Although Luo Peisong, jingwan's uncle, is not a doctor of Kaiming academy, and has not spent much time in Kaiming academy, there is a small courtyard belonging to him in Kaiming academy, which is really small, that is, three rooms, and the rest of the room is about the same size as the house.

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Three rooms, a study, a room for entertaining guests and a room for sleeping. Of course, the room is divided into internal and external rooms, which are used by the people who take care of him. Usually it's a disciple, or a younger generation or a young man sent by the disciples. In short, don't worry about the lack of people around him. Just like the person who leads jingwan's way now, it's the last disciple of Luo Peisong. It's three years It has been three years since I was with Luo Peisong. It also comes from a family with a history of hundreds of years. Although there are no senior officials like Luo Peishan in my family, they are much better than Luo Jia in general. After all, Luo Jia is only a unique branch of Luo Peishan.

Because he is the youngest son of his family, he doesn't need to worry about his parents' filial piety when he goes out. In addition, he doesn't have the sense of urgency to inherit his family. When his family asks for his consent, he always follows Luo Peisong. In other words, jingwan didn't know that Li Hongyuan actually knew him, which was one of the mainstays of the court during his previous reign. Because of his own reasons, Li Hongyuan preferred to use young talents, so the court tended to be younger rather than older.

The tyrant Li Hongyuan returned to the tyrant, but he was impeccable in governing, and he didn't stick to one standard to demote talents. As long as he was interested in talents, let alone triple jump, it was possible for you to rise to the sky step by step. The day before that, he was still trapped by life embarrassment. The day after that, he might be in position, and the most powerful officials would hold the power of life and death. Of course, this is an example. Even so, it is still young People's opportunities, how many people with ambition and ambition.

This man is now raising his son and becoming famous as a young man, but he is still quiet behind. Until two years later, he and several brothers of Luo's family took part in the examination together. He was not only the winner of the examination, but also the champion of the final imperial examination. For a while, he was in the limelight. Because he did not have a wife or even a fiancee, he was chased by numerous senior officials and scholars and wanted to capture his son-in-law under the list. ——The surname Jiang, named Wanli, is also quite simple and crude.

Jing Wan joked generally. He asked his elder brother if he still had a hundred miles to live. In the end, he said that it was more than that. In the 1920s and thirties, it was all occupied. Jingwan wants to say, do your parents have any feuds with the children in front of them? At least they are also a big family, a family of poetry and etiquette. Do you want to pay more attention to naming. What's more, there are thousands of miles in the back and one, two, three miles in the front. Because we are born early, we should be "unlucky"?

Jingwan asked about his uncle. After all, in normal times, there are probably only two big parents of Luo's family who know about him. Moreover, it is estimated that there are only a few words.

He's not young either. He's out all year round. How can he not make people worry.

Moreover, jingwan saw him only a few times, but to some extent, his relationship with him at that time was much better than that of his grandfather luopeishan. Who made luopeishan's mind focus on other places at that time? He didn't seem to be very close? This uncle was different. Maybe he didn't have his own descendants, and he was good to his elder brother's descendants , for jingwan, and because of the relationship between old lady Luo, I love the house and the Ukraine.

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At the time of Mrs. Luo's first marriage, Luo Peisong was in a "rebellious period". Maybe he had a brother on his back. He was a relatively late mature type, which made his parents have a headache and left him directly to the very responsible eldest son. At that time, when Luo Peishan was just in office, he had no Kung Fu to control him. Therefore, this rebellious son can become a famous Confucian in the world today. His elder sister-in-law has great Kung Fu. Luo Peisong is right The elder sister-in-law is afraid and admiring. Jingwan has more time with Mrs. Luo. When he comes back, he will not see it every time.

Maybe for jingwan's sake of caring for his elders, Li Hongyuan didn't have "hair epilepsy".

When Jing Wan saw Luo Peisong, he was playing chess with a doctor in the Academy.

I haven't seen it for several years, but I haven't changed much. My spirit is very good. I don't see turbidity in my eyes. Maybe it's also a long-term relationship outside. It's also darker than the ordinary old man.

Although the hospital is small, it is properly arranged. It can be seen that it is also carefully managed in ordinary times, and it is not neglected because the owner is not there.

Just as the saying goes, chess is not over, and no one talks.

Jing Wan is not proficient in chess, but it can also be seen that his uncle is in a declining situation. However, he doesn't care about the leisurely appearance of the old man's face at eight.

Luo Peishan touched his beard and looked up at Jing Wan. "The little girl is growing so big now. It's really time."

"I've been looking at my uncle for years. He's in great shape." Jingwan smiles.

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"You little girl, your mouth is still so sweet." Luopeishan is a little bit empty. He is a little spoiled. He seems to have no choice.

Not only Jiang Wanli, but also the doctor on the other side, were somewhat surprised. Although Luo Peisong was not difficult to get along with, he was not easy to get close to. There were also some little quirks. It was difficult to see a smile all day, which was quite different from the old fox shown in Luo Peishan's official career. But do not want to have such a side.

