After that, all the arrangements were smooth and smooth, including the dinner party, which seemed very peaceful. There was no banquet but no good one, which made jingwan feel that whether she thought too much or not.

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Until I went back to another hospital, nothing happened. Jing Wan blinked, and it really ended like this?

Li Hongyuan is funny. "Wan Wan Wan really wants something to happen?"

"I don't think so. I think it's better to be late sooner than later. Otherwise, something happens suddenly when I'm in the right mood. It's annoying."

"You can rest assured that the good play is not in the daytime or at night, and it will not be dragged on any longer. I told them that if I missed today, they would have no chance. After all, they became lambs to be slaughtered." Li Hongyuan looked at the other courtyard with some meaning. "Maybe this good play is one after another. In a word, it won't disappoint you." Although I don't know the specific plan, it can be roughly guessed. "But wan wan may not sleep well tonight."

"It's nothing. We can't sleep well. Someone can't sleep well."

"Whether they sleep well or not has nothing to do with us. If they don't let Wan Wan sleep well, I will be very unhappy."

"If they are not happy, it will make them sleep more uneasy. Not only tonight, but also many nights later. Until they go to the place they should go, all the dust is settled. They know that a certain road is the final ownership. They are calm and dead." Jing Wan said in a low voice.

Jingwan is not happy. Li Hongyuan has not concealed the situation of Kaiming mansion and even the whole Tongzhou County from her. A group of moth vampires have been squeezing people's fat and ointment and enriching their own pockets. However, a huge deficit of more than one million Liang has occurred. This is only the amount of Kaiming mansion. In addition, jingwan believes that the whole Tongzhou County alone is enough Half of the amount of silver written in the secret fold of Shangda Lecheng emperor, plus the whole Jiangnan, plus the whole Jiangnan, ha ha, more than 10 million Liang, a ghost!

In a word, Li Hongyuan can grasp the situation so clearly, but it took a lot of time. This time is not a day or a month or two. When he started to put people around a few years ago, he was already laying the groundwork. Now step by step, the time is almost mature, and his purpose is to fight the officialdom in Jiangnan It's not to say how many people will lose their lives, but to straighten out, eat and spit out. Of course, those who should be killed must be killed, and those who should be stopped must be stopped. Those left behind are not the debts that the living king suddenly becomes merciful, but the debts that he owes, which will be paid back all his life. This is the real nature of the living king.

Entering the main courtyard, Jing Wan met an unexpected person. After seeing each other, "did Mr. Li come back today?"

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"Back to the princess, half an hour ago." Li Suyan said respectfully.

Jing Wan nodded. She didn't know if it was an illusion. She always felt that Li Suyan's coldness was heavier. Look at Li Hongyuan. "Shall I go to have a rest first?"

"Wan Wan is afraid that she will not be able to rest. It's just to change into a simple and crisp clothes. I'm leaving Kaiming mansion all night. "

Jing Wan takes another look at Li Suyan, that is to say, this person's coming back is actually some kind of signal. "Good."

After Jing Wan left, Li Suyan reported to Li Hongyuan the result of this trip In fact, it's much more serious than the secret fold the sage got. There are four in 100 black guards. In addition, I also found out another thing. Three years ago, the land movement in Minshan County resulted in the survival of the common people. At the beginning, there were 50000 people reported on the fold, but in fact only 20000 people. The court allocated 50000 people's resettlement silver, all of which were embezzled, and those 20000 people... "

Li Hongyuan's face was cold at the moment. "The secret was executed." It's not a question, it's a certainty. It's even colder in the voice.

"Yes." Li Suyan's face is no less cold and fierce than Li Hongyuan's. "Because the people who were buried alive in the earthquake did not speak. The plague brought by the earthquake killed many people, and those living people were all burned alive in the dead. It's all a coincidence to know. "

But it turns out that at the beginning, there were survivors who saw good relatives being thrown into the dead, whether they were timid and afraid of death, or endured humiliation. In a word, they just didn't come out. By virtue of their familiarity with the terrain, they escaped the repeated searches of the officers and soldiers. Even in those searches, they joked and revealed some things I don't know what to say, but who made him a scholar, a scholar in the exam, a proud man in the village, who placed too many people's hopes on him, and the result From those words, the truth of the leg broken an eight nine inseparable.

He became a beggar. He never forgot the bitter hatred and tried to get revenge. But he was a "dead man" who had no money. Even if he wanted to go to Beijing to get revenge, he could not do anything. Hatred tormented him day by day. But he was the kind of person who was absorbed in reading books. In order to get revenge, he might lay down his dignity and beg for food, but he could not change his hands In fact, he didn't understand the rules and was beaten by other beggars. He didn't know how he survived.

Li Suyan acted on Li Hongyuan's orders. The fifty black guards on the surface, including him, were not secretly checked, but walked around in a very high-profile way.

