Jing Wan looks at the kitten in her hand. It looks like an ordinary garden cat. Her fur is clean. Even so, she doesn't hold it in her arms.

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It's not sure if it's the one that's expected or not. It's also unknown what kind of danger the cat may have. Being in the royal family, it's quite a helpless thing to be on guard. Well, it's not just a royal problem. Ordinary people may have some moths. Some of the high-ranking houses, which is also a daily performance comparable to the palace fight, may have an accident if you don't pay attention to it. The small ones are injured and sick, the big ones are damaged in reputation or even die.

"Mammy, what's going on outside?" Jing Wan asked softly.

Mammy Gong narrated the matter briefly and concisely.

Jing Wan asked people to hang up the curtain, sit on the collapse, and watch the bodyguards waiting for them. The waist knife was half pulled out, and one big one and one small one on the ground may be influenced by adults, and children are not as fearless as they were at the beginning. "Mammy, it's not a big deal to take the cat down and give it back to the little girl. Let it go."

"The princess is kind-hearted." Said mammy Gong.

Jing Wan smiled, but she didn't think it was anything. However, in such an era, it's called kindness for the superior to do something good, kindness for the middle, and evil for the inferior. This is the huge gap brought by identity, which is absolutely different from her previous life.

Gong Momo picked up the kitten, went to the two and handed it to them. "You should be careful in the future. Today, she also meets our princess. If you change to another noble person, you don't know what will happen. Even if it's not a noble person, it's easy to run around like this, and it's not good to hurt yourself. "

"Yes, Ma Ma said yes, thank you Ma Ma, thank you princess."

"All right, let's leave first." Mother Gong waved her hand.

"Ma Ma, please wait a moment. It was my niece who ran into the frame of the princess. She was kind and didn't care about us. However, we couldn't be rude. There is nothing else in Minfu's family, but there are a few kittens. One of them is from the western regions. She is very cute and beautiful. Maybe she is not bad for such a little thing. She should only make amends for her and ask her to take it. " The woman's voice rose slightly, apparently to jingwan.

What kind of person is mammy Gong? Naturally, she saw the subtle changes in the woman's expression and her eyes narrowed slightly.

"I hope the princess can take it, otherwise, the women will be upset."

"Mammy, let her send the cat to the palace later." Jingwan's voice opens in time.

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"Thank you, princess. Thank you, princess." The woman is very grateful.

"Go home."

Nowadays, even if there is a prince in Jin's residence, jingwan's words are regarded as the first criterion. Of course, the king's special words are exceptional. However, I want to know that according to the prince's care for the princess, this situation is certainly rare, probably only when there is a dispute between their husband and wife.

In this way, it's natural for jingwan to say what it is now. Only when they go back, they may be punished. After all, it's their negligence that makes the cat jump on the carriage. Fortunately, it's OK. If someone has a different intention, they're really to blame. They can't say they have no mistake because they didn't cause serious consequences.

When jingwan's frame left, many onlookers talked about it one after another. They couldn't help but think of the gamble set on jingwan. At that time, many people had a mentality of going to the theatre. After all, it had nothing to do with themselves, but now they are looking at it The king's concubines in Jin are good, and they deserve good rewards. "

Others agreed. However, it is the wrong man to marry Prince Jin.

The woman left in a hurry with the little girl. Turning left and right while no one was paying attention, she soon left the area.

The woman is very careful. She looks left and right as she goes. It's ok if she doesn't notice. Once she is noticed, she will definitely feel like a ghost.

In fact, some people did notice that, to be exact, they were followed, starting from leaving the scene.

Since some people are suspicious, they will not ignore them.

After turning several streets, the neighborhood became more and more quiet. It was obviously the place where ordinary people lived. The two men turned into a quiet lane and entered one of their families. A man stretched out his head to look at it and quickly closed the door.

At the entrance of the alley, two men in ordinary clothes came in chatting. They could not see any difference in clothes, words and behaviors. So they passed by the gate of the small courtyard.

The woman, who had been calm before, entered the room, but she turned white and soft in the face of the others.

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Another good old woman quickly reached for her hand and held her. "What's the matter, huh? Is it not that things are not going well? "

Others are nervous. If things don't go well, they can't imagine the consequences.

Hurry to tell the little girl to take her mother out.

