"Bodhi, Buddha beads? There are many kinds. " Li Hongyuan reached out his hand and held up a string of "108 little vajras" with his fingers. He threw them aside and then held up another string of "Eight Suns." he picked up all the strings one by one and looked at them. "Twenty one moons; fourteen golden toads; ten five eyes and six connections; twelve Grand Slams; twenty seven lotus seats; twenty seven white jade; fifty-four Kylin's eyes; fifty-four wood affected children; one hundred and eight Phoenix eyes; and finally this is... " Take out a long string, "Oh, one thousand and eighty stars and moons."

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This last string, Li Hongyuan didn't throw it out directly, but played with it one by one.

"Every kind of texture is very good. Bodhi's selection is meticulous, the polishing process is perfect, the touch is excellent, and the maintenance is proper. It can be seen that a considerable effort has been spent. Which one sent this? The whole south of the Yangtze River is just like an official with a world background can produce one or two strings at a time. After all, it can't be bought with money. Relatively speaking, if you get such a thing, unless you are the mainstay of your family, you are more likely to take it back to show respect to the elders of your family. "

Jingwan nodded. She knew something about Bodhi. In the past life, it's not very difficult to get all kinds of Bodhi, but it's not the same here. Although she didn't know very well, these Bodhi are widely distributed. They can't be bought with money. They can't be met.

It's quite difficult to collect so many products deliberately, especially the finished products, in the hands of some people who are very important, let alone buy or ask, so that you can know that you peep and directly type you out. "It was sent by the servants. No one said it. I only left a post. I looked at it, and there was no taboo on it. ——Should it be a Bodhi collected directly? "

Li Hongyuan nodded, "from this craft, it can be almost concluded that it was made by the same person, and the time of making a Buddha bead will not exceed three years."

"Ayan knows Bodhi well? There are only three or four things I know better. "

"To know more is not enough." Li Hongyuan threw back the Buddha beads in his hand. "Whoever sent them, I'll show them to you later. If there's no problem, I'll just take them gently. Although in my opinion, these deliberately made things for the purpose of climbing relationships have long lost their own value and significance, which is just a rare toy. Take them back and send them to others. Haven't wan wan touched it

Jing Wanwu said, "is it too late to talk about this now? I haven't touched it. It's you. "

"You don't touch it." Li Hongyuan doesn't care about himself at all. "Wan Wan, do you think there is any special meaning for the Buddha bead giver?"

"What's the special meaning? Not to mention Qiyuan, it was in the previous dynasty. The world loved the things of Buddhism. The Buddha beads and statues are very common. From the dignitaries to the common people, many people can see them. Can it be a mantra that you become a monk, or can you mantra that I cut my hair to be a nun? Ah yuan, are you too busy? "

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Li Hongyuan also nodded, "it's quite idle. I didn't expect to be busy at all. I have to take care of them. I have washed my neck and stretched it under the knife one by one. It's not challenging." There are all kinds of dislikes inside and outside.

"That's because it's not you who do business. Haven't you heard of the mouth above and the leg below? If you are so idle, others are busy. " Typical get cheap still sell good, really not general owe smoke, let a person hear, still don't know how to curse him.

"Even if it's the superior who works hard and doesn't take the overall situation for his husband, it's useless for those stupid people to break their legs. Even if you are free, Wan Wan Wan can't deny the credit of being a husband. "

Jing Wan looks like someone stinks and feels a little aggrieved. He always feels that the longer and the smaller the man is, he really doesn't know what to say. "It's just that it's too big. Always be careful. Don't let the boat capsize in the small channel."

Li Hongyuan sighed, "Wan Wan Wan, a daughter-in-law who always keeps her reason, is always urging her. It's hard to get complacent and forget her form and neglect her carelessness."

"Don't wear a hat for me." Jing Wan has been weighing her own weight very clearly.

"This is a big truth. Why doesn't wan wan believe it?" The living Yama said he was helpless. In the same sentence, if it's just him, something will happen. It doesn't matter at all. Because she is here, he won't allow any mistakes.

Jing Wan squinted at him, too lazy to take care of him, and went into the inner room to change clothes.

Li Hongyuan Tut, and then look at these things in front of him, but they are all valuable. This is just the beginning, but his expression becomes light. "No matter who brings things in, don't let your princess touch it. I will let dark nine follow you all the time."

"Yes." Mother Gong replied. She does not guarantee anything, she will only do her best to protect the master and his son.

Sometimes the servant girls don't understand Li Hongyuan's words very well. Gong Ma can take them for granted. They don't doubt anything, but she is absolutely powerful. However, because the impression of Gong's "powerful" has long been deeply rooted and used to it, so she never said it in front of jingwan. In this way, jingwan has repeatedly missed some opportunities to discover the truth. In fact, neither Li Hongyuan nor Gong mammy has deliberately concealed it.

