"So what? And I hope that you will accept me? " Li Hongyuan, even if you give all he wants to him, he may not say a word of thanks to you.

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"I just want to say that I can do some inconvenient things for you." The meaning of this word is obvious, just as Li Hongyuan pointed out that the other side used him more, and he no longer hid his real purpose.

Li Hongyuan chuckled, and then he turned away without saying anything.

Patriarch Pei frowned. He didn't understand Li Hongyuan's meaning. It didn't seem like pure distrust.

Li Hongyuan once said, "do you want to be" used "by Pei's family? Let's see his mood first and then Pei's sincerity. Now he can't say that he is in a bad mood, but he is not good to Pei's head. As for sincerity, it depends on one word?"? Besides, does Li Hongyuan need his help? Not at all.

For the time being, patriarch Pei didn't understand it, but he didn't take much care of it. He was very clear that it's better to do one thing than to say a hundred sentences. What's more, he only said one sentence now. The purpose of Prince Jin's trip to the south of the Yangtze River was also very clear to him, so that he could have a good understanding of Pei's ability, and he would never be indifferent.

After that, Chang'an of the Pei nationality arranged for him to stop asking questions. He didn't leave. After all, the current canal is sealed and can't pass, and he can't leave from the mountains. Can he afford to turn over and cross the mountains? He just changed his attire and disappeared in the water stronghold. He became an unimportant member of the water stronghold.

In addition to a dozen "injured" bodyguards, including Yu Zhongqing, the rest were all hidden in the original plan, and those who were in the dark didn't need to be said, while those who were on the surface were all turned from the light to the dark. However, in this way, there were still some troubles. However, the number of them was a little too much, and they needed to be supplemented from other places. That would be enough It may be inserted by someone. It must be troublesome to clean the nails.

Jingwan's six servant girls were disorganized into three groups and asked others to take two groups away. Jingwan's nanny left and Gong mammy left together. According to Li Hongyuan's idea, she wanted Gong Mammy to stay and serve jingwan. However, jingwan's nanny's body was far inferior to that of Gong Mammy, and one of them could die. In addition, she was a living map historian and packed together.

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In this way, it's more reasonable to disperse people in the process of "chasing and killing", and then find a suitable opportunity to gather people, and the part of people hiding is naturally the "dead". This section of river stretches for tens of miles, while the mountains stretching to both sides have a large range. At least jingwan doesn't know.

It's also a big project to remove a lot of valuables and then transport them out of the shipwreck. We should pray that we don't bump into the officers and soldiers outside. However, it has nothing to do with a copper coin of Li Hongyuan.

The luxurious things are gone, and they are all dressed in cloth. If it wasn't for the clothes inside, Li Hongyuan's face would be black. Of course, it has nothing to do with himself. It's mainly the touch of jingwan and coarse linen clothes. He's afraid that jingwan will wear his skin if he's not careful.

Jing Wan pulls back her sleeve and looks at Li Hongyuan without any words. She doesn't pay any more attention to him.

The people they found were faster than expected. They came not from the river, but from the mountains. They were led by the people in the water stronghold. Not only that, the leader was directly carried by others.

Just, seeing that man, Jing Wan can't help but feel her heart tighten, which is quite unexpected.

Li Hongyuan's face was pretty ugly. He put his hand straight at the neck of the other party. Without hesitation, he pinched it really. As long as he tried hard, it could be twisted.

"A yuan, don't --" Jing Wan seems to have been prepared, and hurriedly grabs his hand.

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Li Hongyuan looks at Jing Wan coldly. He is more angry. What can make Li Hongyuan react so badly may appear here. Obviously, sun Yilin is not the second choice.

Originally, it was better not to see, but his appearance didn't seem too unexpected. As far as Li Hongyuan is concerned, he didn't take his daughter-in-law to avoid anyone.

At this time, sun Yilin has fallen into a semi coma state, which looks very bad. He just keeps murmuring like a dreamer. However, sensitive people can easily guess: Miss Luo No wonder Li Hongyuan is out of control.

Jingwan pulls him, "Ayan, if he dies, I really should remember him for life, not because of anything else, just because of the guilt, you know."

Li Hongyuan's face is extremely terrible, and his whole body is really like the most ferocious beast that chooses people to eat.

