Jing Wan was very happy when she was interrupted by mother Gong. She smiled at Li Hongyuan and saw that his face was a little dark. She held his face and kissed him on the lips. "Ah yuan doesn't change his clothes? You're not as fresh as I used to be. " He stretched out his hand and pulled at his broad hard shoulder.

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"How long does Wan Wan think it will take me to change clothes? I think it's just like you. I can't do it well for a long time. " Li Hongyuan pinched the tip of her nose badly. It was a bit heavy.

Jingwan slapped him on the back of his hand, "what is it like me? There are more people who are slower than me. " Although she has put on makeup today, she doesn't need to put it on again after washing it off. How many women spend so much time to ensure that they are always the most perfect image in front of their husbands.

"I don't know for my husband what other people are like. I know how to be euphemistic for my husband." Li Hongyuan teased and saw Jing Wan grinding his teeth, as if to bite him, so he helped her to get up. "Let's go, a little earlier than expected, but it's OK. Maybe we can have a good sleep later in the night." Take her hand and go out.

Outside the door, there are not only people waiting for her, but mu'an is still carrying clothes. Then, someone put on a change of clothes in front of her.

Usually, he looks at complicated clothes that are not easy to wear or take off. Under his hands, it's almost like magic. Moreover, the movement is also flowing. It doesn't seem to be flustered at all. Put on the smart clothes again. Has there been half a minute? You said, you are a prince who has been taken care of since you were a child. Is it really good that you are so strong in your hands?

Jing Wan paid a silent tribute to her increasingly younger ability to take care of herself. To be honest, she is almost half disabled in this respect.

When he said to go, he had to avoid the "eyes" everywhere around him. Jing Wan didn't know how to do it, but he didn't make any noise along the way.

Because there is no light, the first five days, the moon It was dark all the way, but Li Hongyuan held Jing Wan half in his arms. Without using her eyes, he walked smoothly. There was no stumbling at his feet. No matter who was leading the way in front or who was following him, he was quiet.

Jingwan thought there might be a carriage or something at the door, but he didn't. After walking for a while, he entered another door. Here are some lanterns that are not bright. "This is The next house? This is where we're going? " It's not the same as expected.

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Li Hongyuan chuckled. "Otherwise, Wan Wan thought that he would leave the city now? What about the curfew? The city gate is closed. Can we climb the wall? "

Jing Wan can't help but face black, which is simply misled by "going out of the city overnight", so he has made a common sense mistake. "How can we get out of the city?" Biting canal.

"Don't they all say that the gate is closed, of course, until someone opens it." Li Hongyuan naturally said that his eyes were eager to say, "how can Wan Wan become stupid?".

Jing Wan choked on her throat, unable to breathe out.

Li Hongyuan's virtue is really annoying sometimes. He only plays with Jing Wan occasionally. It's a kind of interest. It can make people angry. It can be imagined that other people, especially when they are deliberately targeted by him, are in a sad and angry mood

Knowing what she asked, Jing Wan deliberately followed the literal meaning. She was too lazy to answer him again.

The daughter-in-law was angry, but she didn't have to coax quickly. "It's for her husband's fault, Wan Wan Wan, don't be angry. Later things have been arranged. We might have to find a way to open the city gate ourselves. Now, naturally, someone will open the door for us and wait. "

Jing Wan said that she is not a little cat and dog, just a little tease and a little coax.

Next, when the king of Jin coaxed his wife, he told the people next to him to give up. It would be better if he disappeared completely. His teeth would be sour.

Prince and princess, I know your love, but can you be a little more restrained, even if it's your own people, please don't hurt so much.

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Duke Mu said that he wanted to find a pair of servant girls. His eyes were on jingwan's servant girls. He quickly turned away his eyes and stopped thinking. Not to mention the big servant girls around the princess, but the little ones in the palace. If he dared to reach out at will, the princess would probably be able to chop him. It's not that no one is willing to follow him, but that kind of person is absolute and purposeful. Either he can see his "status" or he wants to inquire about his master's affairs through him. So, think about it or forget it.

Mu Gonggong is very self-conscious, and he is very clear, because he knows too many things about the master. In his life, it's better not to have a close involvement with irrelevant people. He may be able to have a safe life with Rong Huafugui. If he has any ideas, he never thinks that the master will be kind.

"Prince and princess, it's starting over there."

Jingwan is confused about what started, but it should be something arranged or something expected to happen.

Li Hongyuan holds Jing Wan's hand. "Wan Wan comes with me."

He was not angry at all. Jingwan naturally followed Li Hongyuan now.

There is a three story loft in the house. Standing on the three floors, the yard belonging to the governor can basically have a panoramic view.

At this time, basically nothing can be seen, but jingwan feels a sense of tension.

