"It's good to talk to these people, but they don't appreciate it at all." Li Hongyuan seems to blame, but his tone is gentle. "Since I'm not interested in it, I'm going back. Anyway," I don't think it's interesting. "Except for those annoying things, other things are good. It doesn't matter if I stay for ten and a half days. Otherwise, I've been staying in Kaiming before I go back to Beijing. Other things are handled by others. I believe that many people will be very happy Happy. "

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There are countless officials in the 28 prefectures of the four counties in the south of the Yangtze River. They are all worried. They know that you haven't slept well since you were an imperial envoy. You need to stay in Kaiming mansion. Those people only say that they are happy, which is absolutely not enough to describe. They can't say that they are singing and dancing and celebrating each other.

However, these officials in Kaiming mansion may have to spit blood. It had nothing to do with them. Kaiming mansion is just a passing place. Now they have to face the living king of hell alone. If it's easy to serve, no, no, no, no, no, no, as long as it's possible to serve, then we should try our best to pass this time. The problem is that the master can't serve at all What do you do? He's not satisfied, he's not happy, he's provocative, he can't move, he can't shake his face, which makes people live?

Jing Wan, who knows more about Li Hongyuan's temperament, ordered thirty-two wax sticks for these people. He said in silence, "how did those people who had joined him in the early days mix up with him?"? Needless to say, those are all real warriors who have been tempered into steel.

However, it should be certain that the efficiency of those who have been well "taught" by Li Hongyuan is extremely high.

After all, when the work is done, they can get relief. If they can't do it well, they will be constantly tortured by him. As time goes on, everyone has to be mentally weak and lose the belief of living. The only way is to finish everything at once, and face less if they can face less.

All the motivation, not to get praise, but to avoid "torture", which is a wonderful work of the past, right?

Well, when he is generous, he is very generous. Otherwise, he is not a masochist. Who will mix with him.

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Jing Wan didn't realize that she was the number one warrior, not the kind who worked hard to survive under the living Yan king, but the kind who could tie the living Yan king and climb on his head.

It's natural that they don't stay much. A group of young men are driven behind the carriage in a panic. When they leave, they cry for help from their elders. If they fall behind or don't obey the orders, the guards are not polite. The captured sabres are pulled out by Kuang Kuang. Although they don't hit their heads, they are absolutely painful. They are either Laozi or grandfather Of, see in the eye, ache in the heart, also can only see helplessly have no way.

In particular, the governor's son, who is specially taken care of, will have to suffer two times if he is touched by others. He is used to being bullied. If he is hit, he will go back subconsciously. Naturally, he will suffer more. It's just a vicious circle. The governor holds his fists tightly and clenches his teeth. Hate? Of course, I just don't know whether this hate is only aimed at Li Hongyuan or mixed with other things. After all, it's because my family didn't teach the children well. Otherwise, Prince Jin can't stand it.

What he has to consider now is whether to save the evil man or not? Two and a half million Liang. If he doesn't take it out, he won't hurt his family. But after taking it out, he has to think about the consequences. He's not from a rich family. As Li Hongyuan said, it's beyond the scope of his family to build the other courtyard. He can barely get over it. He can easily take out two and a half million Liang. But don't forget why the Holy One It's time to copy the family and exterminate the clan. According to his family, the "master" and "son" above are not filial. Moreover, the "master" and son are all stared at by the Holy One. The possibility of saving him is too low.

So abandon this son, bet Prince Jin will not really kill? Six hundred thousand Liang, which is also beyond their means, they will give this money, even if it is not much.

However, it was clearly stated in the letter that Prince Jin had a perverse disposition, was uncertain in his happiness and anger, and was bold and reckless. Whoever did not give his face was a brother with real power in his hands. He said that he would do it as soon as he did it, without any ambiguity. How could he ensure that he would not stop because of a dozen lives?

"Now, my lord governor, what shall we do now?" Some others were helpless, hoping that the governor would come up with a way. After all, his son is the culprit. Everyone else is suffering. If it can't be solved perfectly, what they hate is not only the prince Jin, but also him. Then he will have a lot of troubles in Kaiming mansion in the future.

"Go back and tell your wife to ask for the Royal concubine of Jin. In any case, you should also see her. Prince Jin again It's not going to do anything to the women. "

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Although it can't be said that a woman is absolutely softer than a man, it is true in most cases. In addition, it's not that kind of vicious temperament to look at Jin Pro princess. It's also said in the letter that we should pay attention to Jin Pro princess. It seems that they despise this point because she is a female generation. Now, she may be the key or even the only breakthrough.

Yes, right. Hurry back. I was going to let my wife go to visit the princess of Jin who was not feeling well. But something happened. Now I have to go.