"It's all married, not a little girl." Jingwan is still smiling.

"Don't say it's married. Even if I have a baby, it's a little girl in my old man's eyes. ——Come here and help my uncle to have a look. I can't help the chess game. "

"Uncle, you are embarrassing me. My chess skill is absolutely average, but..." Jingwan pushes Li Hongyuan out, "find your nephew and son-in-law."

It seems that Luo Peisong saw that there was still such a big living man. He walked around Li Hongyuan's face. Then he got up, and the old doctor on the opposite side also got up.

"The grass people have met the king of Jin."

Li Hongyuan doesn't understand. It's normal that he doesn't want to see him. As for those who know his bad name but don't know anything else, if they are really good to Jing Wan, probably no two will see him. If they do, he'll be really unhappy. Therefore, he doesn't see joy and anger on his face. He calmly replies, "old man, you're welcome."

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Luo Peisong is surprised. It seems different from what he expected. Jing Wan is his favorite junior. She got married. Although she didn't make it back, it's easy to get to know his nephew and son-in-law. After all, there are so many disciples and grandchildren. It's easy to find out, and the result is terrible. Because of this, give it back to yourself The elder brother wrote and scolded the respected elder brother. However, the elder brother's reply was ambiguous and unclear. He noticed something different from it. Then he thought about the elder sister-in-law's treasure to the girl. Maybe things were not so bad, but after all, it was the holy decree. Even if he didn't agree with it, he kept his attitude for the time being. Now it seems that the former is more likely.

Luo Peisong felt his beard. "This girl never talks big. Since I recommend you, I think there must be two brushes. If I win this game, I'll tell you later. If I lose this game..." If you lose, it's hard to say.

Li Hongyuan takes a look at Jing Wan. Jing Wan smiles and looks back at him. Come on! Li Hongyuan micro can't check the eyebrows, daughter-in-law means you're welcome? Since it's the advice of his daughter-in-law, I'm sorry. Don't blame his men for being merciless. Li Hongyuan didn't sit in Luo Peisong's position either. He just twisted the pieces and put them on the board.

The doctor on the other side didn't have any problem, and then he soon fell down, with a full chest.

Other people become spectators. At first, the white man is still in the downwind. But when one of Li Hongyuan's pieces falls, the chess game suddenly reverses. Almost everyone can't believe looking at Li Hongyuan. When he falls the first son, he starts to set up the game. Not only that, but also leads the other into the trap step by step without knowing. This is more than walking Step by step, step by step, step by step. It's so exquisite.

Looking at Li Hongyuan again, it's a bit like looking at monsters.

It seems that the old doctor is not willing to give up. Go on, Li Hongyuan is not polite. He doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young. He kills the old doctor completely.

The consequences of the dying struggle seem to be getting worse.

The old doctor stared at the chessboard for a moment, then slowly said, "the young people are really amazing now. In this way, I will take the first step. "

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I don't know if I'm angry, or if I'm hit a bit hard. I don't wait for Luo Peisong and others to respond, so I got up and left.

Jingwan stealthily pinched Li Hongyuan. He was modest, modest, and didn't know what humility was.

Li Hongyuan was motionless, as if he didn't feel the pain at all. He just gave Jing Wan a rather innocent look when others didn't pay attention.

Jing Wan understood his meaning inexplicably. He was so angry that his teeth itched and wanted to bite him severely.

Luo Peisong's attention was drawn back from the chessboard. He looked at Li Hongyuan in a positive way. "I have to say that Cao min should look at Wang Ye with great admiration. But, this man, it's better to keep a front line, not only for others, but also for himself. After all, this line is someone else's way back. It may also be his own way back."

"Just now that's because of the old gentleman's instruction. You have a word first, I dare not not not not to win, so I will try my best." Li Hongyuan said modestly.

Luo Peisong took a flick at the corner of his mouth, so he just did it on purpose? Just because you have a problem with him? Such a vengeance is worthy of the style of living the king of hell. And thank him for using such a gentle method, rather than being as rough as in the capital?

"Wench, this man is so handsome that it's not reliable to see him. Besides, he has a black hand and a poisonous heart. He has a treacherous mind. He doesn't do anything carelessly. So don't believe him in everything, or the group he plays will turn to not know himself." Luo Peisong's euphemism to Jing is "emphasis on words and heart".

Li Hongyuan's face darkened in a flash. For the sake of Wan Wan, her parents, as long as they are really good for her, he can barely tolerate it. But those who instigate their relationship, are definitely listed as "emotional enemies" at once. After that, they will be eliminated quickly and become scum in seconds.

Jingwan saw him like this, and knew that he seemed to be stepped on the scale again, and he hurriedly pulled him in front of him. After all, his uncle was also an old man. How could he bear the anger of the living king of hell. "Uncle, I don't know if it's reliable for other people. For me, it's absolutely reliable. He is a man with a strong personality. Even if he plays his mind on me, there's no malice. He will never be targeted by blackheart poison. He's not handsome or handsome

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