Li Hongyuan caresses jingwan's back as if he was appeased, but he says nothing in silence, because without lighting the lamp, jingwan can't see his expression, but he always feels that he has no expression at this time. Cold and merciless, like a god standing on nine days, is not compassion, but absolute supremacy. Those who violate him must have the consciousness to bear his anger.

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However, jingwan soon knew what was going on, because there were several fires in and out of the other courtyard at the same time, and the fire was quite rapid, so it can be seen that the materials were added.

Jing Wan's pupils shrink sharply. Are these people too brave? Dare to set fire, this is the iron heart to all their lives? However, the question came, "so blatant arson, really when the other courtyard are dead? I didn't move before. I should have thought that there was no one left. What else was the fire? No, there is another situation, that is, we know that the people in other courtyard are "dead asleep". But, the backkitchen in other courtyard is the people we brought from the palace. Is it their problem, or are they under control? "

"Is it the former or the latter?" Li Hongyuan asked as if nothing had happened.

"It's not what I think it is." However, jingwan already has an answer in mind, because, jingwan believes that there is absolutely no problem with the guards of other hospitals. If there is no reason for them, they will let the people outside have a chance to take advantage of them and enter other hospitals to hijack the chefs to prescribe medicine.

However, as far as she knows, the chefs brought out this time have been good for at least three years in Jin's Prince's mansion. It can be seen how deep they have been hiding, or they may be used as secret chess. They do nothing in ordinary times, only stay until the critical moment. But, they all left, the number is not in the minority, really no one doubts? What's more, the people who didn't come out with them are going to die like this? Jing Wan can't help clenching her fist. Her face is ugly.

If Li Hongyuan knew her general idea, "there are our substitutes in other yards, these people are not ordinary people, because they have been on guard for a long time, this is just a game of planning. As for other people, knowing that you are soft hearted and can't bear to have innocent people killed, they have all been sent back to their homes. You can see that they are far from affected, As for the future, rest assured that no one will die unless he comes back to be a good man. "

Jing Wan breathed a sigh of relief, gradually relaxed her tight body, and hugged Li Hongyuan sideways. "Ah yuan, thank you." Jingwan is very clear that because of her relationship, the man spent more energy and did many things he would not have done. Jingwan is very happy. Not only does he do this for her, but also, for whatever reason, he is at least not so callous. She does not want him to create too many karma. However, "you are the most important thing. When other people or things don't conflict with you, it's OK to do it. If it gets in the way of you or even threatens you, you don't have to ask about it. Irrelevant people may not feel comfortable because of our involvement, but if something happens to you, I may not want to live."

As for jingwan's more and more straightforward love words, Li Hongyuan naturally accepted them. "Wanwan is at ease. I know the importance."


At the same time, something happened in the other courtyard. The people who should have "slept to death" seemed to wake up. In an instant, the whole other courtyard was boiling. Not only the people who were shouting to fight the fire, but also the people who were shouting to kill the fire, the flames that were thundering against the sky, reflected the chaotic figure of the people, accompanied by "the prince and the princess are still in the house, hurry up..." Although it's not particularly clear, inexplicably, jingwan listened to similar words and her heart was shaking. Then, jingwan seemed to hear Yu Zhongqing's voice, "a yuan, Yu adults..."

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"Not everyone can be a double, otherwise it's easy to have flaws. Besides, he's unhappy and needs to vent."

Having seen everything about the Governor Su, Jing Wan naturally knew the reason why Yu Zhongqing was unhappy, so he kept silent.

"These people of the other side are the soldiers of Kaiming mansion? Some people really move so boldly? "

"Nine times out of ten, but the number is estimated to be one hundred. After this, no matter whether they are alive or dead, their identity will probably be banditry, more likely to be the aftereffects of the previous dynasty, hatred of the court hall, Kaiming mansion has come to such a famous prince. For the convenience of getting into the city early and early, they will find opportunities and attack at night."

"This name may be far fetched, but now, no matter whether you participate in it or not, in order to protect yourself, you are bound to work together and settle down this name, and then join hands to ask the holy one for sins. Maybe the emperor will be furious, and it is impossible to cut them all off, especially if you are still alive. It's a good calculation, but these people have lost their lives for nothing, and the family may not get any benefits. " There are always people who don't take other people's lives seriously.

"No matter the emissary or the participants, no one wants to pick it up. It's OK on the surface. Behind the scenes, I'll call them dead."

At this time, Li Hongyuan was ruthless, but jingwan was nothing different.

The surrounding houses, because of the noise, also lit up the lights one after another, and jingwan and their meaning here is to light the lights, but also like other houses, they did not open the door.

Jingwan can probably understand their ideas and know who lives there. Even if he realizes something may happen, he will not join in to avoid a fire.

"Here comes the 'help." Li Hongyuan said quietly.

Look at the fire

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