Then I went back in a hurry. Naturally, I didn't forget to send someone to follow the carriage of Prince Jin, "watch it" young men.

Only the governor stayed until the end. He looked at the poor scholar and said nothing. However, the scholar felt like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. He subconsciously wanted to back up. Suddenly he thought of jingwan's words, so he looked up and held his chest, "the grass people have seen the governor."

The governor probably didn't expect him to respond like this, "you, very well, very well." Turn around and look at the woman, "since I have followed my son, I am naturally a member of the governor's office. Come and take her back." Finish saying, whisk away.

Not to mention other people, but the woman herself. She was aware of the governor's incompetence. She wanted to know that she was going. She was afraid that it would be bad. Facing the two servants in the governor's mansion, she struggled desperately to escape, crying out not to go, not to go, and even reaching out to the poor scholar for help, not to mention that the poor scholar was unable to save her. Even if there was, he would betray him and humiliate his woman "You do so much, don't you just want to go to the governor's office? It's time to be happy now that you've got what you want. Don't worry, I'll go back to your house and get rid of my relatives. I will never delay your future. "

The woman is a Leng first, probably did not expect that the other side will be so desperate, shouting wrong, ask him to save her. Unfortunately, nothing can be retrieved.

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It's a great anecdote that a group of young men are "paraded to the public". I don't know how many people are attracted by it, so that everyone rushes to tell each other, and more and more people are gathered.

These people are always proud of their prestige and are shunned by others. Now, they only wish that a ground seam could be penetrated. Of course, those who have this idea are not completely degenerated. Most people stare at them viciously. The threat is self-evident. It's just the pain of the scabbard.

The grinning and miserable appearance was so gratifying that people couldn't help but ask who could control these bullies.

So, in a very short time, people in Kaiming mansion knew that when a prince came, except some of the bullies who didn't go out today, or didn't deal with the governor's son and didn't get together with him, the rest of them were all bumped into the Lord's hands and were eaten up.

Although some of them are indescribable bloody, most people, especially those who have been bullied, prefer to ignore this part and only say: well done.

So say, again overlord's person, meet "wrong that person", again horizontal also be easily crushed.

Back to the other yard, these young men were all mercilessly shut up in the small dark room. Anyway, there were enough rooms, one room for one person, and two guards at the door of each room. At this time, they were serious bodyguards with knives. If they were obedient, then they would be good to you and me. If they wanted to fight, they would be beaten, tied and gagged.

Li Hongyuan seems to want to show that he did what he said. When he went back to other courts, he ordered to find other key personnel of his company, and told them clearly that the king would see Kaiming mansion. You all handled affairs for him casually. That was right. It was not good. Li Hongyuan sneered twice, and the meaning was self-evident.

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Those who had been loyal to Li Hongyuan could not help shivering. They should never fail to live up to their expectations.

Li Hongyuan did not assign them specific tasks. He asked them to work together or separately, but only through consultation.

I don't know how many people are happy. It's not that serious at all. Prince Jin is so frightening. He doesn't know anything. It's not difficult to fool him. So, one by one, they said that all they had to do was to accompany the princess to play in Kaiming mansion. As for the people of Kaiming government, they can only say that they are not right. Although Kaiming government is also one of the sources of "master son" benefits, it is necessary to make appropriate choices according to different priorities.

Some people just want to say, I hope you can be naive to the end, don't be too busy to help, but fold yourself in. It's the nature of a living Yama to be ruthless.

In Jiangnan, people who peep at the throne will not let it go easily. It is impossible to control the same government and county in one person's hands. Now, people of all factions want to go to their own home court to "review" and want to help hide some important things. It depends on whether the hidden people of other factions allow it. Even if this is not the case, Li Hongyuan will make it become In such a situation, it is clear that there is nothing wrong with Li Hongyuan on the surface, but there are all kinds of quarrels in the dark. When Li Hongyuan catches up with the net, everything that he thinks is hidden will be exploded by others, and Li Hongyuan doesn't have to do much to sit alone on the fishing platform.

In fact, at this time, it's absolutely necessary to do more and make more mistakes. If you are good enough to write a book and admit your mistakes, maybe emperor Lecheng will open the door.

Everything, Li Hongyuan from the layout of the time, has been calculated.

When Li Hongyuan summoned these people, jingwan also received the ladies who came to the door. They were ready to be turned away. They might play the drama of "one cry, two fights, three hanging". As a result, all the preparations were idle. Let alone embarrass them. Jingwan not only let them in the door at the first time, but also made them hospitable. It's good for tea and dessert Wait a minute. She's not finished this cup of tea. She's here. Once again

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