"The safest place for Wan Wan is always around me." Almost without thinking, Li Hongyuan said so naturally.

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Luo Peisong is speechless about his arrogance.

It's not conceit, but also too much care. If you don't care about lowering your eyelids, you won't feel relieved. If you don't want to give her to anyone, you can only say that you can't come back if you let jingwan go. It brings too much shadow to his heart. He will never allow similar things to happen again. Moreover, when you don't get it, you can barely restrain it. If you get it, you will It's hard to tolerate her leaving her sight for a long time. Although there's no specific definition of this time, it's only a few hours. Beyond that time, his mood will get worse, he'll be grumpy, and maybe he'll be anxious. It's the same obsession and the magic barrier that once escalated. He knows that this should be something wrong, but he doesn't want to restrain, let alone change.

From the perspective of any woman in the Qiyuan Dynasty, I probably don't think that my husband cares too much about himself, where he goes and where he takes him. I don't think that he paid attention to other men or said two words with him. What's wrong with his angry husband. Will only feel extra joy and satisfaction.

From jingwan's point of view, Li Hongyuan's excessive possessive desire didn't make her uncomfortable. She thought that she had lost her self. There were current background factors as well as her own factors. After all, no matter how crazy she yearned for freedom, she couldn't do anything out of the way and not be tolerated. Jingwan couldn't do that in essence. Moreover, Li Hongyuan's possessive desire was strong, but she didn't do it It's scary to ask for a ban.

Jingwan's smile was shallow. "Uncle, the Lord doesn't take me with him. I don't think I will ever have a chance to come out and enjoy myself. According to my original intention, I would definitely like to come out with you. But, you see, without grandma, grandfather won't allow me to know anything, but the Lord is different. Anyone else who wants to take me out for sightseeing, including myself, will be blocked. He alone won't. and since he has expected that there may be danger, the Lord will arrange everything well, even if it is I think it's very good that I don't have to worry about the worst things at least at that moment. "

"If you go out for a trip, you will encounter the worst situation, and the king will not have to mix." Li Hongyuan is a little dissatisfied with jingwan's words.

Jing Wan gave him a light white look. "I said 'in case, in case'."

"In case."

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"Hello, that's enough." Jing Wan said helplessly. Sometimes I think this man is quite naive.

Luo Peisong really thinks that these two people are enough. He always stimulates him to be a lonely man. He wants to find a wife when he is a little old. Stop it and wave his hand decisively. "You can do whatever you like. You don't have to worry about that much. You really need it. Just say it. "

"In this way, I will not be polite to the old man." Verbally speaking, it should not be the same thing, and then it should not be the other thing. Of course, there is no absolute thing.

Jiang Wanli has not been called away by Luo Peisong, so he is quietly waiting for tea. He is so gentle and handsome that he can really afford these four words. It is very consistent with the impression of Li Hongyuan. However, once he starts to do something, he is also vigorous and resolute.

There are more and more "Acquaintances". From the beginning, you know the details of others, but others know nothing about you. Li Hongyuan has a subtle sense of superiority in his heart, but gradually it will be like that. No matter how much you know, you may not be able to do something. At first, he was the only one who knew the hardships. However, in his eyes, in fact, those were nothing. All he did was for today, for the future, and at present, he was very satisfied.

When Su Ting comes back to the governor's office, she is blocked by all kinds of difficulties. Even if she shows her identity, she can't enter the house. It's reasonable to say that their girls stay at home well. How noble and decent are their girls? How can they dress like this? Besides, home Inside and outside, where is not to call for slaves and maids, and be surrounded by people, don't think they have a face like their girls, they want to come to blackmail.

Su Ting only felt that her ankle hurt badly. She didn't need to look at it. She knew it just by feeling. It must be red and swollen. She was always spoiled and used to be taught occasionally by her sister. However, after all, the age difference between them was big. When her sister didn't marry, she was young, and her sister was only mean to her. Later, she married, and met less often It's even less. Therefore, the little pain in her body can make her extremely uncomfortable. At this time, she was stopped. She was really not wronged. At last, she put in a cruel word. Unless she died immediately, otherwise, as long as she entered the door, she would not let go of her cheap maid.

The gatekeeper was afraid and hesitated for a moment.

"Su Ting, you are so powerful. Who can you let go of? This is what I arranged. Why don't you let me go? "

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It will be emphasized that her name has been changed, just by herself. Su Ting is silent. She really doesn't want to face her sister as she is now. However, she doesn't do what she wants.

