The time was urgent enough. At this time, lechengdi was also intrigued to do something. He disliked that there were too few questions. He asked his subjects to be divided into several groups. When they were not allowed to penetrate each other, he made three questions in total, and then prepared to let his son choose one to use. It's called justice and strictness.

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The ministers all complained that he had nothing to do with his food. He was just a county test. Even if he could test, he had never been in such a big battle. As for what? Moreover, at this juncture, no one will be interested in this test question and take a huge risk to get it out to the following people.

It's not the courage of an art expert who does this. It's just that his mother has a hole in her head!

Therefore, some people seem to be looking at the mental retardation in the present behavior of lechengdi, and lechengdi thinks he is wise.

Because in a special period, it's OK for Prince Jin to play such a trick. But as the king of a country, you regard the important things as the most important. It's so important that you ignore other things and spend too much manpower and time. It's not worth the loss at all. Many old ministers sighed in their hearts.

Emperor Lecheng sent the commander of the black guards to send the test questions to Chongzhou mansion in the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible. At the same time, he took the two gold and silver treasures back.

When the commander of heiyiwei arrived in Chongzhou, he sent the test questions to Li Hongyuan. It was only two days before the scheduled test time, which was in June.

Li Hongyuan also met the commander when he took the test, and then he threw him away from his direct subordinate Li Suyan.

In a word, as a commander, I don't have a high sense of money. I have to respect my subordinates by three points, which is enough. Fortunately, I have a peaceful mind. I know that I'm just helping others to occupy the position, and I have to get out sooner or later. In this way, I don't want to assign, let alone be assigned by Emperor lechengdi. The important events belonging to the black guards are basically assigned to Li Suyan, lechengde Be a hands off shopkeeper. Li Su said that he was very clear, and that he had to do his own work conscientiously, and that he did not arrogate any of his dignity or inferiority.

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Then Li Suyan took Shangfeng to see the two gold and silver treasures in front of the master's building. It was almost the same expression as the other people who saw the scene for the first time. It was very unpredictable.

Jingwan also went to see those two treasures. She couldn't bear to look straight at them. They were hot eyes! If it's put in another place, the sense of disobedience is not so strong. That place, it is

Although knowing that Prince Jin had a special reason, jingwan saw the old man shaking his head and sighing.

Jingwan would like to tell them that the special reason for the devil is that the bastard did it on purpose.

The commander of the black clothes guard may be very concerned about the questions, but Li Hongyuan doesn't care about them at all. He tears the seal open at will and looks at it at will.

Although jingwan hasn't seen the formal examination questions, he has seen a lot of them in the excerpts. When he thinks about the time of the scientific examination, he knows that there are absolutely a lot of them.

In this first scene, the Sutra and Mo Yi are similar to the blank filling in the previous exam in jingwan's eyes. The test questions are generally a sentence from the Sutra and a few words are covered. Candidates need to fill in the missing words. As for Mo Yi, there are some questions and answers about the Sutra. The volume of questions is so rich that Jing Wan looks a little shaky.

In the second scene, there was a poem with five characters and eight rhymes, four classics and meanings, and three books and one article were selected from several important books, and imperial edicts, judgments, tables and letters were tried. These were generally limited in the number of words, at least not less than 200. That's the classical style, not the vernacular. There are two or three hundred words. If you translate them, you can't say more than a thousand.

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The third one is the game theory, combining with the theory of classics and learning to make comments or opinions on current affairs and government affairs at that time. This is not like the palace examination, which can be solved in one question. This thing is related to five. In Qiyuan, the proportion of the results in the third game is quite heavy. Of course, over time, compared with the beginning of the country, it has decreased.

Jing Wan did not avoid following him. "It's really a disaster to stay in the exam room for such a day."

"Wan Wan is very kind. He's going to pay his own money to make some ice for them."

Jingwan picked his eyebrows. "It's a good idea, but maybe you don't need to pay your own money to let the officials and dignitaries of chuanzhou Prefecture contribute. It's just a little ice to support the country in selecting the talents of the pillars. That's all right."

