The kitten is placed next to jingwan. Jingwan uses her hands to move from its head to its tail. Inexplicably, there is an illusion that someone can get along with his hair.

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"Does the princess like this cat?" The old woman, with a certain degree of care and formality, and the unspeakable excitement of seeing the noble, is very in line with the identity of an ordinary woman.

Jing Wan nodded and said with a smile, "what's your name, Auntie?" It means chatting with the old lady.

"My family name is Zhou." The old woman also had the meaning to continue to talk with jingwan, "the old man has gone, and the old man is so cruel that he took the eldest son away. It's enough to let the old woman be widowed, and return the white hair to the black hair," she said with a red eye.

"I'm sorry." Besides this, jingwan didn't know what to say.

The old woman wiped her eyes. "It's been many years. I've made the princess laugh. Minfu, who had four sons and one daughter, ran into the princess in the early morning. She was the eldest daughter of three sons and the eldest granddaughter. She was the eldest daughter-in-law. She was also a pitiful person. Before the eldest brother died, they didn't leave a man and a half daughter. Her mother's family was only her brother and sister-in-law. They were all carvers. They couldn't bear her to go back to suffer. They wanted her to remarry. She didn't want to. All these years, she served without complaint and regret The third daughter-in-law and the third daughter-in-law are all right. They have children and daughters with their daughter-in-law. It's a success. The fourth daughter-in-law is about to cross the door, but my daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law... "

Jingwan said in secret, here comes the reason.

“…… You don't know about the princess. Of the five children in our family, only the daughter was born to the old man. All four sons were adopted.

He had nothing to give up after many years of marriage. I don't know how many medicines he took, how many Buddhas he worshiped, but no result. He was a dutiful and honest man. He was shocked by the pressure of his parents and didn't give up her. Fortunately, he was the youngest son. The guilt in her heart was not so heavy.

After the death of the two old men, their brothers split up, and the other brothers took his unfilial name as the name, and almost cleaned my husband and wife out of the house. We moved out of the place where we originally lived.

The old man said that it's OK to adopt one without any children, so he has the eldest son, who was originally a beggar. When it started, it didn't end. The second one was abducted by the abductor. After escaping, he met us. But he was ill at that time and didn't remember his original home when he woke up.

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The third is a man who has no father or mother, and is despised by his uncle and aunt. The fourth is a posthumous son. His mother died of childbirth when she gave birth to him.

Pull out a few children, although hard, but also happy in the bottom of my heart, but never thought, three years later, the women were pregnant, the women were too happy, care about the children in the womb 12 points carefully, naturally ignore a few children, but they are very sensible, the big take care of the small, the housework never let the women worry, even in order to make the women eat better, the eldest and the second steal They went out to work stealthily. At that time, they were one thirteen one eleven. The women felt that if they had these children, even if they were not born, they would be worth a lifetime. "

Looking back on the past, the old lady was in some difficulty

"The old man once went out to work and saved a man. He didn't think about it. It's a coincidence that the father of the second son can go home. Naturally, we are happy for him. In order to remember the kindness of our family, the second son only changed his surname and didn't use his original name. Although the second son's family was not a dignitary, it's too high for us Their family is a kind person.

We don't want to move to their city, but we also send a lot of things to them every year. However, one year we suddenly lost touch with each other. We were worried and asked the eldest brother to look for it. The result was that their family was out of order, and no one was left. The specific things were not clear.

At that time, our family was very depressed. Later, there was a man-made disaster. The old man was beaten and the eldest brother came to the door to talk about it. As a result, he was killed alive. It was a natural disaster. The third man was calculated and owed debt. Then there was a natural disaster. It was clear that he didn't give a living.

The daughter-in-law of the people, whose name is Kexin, is so beautiful that she must be robbed. She's only 11 years old, and she's totally lost.

When the whole family was in despair, the second one came back. A good child seemed to be a changed person. He was silent and went to save my daughter right away. Although the final result was not the worst, but it was a little late, but Xin was afraid of the boy. Except for the second one, other people, his other brothers and father were not close Well, at that time, her father was still in bed, and the situation was getting worse and worse, and he would not survive.

At this time, the second promised that he would wait for Kexin to grow up and marry her, but don't despise him as a lonely star.

It's impossible to dislike him. I just don't know what happened to him.

