No matter you or me, Li Hongyuan won't ask Princess su what mood she is in anyway. Although he is a filial son, he is also a careless man. He doesn't have such delicate and keen mind. How does a woman think and how does he know it? He has to guess women's thoughts all day long. Only when his father knows, can he be beaten.

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So, don't let his father know, it's over? Ha ha, Li Hongyuan said that he would let his Laozi know if he did.

As for Jing Wan, that's his daughter-in-law. Can others compare her? It is obvious that Li Hongyuan's nerve is always the thickest when facing Princess su.

Maybe she has been used to it for a long time. Her son is such a person. Princess Su didn't think much about it. "Why did you come back so soon?"

"The father and the emperor are busy in government affairs, and they have no time to deal with their children. The children want to go to the imperial garden for a walk. At that time, they are afraid that they will meet one or two people who want to offer themselves pillows. The unlucky ones are still their children. It's better if they don't set foot in the right or wrong places." Li Hongyuan said in a low voice.

Princess Su is speechless. Who's wrong when it comes to this? Although in the end And how long has it been? Is it really good that a big man is so vengeful? "It's just an accident. How could it be a second time? Yuan'er, you need to settle down. "

"Don't you have enough security? The mother and the concubine feel that the minister there has moved directly to live in Chuang Tzu. "

"Didn't yuan'er hurt his mother's heart by saying such things?" Su Guifei said with three points of sadness.

Li Hongyuan frowned, as if he didn't know which sensitive nerve Su Guifei had stirred up again. "If it's the son and the minister who said something wrong, it's OK for the mother and the concubine to say it."

Princess Su is speechless. Her son may not have any extra ideas. In a word, he never hides what he says or does, let alone knows how to bear his breath. Maybe it's not that I don't know, but I've formed a habit for a long time. I'm used to being surrounded by others. It's a great joke to think about others. Knowing that I'm still serious with him, I just want to find myself guilty.

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"It's not yuan'er's fault, but the concubine misunderstood it. As you said, your father and Emperor are really busy these days. What's his attitude towards you? You can't be more clear. You really want to live in Chuang Tzu for a long time. He should be sad, so the concubine just..."

"My mother and concubine, my son knows."

Concubine Su nodded with satisfaction.

On the one hand, Jing Wan is hard to laugh because someone pretends to be wilting. On the other hand, she doesn't know what to say about Su Guifei's attitude towards Li Hongyuan. Does Su Guifei really treat this son as an adult? Or can we just say that someone's "acting good" is so successful that it gives a deep-rooted impression to many people?

After that, Li Hongyuan told Princess Su that he had sent some things to the palace for her to see and deal with. She said that she was filial to her son.

At last, Li Hongyuan regretted that he wanted to accompany his mother and concubine to have dinner, but when his sister-in-law was there, he would not join the party.

Before waiting for Princess Su to say anything, she turns around and tells jingwan that she hasn't eaten that for a while. After returning, she remembers to ask someone to prepare.

Looking back, I saw Princess Su who wanted to stop talking. "Is there anything else for her?"

Princess Su is choking again. If Princess Liu is the only one, she can still send people away. If there are two small ones, she can't do that. It's natural for her son to avoid suspicion. Can she say such a "general knowledge"? It's possible to keep Jing Wan, but as a good wife, how can she keep her son and his daughter-in-law? However, Jing Wan pretends to be stupid and perfunctory, leaving her to be angry. Wave your hands. "It's OK. Be careful on your way back to the mansion."

"Yes, my son left first."

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"My daughter-in-law is leaving."

Jingwan follows Li Hongyuan to leave the palace, and meets Yu Zhongqing, the commander of the imperial forest army, at the gate of the palace. Jingwan has no idea at first. As the leader of the Imperial Palace's forbidden army, it's not surprising that jingwan appears outside the palace, but Li Hongyuan's eyes are meaningful. Yu Zhongqing's appearance is expected by him.

Yu Zhongqing saw them, saluted them respectfully, and then looked at Li Hongyuan, as if he had something to say, maybe because of the situation, he didn't speak.