Li Hongyuan chuckled, "in the eyes of some people, Wan Wan has probably been regarded as the first black hearted liver. After a trip from the south of the Yangtze River, your reputation is probably better than that of our king."

"I'm trying to attract hatred for you, so that you can do things conveniently. However, I'm sure that the reputation is not as good as you. I've received more things. No matter how much people curse, those who send things will keep silent. For ordinary people, I'm still the princess of Jin

Li Hongyuan nodded with a smile in his eyes. As for the meaning, don't go into it.

Then Jing Wan thought of an important question. As she knew, generally speaking, the examiners were going to enter the exam in the first two days. They would hold a horse banquet first, and all the internal and external curtain officials would go to the banquet. After the banquet, the inner curtain officer enters the room of the inner curtain in the rear hall, and the supervisor closes the door. The inner and outer curtain officers do not communicate with each other. The inner curtain officer cannot hear about other things except for marking the examination papers.

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But now, let alone the examiner or not, Prince Jin is still far away from the test site. This test question was originally transcribed by the examinee, and now there are three original questions. You should know that in Jiangnan, there are basically more than 20000 examinees every year, with an average of more than 5000 in one government and one question for each person. This workload is absolutely not small.

Even if we set out now, we will not be able to arrive at chuanzhoufu until tomorrow. Are you sure we can send the examination questions to the examinees the day after tomorrow?

Jing Wan raised her own question, " Ah yuan, it seems that you are not reliable this time. " Jokingly.

At this time, the examiners of chuanzhou mansion, like the ants on the hot pot, were all in a hurry.

Li Hongyuan didn't think so. He didn't worry at all. "It's over to adjust the order of the exam. It's easy to put the first scene at the end."

Jing Wan opened his mouth and was speechless. According to him, it's true that the most copied content should be put at the end, and the time should be stepped up in the first few days of the exam, so you don't have to worry that you won't be able to get the exam paper at last. As for the rules? Oh, the living Yama was born to break the rules. In other words, the living Yama itself does not conform to the rules.

The commander of the black clothes guard took a breath. He didn't send the package of Le chengdi's things away. Now, they give it to him together. Then, Li Hongyuan and others left on the boat and went to chuanzhou mansion. When Li Suyan came to say goodbye to the boss, he knew it was a face of stupor. He also didn't know the specific time of the exam, or he probably wouldn't be so broad-minded. Now he knows. Does the cold sweat in his head delay the time?

This time I left Chongzhou mansion, not like the last time I left Kaiming mansion with "fire". Therefore, all the people I should take away naturally. The last people who stayed in the other courtyard were only the two who were strangled by Li Hongyuan at the beginning. The rest, what was jingwan like when they moved in or what was it like.

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Now, the impression of jingwan is that she is gentle on the face, seemingly good, but in fact, she is a snake in the mouth, ruthless, greedy and dissatisfied. Not only that, but also jealous. No other daughter is allowed to approach Prince Jin. How could such a person marry into the royal family? As expected, it's a good disguise to cheat too many people?!

In addition, Prince Jin was really surprised to be afraid of this. ——Otherwise, how can we guard such a woman and ignore other beauties? Before the prince Jin became married, he was famous for his good looks? Can this change be due to the sudden cultivation of mind and nature? It's absolutely impossible. It's just that the nature of a country is easy to change. So it can only be that Jin's Royal concubine is too fierce. Even Jin's so-called living king of hell can be "cleaned up" by her.

We can't talk about money, but we can talk about it. It's not exactly consistent with some rumors in Kaiming mansion.

Only when the canal was ready to sail, someone came down to report that there were two young girls of the Min family who were going out to go home. They were about to go home when they learned that the prince of Jin was going to chuanzhou mansion. They didn't know whether they could go together to protect themselves.

Li Hongyuan waved his hands, and agreed. After all, the Min family also paid a lot for Qiyuan.

But jingwan saw a flash of sarcasm in Li Hongyuan's eyes

"Nothing, it's just that there's more than min on the boat."

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