Jing Wan's eyes widened slightly. "Do you mean that there was a treasure left in the previous dynasty, which was related to this jade plate?"

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"I'm not sure, but it was 100% of the property hidden in the previous dynasty. Whether it is related to this jade pendant or not, at first, I was only able to grasp 50% of it at most. Now, it's 70% Li Hongyuan explained as he stroked the jade pendant.

"Now, Pei knows about the property? However, half of the Treasury and half of the internal Treasury, how large quantity, Pei's own will not be moved? In other words, the jade pendant is actually something like a key. Pei can't open those belongings at all. Now it's just offering flowers to Buddha? "

"If the speculation is correct, it can only be said that the one who left the court with Pei knew about it, walked so simply, and hid the members of the royal family of the previous dynasty. Most of them wanted to make a comeback with these properties, but maybe the royal family of Li's got a foothold too fast, or something unexpected happened. It's possible that the key you said is not enough to open the 'gate', however Things are hidden. At least the old Pei family doesn't know. If he does, he will never take them out.

Wan Wan may not know that this property is much more than you think. The last emperor of the previous dynasty was immoral and extravagant, and he searched for the treasures in the sky. The Treasury, not to mention the inner treasury of the emperor, is worth a lot of money. The emperor beat down the capital, dealt with the members of the royal family of the previous dynasty, and checked the inner Treasury. He was very excited from top to bottom, including Those of the family, even if they don't find those who make books for things, no one doubts anything. It can be seen that there are not a few things left, and there are also countless treasures. However, the result I'm looking for little by little is that the value of the things that have been transferred from the inner bank is probably far more than 50%, which is immeasurable. "

According to this, it's true that such a huge property can't be turned away by a family like Pei. Especially, Pei's current situation. Even if something goes wrong, with this treasure, he can make a new start. Then think about the current Pei's personality, so I don't know that it's more likely than not.

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"Ah yuan is going to find these relics?" However, he knew it when he was in the palace. He was planning after leaving the palace.

"Naturally, such a treasure can't be put in the soil to get moldy. However, I haven't found the hiding place, so I haven't spent my time on it. If it wasn't for the appearance of the jade pendant, I basically forgot about it. Just in time, Pei may have a clue. "

Jing Wan loses smile. If everything is guessed, it will be quite interesting when the Pei clan leader knows what expression it will be.

"No accident. There should be five jade pendants, and the last one should also be in Pei's hands."

"Are you going to Pei's main house in person?"

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"It's also good to meet the so-called aristocratic and rich people." That is to admit that there is such an idea. "But I don't worry about it. I can go any time before I go back to Beijing. At that time, Pei's foundation will be almost dug. If the old man wants to save Pei's life at last, I don't know if Pei's will compensate for the last details, he will be willing to let me enter Pei's main house. "

Jing Wan loses his smile. When a man like chief Pei meets a living Yama who doesn't play according to common sense at all, he usually ends badly.

On the other side, min Yuhan also left the other hospital soon. On the coach back, he closed his eyes slightly. His worries were indeed superfluous. His temper was a bit like that of a smooth man who was prosperous and a rebellious man who died. If you want something from him, you can't help it. However, you can only go according to his wishes. He is satisfied and may not be stingy The benefits you want, however, if you want to ask for and talk about the conditions when he doesn't give them, it will probably backfire.

"The Royal concubines of Jin are more important than expected in the heart of the prince of Jin." Min Yuhan murmured with a voice that only he could hear.

It's very good. It's really good. Prince Jin doesn't put other women in his eyes. No matter whether you are a celestial or a beautiful country, it's just a skin bag. It won't come into his eyes. It won't make him feel pity for others. It won't make him treat them specially. There's only one person in his eyes. There's no better than a zither, a harp and a harp, a deep love for halibut. He used to do it again and again Again and again imagine such a scene, is he hand in hand with the woman he deeply loves, even if it is just a quiet relative, what not to do, can also be sweet from the heart.

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Originally thought that has died the heart, will not have any ripples, but originally, will envy.

Min Yuhan goes back to min's house and asks people to call Miss min Xiaoyuan.

Although it's not 100% sure, Pei Xiuying is very likely to take herself as a way back. Yuanyuan has a good relationship with her. Although she may be just a silly girl in her own family, Pei Xiuying looks good to Yuanyuan, but who knows how she looks at Yuanyuan in her heart? Although she has already mentioned it to Yuanyuan, she is still worried about her being used. After all , although not much contact, I still know a little about my silly girl. It seems to be a little careless, but in fact, it's very simple and kind, but at the same time, it's a little stubborn. It's hard for others to change what she thinks. So far, of course, her stubbornness seems harmless.

Min Xiaoyuan came very quickly, it seems that she will never have any trouble, happy, let people see, will not stop following the mood.

"I've met my uncle."

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"Yuanyuan, sit down."

Min Yuhan hesitated for a moment, and simply said the things that Pei people went to the prince of Jin today. Calmly, all the words were chosen in favor of the prince of Jin. For example, some words that Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan said were naturally concealed Pei Xiuying is a man of different looks and ambitions. Yuanyuan, you must stay away from her. "

Minxiaoyuan's face was still unbelievable, but she couldn't find the reason why her uncle would cheat her. "So, why does my uncle ask her to marry him?"

"Why? For the sake of revenge. " That's right. It's for revenge.

"Ah?" Miss Yuanyuan opened her mouth, as if she had heard something wonderful.

Min Yu cold chuckles, "the relationship between min and Pei is too close."

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