Li Hongyuan leaned on the big welcome pillow, with one hand on his cheek. His hair was neatly tied, but the neckline of his clothes was a little scattered. The whole person was lazy and a little out of condition. Dark a long time did not get a response, also did not repeat, just quietly waiting.

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After about a cup of tea time, he moved, barely sat up straight, and grandpa Mu presented a cup of tea quickly and without disorder.

Li Hongyuan bowed his head and took a sip. Li Hongyuan didn't like the tea that his daughter-in-law prepared. Although it wasn't hard to drink, he naturally followed his daughter-in-law when he married her. For example, most of his materials were not very fond of him, but her daughter-in-law said that she was good for his health, so he could eat it without changing his face.

"Say it." Li Hung yuan put down the cup, slightly moved his neck, and slowly closed his eyes.

Dark a succinct narrated once, " Those Bodhi beads were also sent by them. "

Li Hongyuan opened his eyes and said nothing. It was obvious that this incident did not cause any mood fluctuation for him. "After half a month, Shannan county had a local examination, and Ben Wang sat in town himself. Mu'an, write the foldout on behalf of the emperor. Please draw up the title yourself. "

Perhaps I didn't expect Li Hongyuan's thinking to jump like this, which is clearly two things that can't be fought with eight strokes.

However, no matter what decision Li Hongyuan made, they only need to implement it.

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At present, none of the people around Li Hongyuan can participate in the affairs as an assistant. However, he can handle these matters by himself.

Such a big thing, of course, spread out in the first time. In a very short time, almost all people in the whole Fucheng spread rapidly to the surrounding counties. Meanwhile, they also sent people to inform other governments, especially Shannan county and chuanzhou Fucheng. As the location of Shannan county's rural test, it is also in a special period, so we should make preparations.

And the officials in the other courtyard, after knowing this, looked at each other, and then kept silent.

If you really don't move, you will be furious! Moreover, at this time, those students are so anxious that they don't know when it will be the end, or even breed the feeling that the road ahead is far from clear. His sudden move is undoubtedly a great peace of mind, and more importantly, the governor of the school is detained, so it's not necessary to worry that the things of the court test will be repeated in the village test. More importantly, he said that he would sit in the town himself and respectfully ask the holy one to draw up his own plan The question, let a person 100% rest assured.

There are four counties and twenty-eight prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River. With the beginning of Shannan County, can the other three counties live? No matter what the original attitude towards Prince Jin is, there will be no one to embarrass him at this time. He may even hold him. He only hopes that things on his territory can be solved early. After all, students are also part of his political achievements. If they can't be solved later, then in this area, the worst assessment will not only affect the students' future.

After all, not every government has had problems in this trial. There are too many people worried about anxiety.

The students of Chongzhou government, who first got the news, were very excited whether they were going to participate in this year's rural examination or not. As expected, they wronged the prince of Jin. Where is this inaction? Clearly, they are ready for the right opportunity. A lot of people began to pack up their things, ready to go to Sichuan Zhoufu city immediately.

Half a month, it's not a long time. They also have canals here directly with the two governments. They can travel quickly and conveniently. We need to know that people in relatively remote places, if they can't wait in the county town because of their poor family, can't wait to go back home. At this time, they will rush back to their hometown after receiving the news. What's the situation? Maybe half a month will be gone.

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But will someone dislike this time too soon? can't! It's the so-called dream!

After a little excitement, I can't help worrying about the people who took the college entrance examination before. Obviously, no matter what the result of the examination was, it must have been invalid. But the people who had full confidence and planned to take the rural entrance examination after that could only fail in their thinking. It's nothing. I'll come back next year, take the rural entrance examination again, or even catch up with the next year's meeting. Have a good imagination. You know, so far Up to now, there are still some "well-established evidence" people involved in fraud who are imprisoned in prison. If they really have ulterior motives, that's all. It's clear that many of them are temporarily perplexed for various reasons. What's more, they are framed by others. If they are deprived of the qualification for scientific research, they may not be destroyed by themselves.

Even a lot of people who are going to take part in the rural examination stay here at this time to see the final result.

In fact, the prince of Jin didn't let them down. On the second day, the result came out completely. It was very efficient and rare.

The original detainees should be released, detained and punished, and the main personnel involved should also be taken into custody. The specific results should be determined by further trial. The officials involved and the official hats on their heads have been removed. All the details are posted on the list without any concealment. Everyone knows.