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He used to have a fiancee, but before he got married, the wife suddenly kept her filial piety, and the marriage was postponed. When asked about his fiancee, he only said he had quit. "

Jingwan listened quietly, which was also the answer to the mystery that the commander of the royal forest army was running for three times and had not married.

"The old man died. The second one didn't get to know what was going on at home. He was afraid that it would affect us, so he didn't get in touch with us very much, and he was very secretive every time. In recent years, he has been climbing higher and higher, but for us and for Kexin, as always, we came to the capital just a year ago. We wanted to get married for them, but now the situation is not optimistic. The second one is in a special position. He is afraid that it will be dangerous to put us on the surface. He means to wait another year or two, and everything will be settled. We all believe in him, but Xin is always happy to be his second brother's wife, but... "

At this point, the old woman couldn't help crying.

In such a case, any persuasion is powerless, especially in the face of strangers who meet for the first time, and there is no way to persuade. Of course, this is a special case.

"Kexin just went to the embroidering building once. She usually goes there. There's nothing to worry about. But some days ago, she never came back. It's like two days after we found someone. My daughter, she died so miserably. She didn't have a piece of good flesh all over her body. Before she died, she stared at the eldest brother. She didn't close her eyes when she died Those animals, animals... " The old woman covered her face and trembled with tears.

Jingwan didn't say anything, just let people fight for water, and let her clean her face after she gave vent to it.

After the old woman calmed down, she looked at Jing Wan with some apologies, "and made the princess laugh."

"Auntie doesn't care. It's human nature."

Jing Wan is not sure if she has taken the first place, but the last two are also a portrayal of her grief.

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"The princess's mother is merciful, so she allows all the people's wives to talk nonsense. Should the princess know what the women mean? " Said the old woman with enthusiasm.

Jing Wan didn't pretend to be stupid and nodded her head directly. "There are not many people who know the real situation of our Lord, and such people are basically working for the Lord. I guess that the second brother of your family, as my aunt said, is now the commander of the royal forest army?" Although eight or nine are inseparable from ten, we have to prove it.

Don't end up making a big Wulong. They say what they think each other understands. In fact, it's just that the head of the ox is not right for the mouth of the horse. That's fun.

Although the possibility is very low, we must take precautions.

Because of some trivial reasons, the whole plan is not without examples.

The old woman nodded. "Yes."

"People in the capital basically know that Yu has no relatives, but according to his name, they know that he is probably the second in the family, but there is such a story in it."

"The second is the second in our family, but he is the eldest son in his family. However, in order to match his name, the second in our family released the news about his brother who died before."

"I see. I'm a kind and righteous family, but I can teach people of such dignified character as adults. Your Zhou family also has great achievements."

"The princess is over praised." It's natural to be happy that our children are praised and recognized with our family.

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"It's very presumptuous, but can you tell me who the other party is?"

Although jingwan was relatively euphemistic, the old woman understood, "there are some things that are not convenient to check, but there is a person whose identity is certain, that is Prince Rui's brother-in-law." Say finally, with endless hate, if the party in front of the eyes, said not to be able to pick the skin of the other side cramp drink blood.

When it comes to Prince Rui's brother-in-law, jingwan thinks of last year's flower market competition. I wonder if they are the same person?

If it is, it can only be said that this kind of person has gone beyond the scope of a dandy, persecuting good family women to death, not only having money and power to eat, drink and play all day long, but also not doing business. His father is an old cabinet man, busy fighting for power and power, but neglecting the cultivation of his children. He is on the way to heaven, and the Liu family can't stand in the cloud for long.

Jingwan touched the kitten, then picked it up and handed it back to the old woman. "Auntie, please take this little guy back. I think your little granddaughter should like it very much, so I won't be taken seriously."

"Princess, you, you, you are..." The old woman suddenly changed her face.

"Don't get me wrong. I'll tell you what I'm going to say. Besides, as the commander of the royal forest army, you are the object that many people want to fight for. Now you're going to come here to work for him. He has no reason to refuse. I'm not used to the evil doers. A win-win situation will surely be fully promoted."

"Thank you very much, princess. Thank you very much..." The old woman knelt down and kowtowed in tears.

"Get up." Jing Wan reaches out to help her.

"The people's wife has a kind request. Can you ask the Lord to help find out all the people?"


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