Su Ting's first sister came forward without hesitation, pulled her, forced her to turn around, saw her distress, and chuckled, "Oh, the first beauty in Kaiming mansion, didn't she go to find Jin's Prince? Look at this, is it not successful? But it's also right to think about it. The king of Jin will only look at you like this unless his eyes are broken, right

Su Ting seemed to reflect at this moment, "it's you, you forced me to dress like this?"

"It's not stupid. Yes, it's all arranged by me. Knowing that your success will be bad for me, of course, I have to do something. It's not my style to wait and die. But I don't think you will succeed even if I don't do anything? What does it feel like to be almost dropped from wangxiantai? "

So, not only designed her, but also sent people to follow her? Su Ting has always hated this legitimate elder sister, and now she hates it even more. This is her last chance. It's destroyed like this. She hates so much

Su Ting's Di sister has never seen her look like this. Although she had similar eyes before, she was so strong. She took a step back subconsciously and realized what she had done. Her face was blue. "Hate it, hate it. I'll see what else you can do." Brush sleeves, step into the door first.

This time, no one will stop her. Su Ting limps in, and her servant girls look anxiously in the dark. When they see people, they rush forward, "girl..."

Su Ting didn't say anything, just let the servant girl help her back.

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It's not that she didn't want to escape from this home, but she knows that she will never succeed. As long as she has such a little action, she will be caught back, with consequences

Su Ting found that her aunt was waiting for her. She was originally a first-class beauty. Even though she was nearly 40 years old, she was still beautiful, and there were not many years left on her face.

See Su Ting, eyebrow didn't move a bit, just after discovering that she hurt her foot, let someone take medicine.

When Su Ting was drugged by her servant girl, she stood aside. "I want to tell you that I want you to be ready for your mind, but I don't want you to think of anything else. However, if I don't let you do it, I probably won't give up. If you succeed, your father won't say anything. However, what he prefers is still the person he was looking for. You should feel it yourself. The reason is not clear. There is only one point. You can't expect your father to have any father daughter relationship. Don't expect him to have any compassion. He will be merciful and compassionate. At this point, you only have two choices: to die or to do it according to your father's arrangement.

It takes courage and courage to die. If you have it, just make up your mind. Don't do anything that's boring. There won't be any result. It's you who suffer.

If you don't want to die, just think about it. When you get to that person, you may not end up just like other people. You always have to do everything to know the result. You just treat him with a negative attitude and do nothing. Naturally, there will be no result. After all, that kind of man, you can't expect him to look after your face. If you shake his face, he will be obedient You. You should take out the attitude towards Prince Jin. A man's leather bag is even less worthy of chasing. As long as it's not ugly, it's OK to live by force. That's all you have to say, and do what you want. " Flick the sleeve away.

Su Ting's tears fell, and the more she cried, the more she cried, the more she cried. Cry over, the face has to face.

After crying, Su Ting asked people to prepare water for her, bathe, change clothes and put on makeup. She is the first beauty in Kaiming mansion, so she should have the first beauty's appearance.

After carefully cleaning up, she has become a real beauty. However, compared with the past, she seems to be more "quiet" and "introverted". In some people's eyes, she may be more attractive. In other people's eyes, she may feel that she has become dull and less amorous.

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And Su Ting's first sister, went to see her mother's wife, the governor, and said something about her. Somehow, she talked about Su Ting again.

Different from usual, the governor's wife is no longer indifferent to her, but opens her mouth to let her daughter stop embarrassing her She is nothing but a poor person. "

"Mom, why do you say that all of a sudden?" But she remembered how sad her mother was when the woman appeared, and how she hated her at that time. Even if she opened her eyes later, she didn't have a good face for the mother and daughter. Although the accident, but still aware of her mother's strange emotions, "mother, is something wrong?"

"Nothing." Some things can't be said, and don't want to erase her daughter's last love for her father. If I knew my father, I would be merciless to that extent, and I don't know how sad I should be.

What else would you like to say, but his mother didn't want to say more, and she didn't ask again. She always thought it was not a good thing.

Governor Su didn't know when to go back to the mansion and let someone call Su ting. Looking at her appearance and expression, it seems that he already knew everything about everyone, so he didn't say much. Instead, he became a loving father again to let her have a good life, but he didn't ask how she was hurt. What he cared about was all the words and deeds of Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan during Su Ting's trip.

Su Ting also told him that although it was not a bad word, there was no error and no strong emotion.

After hearing this, Governor Su did not see anything unusual on his face. He dismissed her and sat in the distance, drinking tea and thinking quietly. Last heavy

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