On this point, it is the result of Li Hongyuan's inquiry about jingwan. This completely open mode is good in itself. Jingwan does not hesitate to "borrow flowers for Buddha". However, Li Hongyuan accepted it completely without hesitation. As long as it was beneficial, he could nod his head. Jing Wan actually admired it from the bottom of his heart. Such a person, even if he was in private affairs, could be rational, stand high and see far. Even if he was not a Mingjun, he would not be far behind.

Li Hongyuan doesn't know jingwan's idea either. If he does, he will probably laugh.

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He is a talented person who doesn't care what others think or explain to the world. His purpose is only to let people know who is the person who made the idea, even if it can't be advertised now. However, as long as a few people know, when it is more and more popularized in the future, she can always stand in front of the stage, the people's heart and prestige

Li Hongyuan won't do such a thing as gathering the hearts of the people. He only does what he should do, but he won't hesitate to elevate jingwan's position. Even if he does these things now, he may be suspected by the emperor, who thinks that he is doing something wrong in the name of his daughter-in-law.

Those who had already despaired in prison did not think about it. Not only did they come out in good condition, but the future that had been the end of the road actually rekindled the dawn. Because only those who bought the examination questions were not permanently disqualified from being reliable. Instead, they were banned for three years. For a small number of scholars, it was a waste of time, because they had the ability to go to the end step by step Even if they know the examination questions, they don't care to buy them. Most of them have read for many years, three years. For them, they just read for three years more, which has no effect at all. Let alone those who are just unlucky and become scapegoats, not only have no damage, but also get extra compensation. People like this are generally people with no background and poor family background The compensation to them is that their names will be recorded in the records. In the future, the imperial court will bear all the food and accommodation in the month before and after the entrance examination, no matter how many years they have taken the examination.

Whether it is the former or the latter, in a word, these people who originally felt extremely unlucky have the joy of turning the corner, especially the latter, who even felt that they were so lucky and cried for a while. Thank you very much for our sage. ——Well, officially, it means holy.

It's also Jing Wan's masterpiece, but it's obviously something that will earn the hearts of the people. Of course, it's the safest thing to do is to turn the famous one into emperor Anle.

Although Li Hongyuan didn't like it very much, he also knew that jingwan was completely for himself, and finally only nodded.

This is the official end of the case. However, this is only the beginning of the whole thing.

At the same time, when everyone didn't know about it, Chongzhou government sent a group of people to pick up the returned examinees from all counties and townships. The reason for jingwan is very simple. After years of hard work, maybe this time, the rich people say that they can't wait for another year, but the whole family tightened their belts for a scholar's family. In another year, maybe they will support themselves No longer, and this time is so tight, it's also her husband's reason, as a good wife, naturally to help the aftermath.

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In the end, although this is a joke, Li Hongyuan is very useful.

"Whether it's subsidies or transfers, they can be used in a wide range of Qiyuan. It seems that they may cost a lot, but in fact, it's not. After all, most of them are scholars or rich people. The specific rules can be discussed slowly. But it's not urgent. You can wait later, you... " Let's talk about it. "And the local examination is not set in autumn. The normal time is early May, but after all, it's summer. It's nine days and seven nights for three times. The weather is cooler, and it's certainly more comfortable."

Li Hongyuan has always known that jingwan has a great sense of righteousness. She has a good sense of "hope they are all good" for the weak and the poor. As long as she is given a chance, she will definitely make every effort in her life. This great righteousness may be related to her origin, or she has such feelings in her nature.

Li Hongyuan may sneer at such feelings if they are in other people's bodies, but in jingwan's body, they give birth to a kind of world that is indeed the most special and beautiful of his family. "When I return to Beijing, I'll find your grandfather. He is the Minister of the Ministry of officials, who is in charge of the scientific examination. Naturally, he worries about the relevant matters. If Wan Wan has any idea, just say something about it. The rest will be left to others. It's not idle food to keep them. "

As for Li Hongyuan's highest thought of labor, Jing Wan did not deny it. "It's too early."

Early? It's only three years. Li Hongyuan sleeps on Jing Wan's leg and slowly closes his eyes.

What's more, Li Hongyuan's belongings were salvaged from time to time. To be honest, all the participants were astonished. They were in such a frightened mood that everything was so precious that the salvors were not only careful, but also afraid to give birth to a little greedy for ink. Because any of these things might bring their family members to the same age Life is in it. I've been severely warned before.

When they were transported to Chongzhou Prefecture, the officials and their wives came to see it in the name of helping. After all, they had heard that Prince Jin's "family background" was very rich.

Just don't look, don't know. It's frightening to see. Otherwise, it's the same as women. Of course, the first idea is to wear jingwan's clothes. One glance is enough to let them finish

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