Li Hongyuan did not stop. He reached for jingwan's hand and got on the carriage.

Jing Wan is a little confused about Li Hongyuan's sudden action. He realizes something and glances at Yu Zhongqing, but they don't struggle. However, a group of guard immediately lowers their heads.

But Yu Zhongqing looked at the back of the two men, and his eyes flashed, and the shadow in his eyes scattered, and there was more relaxed.

In the carriage, jingwan finally couldn't help but say, "is it really OK for ah yuan to do so?"

"What's the problem? Even if she sensed something, what could she do? She won't turn against me. Now she still needs me to help her consolidate her position. For me, it doesn't matter whether she is there or not. If she's not right first, it's better. I don't want to deal with her anymore. "

well, you have willful capital, you has the final say. "What can I do for you?"

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Li Hongyuan's face turned a little overcast, "Wan Wan looked very carefully."

Jingwan was a little embarrassed. "Hey, that's enough. Although the other party's performance is not very clear, but with your actions, it's worth pondering. Well, last year, I went to the summer palace, and what happened on the way, which is clearly seen by adults. I don't know all about you, but I also have five points. I'm going to meet you at this time to prepare... " Commitment?

Li Hongyuan's face didn't get much better, but there was no sign of going crazy. "Who knows what he wants to do? He will know when he comes to the door."

"Then, what a yuan did just now reminds him..."

"Nothing." Li Hongyuan interrupts her not lightly or seriously. He looks at Jing Wan without blinking. The threat is not obvious.

"Yes, ah yuan, what do you mean?" Jing Wan replied with a smile. I don't know what to say about him.

Li Hongyuan's face was a little dark.

Jing Wan hurriedly gathers up, holds his neck and seals it with a kiss.

Li Hongyuan will not miss the benefits of door-to-door delivery. People outside the carriage, because they are too deaf, are hard to think about. Especially those who don't have a daughter-in-law, they can't go to the brothel easily in ordinary days. Dark Wei doesn't even want to think about it. How can he be forced to do it.

Back to Jin's royal residence, four days later, Jing Wan went to Luo's house, which is called caring about cousin's marriage. In fact, in the royal family, it's the first person who can go back to his mother's house as often as Jing Wan. However, as Li Hongyuan said on the day of marriage, he said the rules.

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As the daughter-in-law of the royal family, Jing Wan should have the consciousness in this respect. Unfortunately, she resolutely carries out the policy of "Marrying from the husband".

At the time of returning to the palace, a little girl of a few years old ran out suddenly after a kitten. If it wasn't for jingwan's carriage that was not fast, she would not have been able to run into it.

The bodyguard stopped, but failed to stop the flexible kitten. In the process of being chased, the kitten jumped into jingwan's carriage.

Probably no one thought it would be like this. Let alone a group of guards, they are servant girls. They can't help panicking. If the little beast is going to hurt the princess, they can't afford to lose their lives. "Are you all right, princess?" Anxiously asked, at the same time, mother Gong quickly opened the curtain.

"And rest assured, I'm fine." Jing Wan looks at Gong Mammy and knows that there are other things in her eyes.

The wildness of the kitten still exists, but it's the little milk cat, with limited power. Jing Wan quickly reaches for the silk cloth on the table, covers the kitten, and then pinches the back neck to lift it up, which is also the limited space, so that he can grasp it so smoothly. Jing Wan is not sure if he wants to put it outside.

Compared with jingwan's indifference, the guards and servant girls were relieved. The owner of the kitten, the little girl also hoped to get the kitten back. However, a woman who came after her quickly changed her face. She hurriedly pulled the little girl to her knees and pleaded guilty. The whole person was shaking. Obviously, she was scared.

More and more onlookers, seeing the whole process, knew that it was the frame of Jin's Prince's residence, and all of them had a cold sweat.

However, when we know that the people inside are Jin's Royal concubines, not Jin's princes, many people secretly say that we are lucky.

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