In other words, he is the prince of the governor's mansion. He is interested in the girl who has a engagement, but the girl's fiance is a poor scholar. In fact, the girl's family is a upstart. If he climbs up to the governor's son, he can't see his fiance. In order to be enlightened and crisp, the poor scholar has to devote himself to his family.

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But today, this is the kind of situation that the poor men and women have set up in partnership. It's just to humiliate the poor scholars. It doesn't need technical content at all.

The poor scholar didn't know that his head was green at all. He and his fiancee were childhood sweethearts. Each other's family gradually prospered and supported him a lot. Of course, the so-called support, in fact, only basically met his reading needs. The ready-made ink, paper and inkstone, the first kind, never had a copper coin in cash.

Even so, his family is grateful. In order to repay the kindness of his future wife's family and make his future wife live a good life, he made great efforts to make progress. The whole family also tightened their belts for him to read. It can be said that they didn't hear anything outside the window. They read only the books of sages. Many neighbors found out about his fiancee, but it was the son-in-law of the governor's office They dare not easily publicize it, but secretly see his jokes, and his parents are also aware of it. They just don't get the actual evidence, and they are afraid to affect their son's reading, and they don't dare to tell him.

My fiancee, who doesn't usually come to my house, suddenly comes to my house. I'm sad to say that the girl next door to my fiancee's house has brought some open and crisp food. She also wants to eat one piece of food from her fiancee. It doesn't need too much. One piece is good.

The poor scholar's face is not very good, not because of his fiancee's request, but because he can't even meet such a request. He has his own dignity and pride, but he doesn't want his parents to know that he can take out his only little money, but it's far from enough. So he thinks of ways to save money, write letters to people, and help the book office to copy books, but it's also very smooth, more than ever before Waiting for everything to go well, even those words that were not easy to sell were sold out. The other side's meaning was to look up to his words. It doesn't matter whether the paper is good or not, whether it's mounted or not. He was very happy. The time to save money was far less than expected, and nearly a month.

Finally, I have enough money. I came to kaimingsu restaurant with a large bag of copper coins. When I saw that he wanted to buy kaimingsu, I was still together. The people on the side were all disgusted. They said that the poor should have the consciousness of the poor. There was not a complete dress. I wanted to eat kaimingsu. It was really a poor man.

The poor scholar blushed as if he had been robbed.

But the shopkeeper helped him out, saying that he was a guest when he came in. He wanted to buy it, and of course he would sell it to him. After taking his bag of copper money, he called two juniors and counted them face-to-face. At the end of the day, there were a dozen pieces missing. The shopkeeper said, I'm sorry, the money is not enough, so I can't sell it to him.

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I should know that the shopkeeper is not a good thing. If he is a good person, he will be finished if he receives the money directly. Moreover, in nine out of ten, he knows that the other side is short of money. One piece of Kaiming crisp, three liang of silver, three thousand copper coins, a dozen of them. In such a large restaurant, there is still less?

The poor scholar is honest, or he just got into the books, some of whom are not familiar with the world, but didn't realize it at all. Yesterday, he was very happy and told his fiancee that he would send kaimingsu to his fiancee today. At this moment, he didn't know how to lose the money. He remembered to catch the ear and get rid of his face. He begged the shopkeeper to sell him a piece.

The shopkeeper is now adamant. He says that they are in a restaurant and do business. They are not good. If you have no money, please leave. Don't stop them from doing business.

The poor scholar could not, so he had to hold the money bag and prepare to leave, regardless of other people's views, just thinking about how to explain with his fiancee.

Turning around, he saw his fiancee come in, but he was held in his arms by a noble young man.

At that moment, the blood color on her face faded away, not only because her fiancee's gentle and gentle face was full of ridicule, but also because she was a girl with a marriage engagement. She even leaned on other men's arms without any sense of decency and shame, and pointed at her with trembling hands, "you, you, you..."

"What do you want, a piece of open crispy, you will take a month, but I'm sorry, I'm tired of it recently. You don't know. If you didn't save for a month, you wouldn't be able to save a piece of open and crisp. You're really a waste. I didn't have that Kung Fu to play with you for too long, so I was kind enough to help you. Is it happy that my words are recognized? It's a pity that I was thrown into the smelly ditch. Is there less money? I took it. Tell me, you are the only one who wants to marry me and let me accompany you to suffer. Who do you think you are? Let me suffer, and you are not afraid to live a long life... "

The poor scholar's face is blue and white, and his eyes are black. He doesn't understand anything. He thinks of his hard work. In fact, he is playing like a monkey by these people. Moreover, because he holds a heart and is so trampled by people, he almost faints in the past.

"Young master, don't you say you haven't seen what copper money looks like? Now let's see how it looks?" The fiancee turned her head and said with a coquettish smile to the precious young man who was hugging him. In the public, she reached out her hand and stroked him on the chest, even more with a full chest. This is a good family woman. Brothel prostitutes are more polite than her.