All the people around were shivering. Even those farther away, Yu Zhongqing, Pei and others were shocked, but Jing Wan didn't give up. "A yuan..." There is a prayer in the voice.

She knew the anger in his heart, because as long as they changed places, they exchanged positions, and sun Yilin changed into another woman, the anger in her heart was as fierce as the sky, but in fact, this assumption is unlikely to be true, and she believed that if she wanted to kill a love enemy, he was more likely to clap his hands on one side.

But she is different from him. She doesn't care. She doesn't tolerate her partner being peeped by others. In the end, Li Hongyuan can ignore human life. She can't! What's more, sun Yilin's success is due to her. Even if no one asked him to do so, he "asked for" everything, but there are few people in the world who can not be moved. Can't and won't accept the feelings, naturally also can't trample on, in the other side didn't sorry oneself, didn't sorry anybody's time, how can be critical, how can ignore the other side's life.

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Li Hongyuan shook off sun Yilin and turned to leave. No one dared to approach him within a foot.

Jingwan rubs his temples with a headache. This time, he will coax the people and smooth the hair. I'm afraid it's not easy, and I won't catch up with him now. I'm afraid he will add another point to his anger. However, if I provoke Li Hongyuan into such a person, I'm afraid no one will take care of him if I don't make arrangements.

"Take Mr. Sun down, have a careful diagnosis and treatment, and get to know him again. Don't neglect him."

In addition to Li Hongyuan, jingwan is the boss. No one can refute what she said. In any case, even if it's the anger of the prince, there's also the fact that she's the princess. What's jingwan's disposition? They still know that they won't be angry with them, and will be angry with them.

Sun Yilin opened his eyes just at this time. I don't know if it was because he saw jingwan that he suddenly woke up and grabbed jingwan's arm. "Miss Luo? I'm not dreaming, am I? " The worry and worry in the eyes are not adulterated.

Originally, a group of officers, soldiers and generals who followed sun Yilin to find someone were a little bit deaf and blind. What? From leaving Chongzhou government to now, in these days, it's almost impossible for the governor to close his eyes or eat anything. They confirmed the accident of Prince Jin. It's nothing to do with the two or three waves of bandits. They didn't participate in the bandit suppression. They went up the canal to find out Every place where you can enter the mountains is not to be ignored. One by one, let experienced people check carefully, trying to find clues.

Generally speaking, no one can do such a thing from the canal to the mountains. Therefore, every time he is disappointed, he can always see that he is more anxious and his eyes are full of red blood. He has reached the limit for a long time, but he still sticks to it and refuses to close his eyes.

It was originally thought that he really had a taboo feeling towards the prince of Jin. Otherwise, he was deeply favored by the emperor. Obviously, he had a promising future, but he put it outside his marriageable age. It was not right in any way. If it was because of the prince of Jin The prince of Jin got married and left. It seems to make sense. The more you think about it, the more you think about it.

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Now look, OK, what is really remembered is not the prince of Jin, but the princess of Jin. It's no wonder that the people who are in love with him marry to be a woman. No wonder they don't want to stay there sad.

Stop! Think of Prince Jin's rage just now. He always feels like he's going to die!

"It's me. You didn't dream, but should you call me princess Jin?" Jing Wan chuckled, but there was no smile at the bottom of his eyes. He flicked his hand gently. "It's really hard for Mr. Sun to find the prince. Please have a good rest. There is nothing to do with the protection of the Lord. "

Sun Yilin only felt the burning pain in his heart. He understood jingwan's meaning. She said that it was good for everyone. His words and deeds have been disrespectful now. However, he still can't bear it. The pain in his eyes is quickly overflowing, but he can only stifle it. "You We're fine, we're fine. " Having said this, sun Yilin is like being drained of all his strength. Once his body is soft and his eyes are closed, he faints completely.

Jing Wan was also shocked. He was quickly carried into the room.

After confirming that sun Yilin was not in danger of life, he was just overworked and did not eat for many days. In addition, he was poisoned by snake venom. Now the tight string was sent, and he fell completely.

Jingwan is relieved. However, she is OK. However, it is estimated that everyone is OK. Jingwan feels more headache.

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