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Although he didn't understand Li Hongyuan's intention, he just obeyed his orders and got such a "harvest".

"Where are people now?" Asked Li Hongyuan.

It's not a small matter. Li Hongyuan didn't hear any news in his previous life. It can be seen that he was completely concealed. But this time, once the matter is verified, none of the relevant personnel, from the county magistrate, the government, the governor, the governor, to the small officers and soldiers involved in it, will want to pick it up.

"The man is really not in good health, so he should not travel far. In order to avoid disturbing others, he did not move him, but sent someone to watch."

"How many of your people have come back?" Although as early as on the ship, he sent the black guards out for fifty, in fact

"Back to the king, fifty-three, fifty are the hidden ones, and the other three are with the ministers."

"How did the four people who folded in die?"

"Calculated." Li Suyan said coldly, but he didn't want to say more. However, everyone can feel that he is in a bad mood.

He doesn't want to say that Li Hongyuan doesn't ask, after all, he's not his own person, it doesn't matter. "When they get back, they will settle their families, and the money will go out."

"Thank you very much, Lord." Whether the prince of Jin bought people's hearts or simply wanted to care for the families of the black guards, he accepted this feeling.

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"Get ready and leave tonight."


When Li Suyan left, he went up secretly, "master, I have found out about Governor Su."

"It took so long, it shouldn't be disappointing." Li Hongyuan's belief that the result is dark has a considerable thickness.

Apart, Li Hongyuan looked carefully page by page, very fast. After reading it, he even smiled, "I Qi Yuan Dynasty, I am really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and there are many talents." Hand all the letter papers to Yu Zhongqing.

Yu Zhongqing was slightly shocked. He didn't think Li Hongyuan would show it to him, but he asked more questions. It seemed that although the front part was astonishing, it didn't change his color. However, when he saw a page at the back, there was a strong hatred and killing in Zhongqing's eyes, which seemed to burn through the paper. His hands trembled and the tendons on the back of his hands jumped. In the next moment, I suddenly scattered the letter paper in my hand, turned around and left, holding the hilt

Without Li Hongyuan's order, dark one came forward to stop, Yu Zhongqing did not hesitate to pull out the knife. Dark one was also caught off guard. If it was not for dark guard who had a strong sense of danger and whose body was faster than his mind, the knife would fall on him. It's OK. Several other guards came to help him at once. However, dark one, knowing all the contents of the letter and Yu Zhongqing's abnormal reason, reminded his brothers not to hurt him.

In these people's eyes, don't hurt the meaning, don't hurt the muscles and bones, lack of arms and legs, and other things, whatever the reason, just beat them up.

Yu Zhongqing's skill is extraordinary, but can Li Hongyuan's bodyguard be inferior? What's more, there are many quick, accurate and ruthless killing techniques for dark one, who has two functions. At the same time, there are also many ways to beat people to the bone. Therefore, Yu Zhongqing, who was robbed of the knife, is tragically beaten and soon lies on the ground.

Li Hongyuan idly watched, until Yu Zhongqing was kneeling in front of him. "Calm down?"

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Yu Zhongqing lowered his head and said nothing. He felt no pain on his body.

"About your family, the information found before has nothing to do with the inspector su. This time, it is a mistake. Other small subordinates, after this job, we will find an opportunity to let you solve it by yourself. It is up to you to kill or let go. However, you should know that the old dog Su can't move for a while Body, now we are in the dark, the other side is in the bright, slaughtered this big fish, the fish behind is very difficult to touch the tail. " Li Hongyuan is rarely patient.

Yu Zhongqing kept silent for a moment, earned money and pressed his two bodyguards to release him. "I'm reckless. Please forgive me."

"This time it's over. Next time, it's not so cheap. When it's over, the king will leave him to you. "

"Thank you very much, Lord."

"Go down and deal with the injury."


Li Hongyuan looks at the letter paper picked up by Duke mu on the table. He says that it's better to come sooner than later. This is also the case with these news. But now we need to make some more arrangements.

Jingwan changed her clothes and saw the letter paper. She was curious to take it up and look at it. After looking at it, her face was still not very good. "Now these people are really not to be underestimated. The Qiyuan Dynasty, like a sieve, is full of loopholes. In other words, most of the territory of Qiyuan is fertile and rich in products. Isn't it fat in the eyes of many people who want to bite hard. However, it's hard to say that Qi Yuan's national strength has been going downhill since the last emperor. Now... "

"Wan Wan doesn't have to look at me. You can say anything you want. You don't have to worry about me. In fact, I know much more than you do. He is definitely worse than you expected, and Incompetence. " Li Hongyuan really doesn't belittle his Lao Tzu. In his previous life, if his Lao Tzu was really more powerful and tough, he wouldn't be dangerous because his sons fought for the throne

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