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The poor scholar stumbled and nearly fell under his feet. Such a woman and such a man are his fiancee?

"Well, I really want to see it." And he said, the Viceroy pinched the breast of the woman.

The woman turns to the poor scholar and immediately changes her face. She takes the first two steps. She grabs the purse in his hand, opens it, takes out a string, and pulls off the rope. Then the copper coins fall to the ground. When the woman hears the governor's clapping, her face becomes more and more joyful and moves faster. Nearly three thousand copper coins are spilled all over the ground.

There are more and more onlookers. Some of them are watching the activity together. Of course, there are also those who sympathize with the poor scholar, but no one dares to say a word. The governor's young son is famous for lawlessness in Kaiming mansion. The overlord is the only one. How many people immediately retreat when they see him.

"The shopkeeper, take out all today's kaimingsu." The governor's son looked at the poor scholar and said, "for the sake of you letting me have a month's fun, I'll give you all of today's kaimingsu. I'll give you another reward after eating it all." Kaimingsu was brought out with full color and attractive fragrance. Then it was poured on the ground and crushed by the governor's son with his feet. "Hurry up, eat clean."

The poor book shivered with anger. "It's too much to deceive."

"Oh, that's right, but what's wrong with my son's deceiving you? Come on... "

Two bodyguards came forward, grabbed the poor scholar, kicked him in the back of his knee, forced him to kneel on the ground, pressed his head to the ground.

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The poor scholar's eyes were red, and he wanted to split his canthus, hissing and roaring, "where is the heaven? Where is Wang fa? The world is not fair, the world is not Well

His mouth was forced into the crushed open crispy. In those eyes, it was the endless hatred

"Heaven? Wang fa? I am the reason! I am the king! Pour it all down. "

The onlookers could not stop retreating.

There are not a few young gentlemen who usually hang out with the governor's young son. They all know what he is playing recently, so they come to see the bustle. Most of them are like birds of a feather with him. They clap their hands and say hello to each other. At the moment, they frown at his behavior, which is a little too much. Such humiliation is also a loss to themselves.

"Get out of the way -" people blocking the door were separated from the outside by two rows of walls, completely blocking people out and making way for the middle road.

When a group of people came in, the leader, a man and a woman, was dignified and dignified. Although their clothes were not particularly gorgeous, people who knew the goods could see that the clothes were made of different materials. Many people took a breath. This man was also very beautiful. When did Kaiming mansion come.

However, some of them are quite clear-minded. They immediately guess their most possible identities, and then think of the family members' faces, which can't stop changing. Although the strong dragon doesn't press the ground snake, it's just that the strong dragon isn't really strong enough. If they can't provoke them, they can run you over with their hands raised. You haven't been out to yell at injustice, and this, even their Laozi, has to lie down Shrink, absolutely can't provoke, they are what onion. Subconsciously pull the side to meet good, back away, looked at the door, has been blocked, quietly away from the hope of failure, from the back, it is too obvious, the heart can not stop the jump, today is afraid of something!

The governor's youngest son is the number one devil in the whole Kaiming mansion, and his father climbs up from Kaiming mansion step by step, which means that he was in Kaiming mansion when he was very young. His father was not in charge of power, and was detained in the mansion. With the increase of his father's power, he slowly bullied the male tyrants and the female tyrants. From birth to now, he is almost two years old 10、 No one has ever suffered setbacks or been oppressed, because everything will be finally settled. Therefore, in his dictionary, there is no word "fear". He does everything willfully and without brains. At this time, anyone can see that there is something wrong with him, but he is born ignorant and unconscious. The first thing he looks at is jingwan.

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Jing Wan may not be the most beautiful woman he has ever met, but she is definitely the most outstanding woman in temperament. For him, she has great attraction.

"This little lady..." The lewd eyes swept Jing Wan from head to foot, but unfortunately, in a word, only four words stopped abruptly.

The body flies backward and the whole person hits the ground severely. Of course, it's not Li Hongyuan who is shooting. Because of jingwan standing beside him, he's a little bit slow. I dare to flirt with his daughter-in-law in front of him. He will definitely die if he makes a move. Maybe it is the feeling that makes Yu Zhongqing take the lead in making a move.

The first demon king of Kaiming mansion was kicked, but it shocked people a lot. Naturally, his guards rushed forward subconsciously. However, they were thrown to the ground in a flash, grabbed their sabres, and their bright blades were pasted on their necks. As long as they moved, their blood could be splashed on the spot.

The situation has become too fast, and the needle can be heard for a while.

This is the real stubble!

"How dare you to fight me, do you know..."

Yu Zhongqing stepped on his neck and crushed the half up governor on the ground. "Another word will make you different.

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