Although she has a headache, she still has to face it. Of course, jingwan never thought of pretending to be an ostrich and never going to see him. For one thing, the consequences must be more serious. For another, in jingwan's idea, if something has to be solved, it's absolutely not advisable to delay or anything else. Moreover, it's her other half. Seeing him uncomfortable, jingwan is not happy.

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As for those who find them, how can they explain to them, how can they not use her.

However, when Jing Wan went back, Li Hongyuan was not in the room. At this point, the anger was not so strong.

After some questioning, no one knew where he was going. The bodyguards left behind were more or less injured, but this was not the reason why they would rest. The reason why no one followed was that someone refused to let him. It was really not acceptable for ordinary people to eat people, and they were always absolutely obedient to public orders. At this time, they can only stand in front of jingwan with their hands down, but it's their fault if they fail to guard the master's side.

"I don't blame you. Send someone around to look for it. " Jingwan rubs the swollen temples.

Jing Wan and they were not in a hurry. However, those who came here almost jumped up when they heard that Prince Jin was gone. You should know that because of the high pressure on them these days, they are going to put their lives in. They can't eat well and sleep well. Their hair falls off one by one. Finally, they see people. It's so easy to get back to their original position and make such a mistake Out, this heart, really can't bear, even if that tone hasn't been even, it's also in a hurry to find someone.

Because I'm not familiar with the water stronghold, and they all run around like flies without heads. The people in the water stronghold are inexplicable. What are they doing?

Then, the water stronghold turned to the sky, and no one was seen. Report to jingwan. Jingwan is super speechless. "People in Shuizhai are more familiar than you. There are hundreds of people. Someone will see where the Lord is. Don't you know to ask? Just looking for a way out of nowhere? "

The faces of all the people were quite wonderful, which was just too anxious and completely forgotten. Now they were ashamed and shameless.

Sure enough, he opened his mouth and asked, then he knew where Li Hongyuan was. He went out of the stronghold and into the mountain. In this way, they can't sit still and are eager to find it. They come from the mountains. Although they don't go deep, they are basically on the shortest route to the water stronghold, but they also feel the danger inside.

On the contrary, jingwan is very calm. In a certain area near the water stronghold, there must be no dangerous things. Although Li Hongyuan's skill hasn't been seen, he has seen him kill people, and he has a single tiger record. How can he be weak? Ordinary danger is nothing to do with him.

Jingwan carefully inquired about the direction, and learned that it was actually a mountain depression, about two miles long. There was a small lake not far from the end. Usually, there were some small animals. Because the water stronghold often hunted, there were basically no large birds and animals in the five li range.

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Jingwan thanked him, then found two people to lead the way, and went to the mountain together to find people.

According to their meaning, let jingwan not go. Jingwan only said one thing: are you sure you can "find" the prince?

Well, I can tell jingwan's meaning. Finding is not the key, but after finding it, let him come back is the key. They dare not say a word. How to let him come back? Besides, everyone knows that the prince knocked over the vinegar jar, not the princess himself. They went forward and cut 100%.

Jingwan is not wearing a cumbersome Chinese dress now. The cloth is very skilfully cut. It's just going up a mountain. It's not climbing a cliff.

The soldiers are divided into two ways. Most of them first disperse and go to find Li Hongyuan. The back guards Jing Wan and follow up.

I thought that the people behind would be very slow. Princess, Jin Zunyu, Jiao Didi, how can they walk in the mountains and forests quickly? Maybe you can breathe if you walk a few more steps. As a result, they soon found that they think too much, and the speed of Jin Pro princess is not much slower.

Prince Jin may not have walked along the mountain depression, but went up the mountain on both sides. This idea did not happen. News soon came in front of him that the man had been found and was by the lake, but they did not dare to disturb him.

The vegetation in the mountain depression is relatively small. The closer it is to the lake, the trees are tall and luxuriant, but at most, they are much higher, far from the level of giant trees.

Through the gap between the trees, Jing Wan also saw Li Hongyuan's figure. Sitting on the stone beside the lake with one leg bent, Jing Wan felt a little bleak. He grabbed it subconsciously, and the pace at his feet accelerated involuntarily. Other people consciously stopped and scattered around to make sure that they could not see or hear it Danger is also isolated.

Li Hongyuan was familiar with jingwan's footsteps, but he still sat there still. However, he knew the emotion in his eyes, the evil and the calculation. In fact, he is very clear that neither sun Yilin nor Chen Zhengmin can die, at least not in his hands. There was no gap between him and jingwan. If he killed them, it would create a gap, which may not be irreconcilable, but there must be a knot in jingwan's heart.

