Min Yu and Pei are too close. This kind of intimacy has nothing to do with, but some people are not very clear-minded. They do things with their own conjectures. They think they are in possession of the wisdom bead. In fact, they are looking for death. In this way, for minshi, it's only a little good. "

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Yes, in Min Yuhan's opinion, the most outrageous part of the Pei clan leader lies in his plan and layout based on his conventional prediction of men, or his superficial understanding of the prince of Jin. They all say that knowing one's own and knowing the other can ensure a hundred battles. The Pei clan leader may think that knowing one's own and knowing the other's. In fact, not to mention knowing the other's own body may not be complete After all, even if he is wrong, he will not find the reason from himself.

Miss min Xiaoyuan was amazed when she first saw min Yuhan's smile. At this age, she is still so handsome and noble. She must be very beautiful when she was young. I really want to see the woman who made him still not marry or have children. But it's pity that it's impossible to meet people. "So when my uncle went to Pei's family to propose marriage, he was just looking for fault."

Min Yuhan is slightly shocked, and then a little helpless, "in fact, it's OK to say that, but you can be a little euphemistic." What a lie!

Min Xiaoyuan with a playful mouth, said he shut up, but also Min Yu cold blinked.

Min Yuhan smiles again. In the face of such a simple child, he doesn't need to talk in nine or eighteen turns, and he doesn't need to worry too much. Even if he says something wrong, he doesn't care. Naturally, his mind and body are relaxed. It's just, "you make friends with Pei Xiuying, and you've always been an emotional person..."

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"I know what my uncle wants to say. My uncle doesn't have to worry. My relationship with sister Xiuying is not as good as everyone thinks. Sister Xiuying looks very gentle and nice to her sister. But I think she's really cold in her heart. A real close friend in her family should have nothing to say. Would she like to talk to each other about everything? She never has She never seemed to be unhappy or unhappy about her private affairs. She didn't show her unhappiness to someone. However, everyone has seven emotions and six desires. She must have love, hate, joy and anger. As you said just now, her sisters and aunts really don't deal with her. They often ask for her troubles, but she never said they don't know a word in private Is this normal? I can't change it. It's because I don't think she has done anything to me, so we get along well with each other, and we can avoid some unexpected people with her, although we may have fewer friends, but it's not the same. Perhaps the most troublesome thing is my brother. He always asks me about sister Xiuying, but I don't know at all. Then, under the banner of not damaging the reputation of sister Xiuying's daughter, he is driven away in a vicious way. Every time, it's very helpless. My brother just perseveres. " Min Xiaoyuan's face was wrinkled.

Min Yuhan guan'er, but that's it. Nature is the best.

Min Yuhan left people to talk with him directly. Actually, it's not nice to think of it. He's a bad old man and keeps a little girl. Although women in the family all pay attention to chastity and virtue, they are young and like to play with people of the same age. But min Xiaoyuan is a good filial and obedient girl. She's not impatient. On the contrary, she likes to listen to min Yuhan He used to travel outside.

In the middle of the trip, a young man who served min Yuhan came in and said a few words in Min Yuhan's ear. Min Yuhan didn't say anything but waved him to leave.

"What can I do for you, uncle?" Asked min Xiaoyuan.

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"No." Min Yuhan continues to tell her the story.

In fact, when someone called min Xiaoyuan to come over, she attracted her brother's attention. As expected, she followed her, because she specifically called the person who guarded the gate of the courtyard, and the other party came in easily. Then he and Yuanyuan said, the other party heard all of them. Min Yuhan pulled him to stop being so obsessed. However, he also I know that emotion can be broken if I don't say I'm dead. Sometimes, the more I block it, the more persistent I am. If I know who the other person is, I still won't turn around and even do something that damages my family. Even if min Yuhan can understand that mood, he won't allow him to do that. Of course, it's not for my family, but for the prince of Jin and the prince of Jin, The prince of Jin had to take care of Pei's family. In the middle, he didn't have to think about how to do it.

It's a pity that the nephew is still not very clear-minded, so he listened here. Then he found Pei's house. However, if Pei Xiuying doesn't want to be an abandoned son immediately, she will try her best to serve her great grandmother at this time. However, it's not easy. After all, some other people know that she is not really held in the palm of Pei's hand. Naturally, they will not be polite. Pei Xiuying will be very sad in the future. I don't think they have time to deal with foreigners.

For this kind of people who will affect the family, the best way is to take him back and lock him up. If the house of chuanzhou mansion can't be closed, it will be sent back to the main house of Min county. But now I'm not in a hurry. If I touch the wall, I will come back naturally. I don't need to be so active.

In fact, as min Yuhan expected, Yuanyuan's elder brother is doomed to be forced. Peixiuying didn't see him. Peixiuying is very clear. As far as her current situation is concerned, she wants to find a better way out. Her admirer is definitely not in the scope of consideration, because she is very clear about the other party's situation in Min's family. To put it bluntly, it is over It all depends on the childe at home. No matter how noisy he is, in the end, it is only the elders of his family who are in charge. If he is still in good condition, there may be a fight. Now he has no fertility. No matter how precious he used to be, he is just a grass now, especially the Min family knows about it.

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No matter how flustered Pei Xiuying's heart is, no matter how hateful she is, she knows that she can't mess up.

In other words, if she is just unable to bear children, it is absolutely not a problem to find a good marriage according to her reputation outside before other families know it. Now the problem is that Prince Jin has to deal with Pei, cut off Pei's foundation, and more importantly, there is no way to send the news back to the old master's house.

Now standing outside the great grandmother's door, I can't get into the door at all. I don't know what the situation is. In fact, it's really terrible, because there are more than one doctors here, and every one of them has gone very fast. There is only one sentence: prepare for the future.

They are all well-known doctors in the Zhoufu city of Sichuan Province. Although they don't know the identity of Pei's chief wife, they also know Pei's house. For such a family, ordinary people can't afford to provoke. The doctor who gets the news a little later hides directly. No doctor wants to visit.

Seeing off the last doctor, the twin sister flower went directly to Pei Xiuying and slapped her face in the face, "bitch!"

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Pei Xiuying grew up without being touched by a finger. At this moment, she couldn't maintain her usual manner. She covered her face and hated with disbelief. "Dare you hit me?"

It's a slap in the face again. "How about hitting you? If you don't want to go crazy, will you get to this point? Will it annoy the prince of Jin, so that it will bring trouble to Pei's family? Pei's family's legitimate girl actually offered herself a pillow, and she was a concubine. Her cousin, who was also related by blood, was willing to be humble to such an extent. She lost her family's face and slapped her face lightly. " Another slap in the face.

Pei Xiuying wanted to fight against her, but it was so-called that two fists were invincible and four hands were invincible. Plus three other girls, it was a simple thing to repair her.

Only heard the crackling sound and Pei Xiuying's scream. She didn't even have the chance to speak hard. The people who served her wanted to come forward to help. However, how could the other servants who were in charge of each other stand by and stand by? Naturally, they rushed up immediately. The master and his son have enemies, and the people below must also have enemies. For a while, the scene was extremely chaotic.

It's just that Mrs. Pei is still sleepy in the house. How ironic!

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