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Li Hongyuan raised his chin, and mother Gong went out, but only said a word at the door.

Jing Wan changes clothes and comes out. Dark nine has come. He checks everything one by one and makes sure there is no problem.

Li Hongyuan nodded, "after that, you don't have to go out on a mission, just be a doctor." In a word, it determines the fate of dark nine days later.

"Yes." Dark nine's natural response to the road, also do not see sadness and joy.

In fact, as a high-risk occupation, it's basically no danger to be a government doctor. It's a lot easier and more comfortable. As a young and strong man, it's a great good thing. After all, it's not that he doesn't get the job done, or that he doesn't get the bad label. On the contrary, it's just because he's a responsible person It will be so. How much does the master care about the female master? They are very clear. They can't say that they are beyond their own lives. If they are in danger, the master will not hesitate to order to protect the female master.

However, dark nine is used to following Li Hongyuan's orders. He will not have any opinions or emotions.

For jingwan, the mistress, there was some emotion in her heart, but now she doesn't have it. She fully recognizes her.

"It used to be dark Wei, No. 9. He was good at medicine and transfiguration. Let's give him a new name." Li Hongyuan said casually.

It's usually the master's business to name such a thing, but at this time, no one is going to investigate Li Hongyuan's special intention at this moment.

Jingwan sits next to Li Hongyuan and says, "rank nine, take nine as the first name, and add a surname in front of it. What was the last name?"

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"Back to the master, there is no root, no Ping, no origin, no surname. So it is."

"In this way, in the future, let's take the surname of mammy Gong. It's called Gong Jiu."

Although there has been no sadness or happiness for a long time, when jingwan said the last two words, dark nine, no, Gong nine in the future, the body still slightly shakes. From now on, he is no longer the only code name, living in the dark, he has a name and a family name, which also represents a root. "Thank you very much, master."

Jing Wan just nodded and said nothing more.

Li Hongyuan looked sideways at her. "I thought you would give him the surname Luo."

"Nothing is too much."

"For husband, it's euphemism. There's no need to distinguish that clearly."

"Too much is not enough." Jingwan teeth repeated. Son of a bitch, can't you understand me?

"Well, Wan Wan has always been cautious. It's not twice."

Jing Wan is not sure that her forehead is blue. She knows what she means. She has to misinterpret, "shut up!"

Li Hongyuan showed a very shocked expression. "Isn't wan wan always gentle and virtuous? She is so fierce, but she is also fierce for her husband." When it comes to the back, I feel wronged.

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"Li Hongyuan, I want you to shut up!" Jingwan's forehead is really blue. He really wants to kick him.

Jingwan's voice is not small this time. Everyone outside can hear it clearly. The expression is also quite wonderful. In other words, the princess has a good temper. What did the prince do this time to make the princess angry? However, if you dare to shut up, the princess will be the first one.

And the rest of the people in the room, who are not very sedentary, cover their mouths, shake their shoulders, and bear to laugh is very hard.

Li Hongyuan saw that his daughter-in-law was really angry and didn't pretend to be her daughter-in-law. She slightly raised her lips and waved to let everyone out.

Naturally, no one neglect, salute one after another, and leave quickly.

Li Hongyuan smiles and pulls Jing Wan into his arms. Jing Wan glares at him. Instead of diminishing the smile on his face, it is more obvious, "how can my little heart attract people? Don't you think so. "

Jingwan's face is darker, but her strength is much bigger than that of many women. In front of Li Hongyuan, it's like a praying hand. "Recruitment? Is it amusing? " He that gnaws his teeth shall not die.

"How can I? I just want to talk and laugh with you when I see Wan Wan is so serious. You are really my heart and my life. "

Jingwan scolds her in her heart. This bastard, bastard, bastard You can reason with him, he can deliberately misinterpret 180 twists and turns; you can follow him hard, he can talk sweetly, soft as anything; you can be angry with him, he can be as sticky as brown sugar! She is the only one who gets depressed at the end. She has no temper. She didn't warn herself. Don't get along with him. But when it comes to that time, she can't control it completely and her concentration is getting worse.

Jingwan could not get rid of it. He bit him by the neck, and he was merciless until his mouth was full of blood.

Li Hongyuan didn't say struggle. He didn't even hum. He hooked his mouth and closed his eyes slightly. It seemed that he still enjoyed it.

After Jing Wan finished biting, he raised his head and licked the blood on the corner of his mouth deliberately. He wanted to demonstrate with him. When he saw Li Hongyuan's expression, he felt a little cluttered in his heart. Was this a demonstration? Did he stir some nerve of him? Is it normal to say that the man has mental problems

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