What's more, as jingwan himself said, she will probably remember for a lifetime, and how can he allow it? In this way, the contradiction will only get deeper and deeper. At the end of the development, it may even be out of control. This is absolutely not what he wants to see. Whoever makes him unhappy and unable to kill him, he will return ten times and a hundred times.

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Li Hongyuan is the craziest, but also the most rational. The madman is not terrible, the rational man is not terrible, but the rational madman is quite terrible.

Jing Wan approaches and reaches for his shoulder. "A yuan..."

Li Hongyuan remained unmoved.

"Still angry?" Jing Wan is a little confused. He knows what he cares about, but this problem can't be solved at all. It's useless to say anything. He reached out and hugged him from behind, his cheek against his head. "I'm sorry."

Li Hongyuan said, "why?" There is no reason to apologize for her. It's not for sun Yilin. Then he will really kill. Can Wan Wan be so stupid?

"Isn't it my fault that being a wife doesn't give her husband 100% security?"

In fact, Li Hongyuan didn't understand the word "sense of security" very well. At most, he guessed about it according to the meaning before and after. If he fully understood it, it would be really explosive. "It's nothing to do with Wan Wan. I shouldn't be angry with you. It's me who should say I'm sorry. However, Wan Wan, I can't control myself. I won't allow anyone to peep at you, even if I know that they can't take you away from me."

"Well, I know." In fact, as a man under the traditional ethics, nine out of ten men are afraid that they can't tolerate this kind of thing. They will even anger women, distrust their daughters, and do things that make people very disgusting. Later, they come to repent again. A look of repentance and agony is just like becoming emperor successfully. Actually, it makes people very disgusting.

Li Hongyuan takes her hand, jingwan steps on the stone, walks to him and snuggles into his arms.

Li Hongyuan deliberately controlled and never let Jing Wan notice his eyes. Although he couldn't see it, he knew that his eyes were terrible at this moment.

After a quiet time, Jing Wan's attention was slightly turned away from him. "The scenery here is very good."

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Li Hongyuan glanced at him. "Well." There's a response for what's not. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can't hide his unsightly heart.

The time was not too early. At this time, the sky was formed into a beautiful burning cloud, which was reflected in the back lake and looked particularly beautiful.

Looking at the scene, Jing Wan forgot to worry for a while, so quietly, quietly, occasionally said two words, time passed quietly, and saw the sky getting darker and darker.

"Ah yuan, let's go back."

"Go back."

See two people have action, around people also slowly gather. Two people walk at the front hand in hand, others keep a distance of more than one foot behind.

Back to the water stronghold, the lights have been lit. Everyone is very happy to see them back.

In the evening, when Li Hongyuan saw the general of this trip, he encouraged him a few words without hesitation. Because he had heard about Li Hongyuan's behavior of the king of hell, this time he was frightened and flattered.

Li Hongyuan doesn't say no, she's not a person who thinks about other people's mood. "Have you been informed to go to the summit?"

"Yes, at the latest in the morning, I will pick you up and leave."

"After these days, we can find out who attacked the king?"

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There was sweat on the general's forehead, "go back to the Lord, and I will be responsible for the relationship with sun Jieshi......" Speaking of this, it suddenly occurred to me that Prince sun was thinking about the princess of Jin, which made Prince Jin jealous. Now, do you want to die or not? But I can't say half of it, so I have to go on with it I'm looking for the whereabouts of the Lord. I don't know anything else. Please forgive me. " In fact, it's not that they don't know, but that they have made no progress. The colleagues in charge of this matter, as well as all the senior officials, are worried about their hair. Fortunately, Prince Jin has a deep blessing and no damage. Otherwise, the anger of the holy one can't bear it.

"Go down."

"Yes." That's it? The retiring general breathed out a breath. In a gust of wind, he felt that his back was chilly and sweaty.

At this time, jingwan has fallen asleep. Li Hongyuan looks at the light and is slightly distracted. Clan head Pei asked for an interview.

Maybe he did nothing, but Li Hongyuan saw him.

Pei said, "it's all about Prince Jin's good manners and beauty, but it was originally a kind of infatuation. It's really unexpected. Even to the point of grievance, it's said that the love between children and daughters is heroic and short-lived. It's hard to avoid disappointment when it comes to Prince Jin."

"I'm disappointed with my king. I think I'm very satisfied with the rest of the previous dynasty."

"I don't know what the Lord is talking about." Although tried to cover up, but really surprised.

"Go away!"

Pei nationality long sleeve in the fist clenched, "the Lord is in a bad mood, so, I leave first."

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