The woman took a few breaths and said, "it's going well. It's just that the little beast ran to the carriage of Jin's princess."

As soon as this statement came out, all of them changed their faces. This one is not good. All of them have to fold in.

Although it is said that people have come back safely, right in front of them, it is frightening to think about things, and we are afraid of them.

"Let's be clear about the specific situation."

The women's story was told It's lucky that Jin's Royal concubine is kind. If you meet Gong's Royal concubine, you will lose half your life if you don't die. "

Unconsciously, sweat had oozed from his head, "indeed. At present, it seems that things are moving in the opposite direction. The rest depends on whether the cat can actually deliver it. "

"So, who does the cat want to see it off?" Said the woman. Obviously, all her courage has been exhausted.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. We won't ask you to go again. We will deal with the previous affairs because you are the most suitable one. We will deal with the later affairs." Said the man who had previously closed the door.

"That's good, that's good." The woman clapped her chest.

"You're working hard today. Go and have a rest. I'll take the cat and the old lady to see it myself." The old woman regained her composure with determination and determination.

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"I don't need to say anything. I'm so happy to die. I'm a mother. I have to do something for her." The old woman couldn't stop falling into tears. At the same time, she said with unspeakable hatred and cruelty, "I'm such a natural child. It took me half of my life to give birth to that group of animals, that group of animals..."

"Mom, it's all our fault that we didn't protect our little sister." The man next to me was also deeply remorseful.

"No, it's none of your business. All of a sudden, no one thought..."

"Just, mother, is it really OK to choose Prince Jin?" Another man asked hesitantly.

"Since it's your second brother's choice, there's nothing wrong with it. Now that we've come to this step, there's no room for retreat. Prince Jin's murderous name is outside. No matter how much it's pretended, it's not a good role to be with. If we reveal a word about him, we'll die with the second brother. Isn't it better for people like Prince Jin? As long as we are promised, we will certainly be able to do what we want in the end, and there will be no accidents. "

Now that the matter has been decided, there will be no more wandering.

Next afternoon, the old lady was about to go out, holding the pure white cat with purple eyes

"Grandmother, do you really want to give the purple pupil to the princess?" The little girl asked.

"It's because we ran into the princess. Naturally, we should make amends. Are you right, darling?"

The little girl is obviously well bred. She looks at the cat, but she doesn't rob or cry.

It's just an excuse to send the cat. It doesn't need to be sent out in the end. However, there's no final conclusion about it, so it's not easy to talk with her.

The bodyguards who followed jingwan out of the door, because jingwan begged for help, finally each received five lashes to make an example.

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This is what Jing Wan knows. She has not been able to cut down the five lashes. Most of Li Hongyuan's affairs can be controlled by her, but some of them are not negotiable.

"If Wan Wan says it again, he will have five hundred lashes for one person."

It's true that jingwan doesn't know what the concept of five hundred whip is. It's certain to make meat sauce and lose his life. Jingwan won't bargain any more. "Ah yuan, you can't have one set of face-to-face and one set of back. Now you say it's five whips, and the order will be increased."

Li Hongyuan snorted coldly. Obviously, he had intended to do so.

"Does Ayan have the heart to deceive me?" Jingwan is getting along with Li Hongyuan now. He is more comfortable and natural. He should be gentle, gentle, tough and tough. Besides, he probably prefers her to make it clear. He seems to regard it as interest. "You don't like it, do you?"

"Come on, my king's word is his word. If you say five whips, you will have five whips. Irrelevant people are worth your effort."

Jing Wan put down someone who was about to change his face.

Knowing that when the cat arrived, Jing Wan was reading a book, while Li Hongyuan lay on her lap for a rest, looking like a quiet and beautiful man.

Jingwan doesn't need to be reminded by mammy Gong. She also knows that it's not a simple way to give a cat away. Maybe it's someone who finally has to wait.

Jing Wan gently pulls his head up, slowly moves it away, puts a pillow under his head, and puts a blanket on his body, which makes him leave quietly.

Li Hongyuan watched her leave. Wan Wan wanted to help him as much as she could, but he didn't want Jing Wan to be the canary in the cage.

Jingwan is not surprised to see people, but it is not the one at noon. Looking at the presented cat, jingwan has carefully repaired her claws. Her pink and tender feet look harmless and lovely. Jingwan still thinks it is a bit pitiful.

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