and wants to call her ancestor. I know you are kind, but you should take it easy. This is her. It's a shame to open this embarrassing thing in public?

Sun Yijia realized later that it was not right, but she couldn't help worrying, "sister Wan, besides these, is there any pain in that, that, there?" Approaching, I lowered my voice and faltered.

Jing Wan has no words, but at this time, he can only pretend to be stupid and don't understand, "where does it hurt? There's no pain. "

Sun Yijia sighed, "nothing, nothing." But muttered: that bastard has a little humanity.

Although she is younger than sun Yijia, she is actually regarded as her younger sister. However, this sister-in-law is also worth it. After she identifies with you, she is also kind to you. Otherwise, she was given the marriage of Prince Jin, but she didn't say a word, but she was nervous all the time. Even if she can't do anything, she still has to accept this feeling. "Sister Jia, don't worry about it. It's really OK."

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Sun Yijia is like eggplant in frost, wilting. Since she married Jingbo, sister Wan has never called her sister Jia again, which really comforts her. She is a little upset. "Maybe I shouldn't tell you this. The more I say it, it doesn't make you worry about the future. If you don't know, you can live a carefree life before marriage, but now..."

"What we should know, what we shouldn't know, will be known sooner or later, not from my sister-in-law, but also from others. In fact, it's better to know from your mouth than others. After all, if we don't have some psychological preparation, we'll be ridiculed at some time, maybe we don't know what's going on. In fact, we should thank sister Jia."

Sun Yijia gave her a white look. "You can comfort me."

Jing Wan took her to one side and sat down. "Sister in law, I think you're a little unstable these days. Don't call the doctor to have a look."

"Yes? I don 't think so. It' s you who are bothering me. "

Jing Wan has no choice but not to mention it. It's the nanny of sun Yijia. Her face is a little different. They didn't see each other. Instead, they let mother Gong look straight. "Three young grannies, my maid knows a little medical skills. Some common pulse patterns are still accurate. If you don't let my maid show you, you should ask for a pulse of peace?"

"Well, with the result, I won't have to arrange it by this girl." Say, raise hand, show wrist.

As soon as mother Gong's fingers were put on her pulse gate, she felt something was wrong, but this kind of thing can't be careless. After a while, she was asked to change her hand. Her serious attitude made everyone else nervous.

"Sister Gong, but what's wrong? Little grandma has a bad appetite these days. She is always sick and worried about her

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