Pei Xiuying's arms were severely clamped by the two men, cut back on her back and slapped on her face. She couldn't even bend down to avoid being hurt, because her hair was severely pulled. If she struggled too hard, she would be more than simply removed. Of course, Pei Xiuying suffered not only from the head and face, but also from the girl who didn't start to fan her. She pinched her waist, legs, back, arms, even chest with great strength. She lifted her clothes, probably not only blue and purple, but also a pimple, which could not be eliminated in a short time.

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Maybe it was the beater who finally got tired and let go of her. Pei Xiuying was undoubtedly paralyzed on the ground and shrank into a ball. The pain made her body shiver constantly. Her hair had been scattered into a ball. At this point, it covered most of her body.

The younger sister of the twin sisters stretched out her hand and put it in front of her eyes. Her white fingers were covered with green silk, and her face was covered with a very sweet smile. She appreciated the green silk well, and then she put out her hand to shake it. The hair flew down, and her eyes fell on Pei Xiuying with the hair. The smile was full of irony and pleasure.

It's not only her, but also others. Because of Pei Xiuying, they are pressed without a ray of light. Maybe they are much better than most people. However, Pei Xiuying is in front of them. They have become the one who doesn't compete with the elders. The outsiders only see Pei Xiuying. How can we not be jealous?

But now, the one who is always superior to them and doesn't put them in the eyes, crawls at their feet and lets them beat and scold, don't mention how happy he is!

However, what they scolded Pei Xiuying for is not the same. Just because they didn't expose and tear the layer of shame cloth, they regarded themselves as a simple companion. They laughed at Pei Xiuying recklessly and humiliated Pei Xiuying. In essence, they just laughed at Pei Xiuying in 50 steps.

Pei's house in the chuanzhou mansion is not empty, of course. The people who live here are the ancestors of Pei Xiuying. Of course, they are not the head of the family, but they are closely related. Their father is the cousin of PEI. However, the relationship is a little bit less close. People like Pei, no matter how well they cover it up, still have some understanding of him Some people, especially those who meet more often, may take him as the first person to look forward to, and naturally some people don't take him seriously.

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Therefore, as the real owner of this house, the so-called owner who naturally intrudes into his house is just to keep the only polite, delicious and delicious service. In addition, if it doesn't show up, it doesn't show up. Just think, it's over to bear the past, and don't worry about what the patriarch's wife who hasn't been out for more than ten years is doing in chuanzhou mansion. It just doesn't matter , which seems to have made a big difference.

Originally, when the patriarch's wife went out vertically and came back horizontally, she was worried. She just didn't know the situation, so she could only ask for a doctor as much as possible, but she didn't want to. She saw a good play from the girls in the master's family. This kind of cultivation is really amazing. Let alone the noble daughter of the family. It's not as good as the shrew of the people in the city.

Because the person in charge of the family is indifferent, his wife and younger generation will not be involved naturally.

Some of Pei's girls, maybe they beat their nieces happily. Maybe they also think that this is Pei's territory. It doesn't matter what they do. I don't know that they are also laughed at. They are all disgusted with them. They are ashamed of such people and don't want to admit that they are their people.

Although Pei's people are not an impressive branch of Pei's tree, they have worked hard to manage this house. However, these people are more like the master of the house than they are. They are not polite. They really take themselves seriously.

Seeing the twin sister flower even kicking people, I can't see it at last, "everything is enough."

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A few girls seem to realize that there are others, and more or less know that they have just lost someone, but they all try to calm down. Then they think that they are only the support of others. They dare to see that their master's jokes are not successful. So, they slightly raise their chin and look arrogant, "let the uncle see the jokes." I don't know who was scared like Quail in front of Li Hongyuan.

This attitude is not a general lack of smoke, as the head of the family, there is no expression, as a junior, but one by one, just because it is the head of the family, they think superior? If something is not stopped, I would like to rush up and throw them out.

As the head of the family, now it's not the time to worry about this. What he noticed were the words that the twin sisters humiliated Pei Xiuying. In those days, although he could conceal things from the family as much as possible, unfortunately, he knew the truth. Prince Jin, is that cousin's child? That's the patriarch's grandson. But what can the patriarch of a rich family do is to give his granddaughter to his grandson as a concubine? It's really a slippery world.

"Take people down, and ask the doctor to have a look. Don't save lives. ——Tell me what's going on here today. "

"It's our master's business, so don't bother Uncle Wu."

Originally, the man with an unsmooth face turned his eyes into a cold and fierce one. A white but smooth beard seemed to float up quickly. "It's about Pei's survival. I dare to say that no matter what happened to me, I don't know what's going on in the world. Say it! "

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After all, it's a group of little girls who show their prestige in the backyard. In front of people whose status is not as good as their own, others are really tough, and they can't rise their prestige.

I don't know if it's because of their upbringing. When Li Hongyuan was furious, they were afraid. However, after they left, without that sense of oppression, they seemed to wake up. Don't listen to their mouth saying that Pei Xiuying was bringing trouble to the whole family. It's just an excuse to clean up Pei Xiuying. In fact, they didn't think the prince of Jin would Mo do, their family is the most powerful in Jiangnan. The prince of Jin dare not. Yes, what the family instills in them is to make them so infatuated with self-confidence. Otherwise, how can we still be busy with internal strife without worrying about ourselves or the family.

However, it's not a small thing at all. It's better for someone to be the master, but also to be selective. Anyway, it's to blame Pei Xiuying, which weakens Li Hongyuan's ruthlessness. On the contrary, it's a little contemptuous of Li Hongyuan in tone.

To tell you the truth, I was really laughed by them. Nearly two hundred people died in Linchuan river. What's the specific situation? Ordinary people don't know, but they have a certain channel. They are ruthless and don't leave a living mouth. The whole chuanzhou mansion is trembling. The prince of Jin said that whoever cuts, he will cut. It's absolutely the same master, but he dare not?

That's how their good patriarch taught the younger generation? There are not a few Pei people who know what Pei's family is. They are all working hard for the stability of the family. But are they all such fools?

"Take them all down to me. Without my permission, they are not allowed to step out of the door."

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Even if they are not favored in the main house, they think they are more honorable in front of other people. Let alone twin sisters, they naturally don't do it. "What's the qualification of the clan uncle to do this?"

The man doesn't want to talk nonsense with these fools now. He waves his hand and lets his servants take it away by force.

After dealing with these fools and looking at the room, the temple jumped abruptly. Although I didn't want to deal with the patriarch, it's not the time to worry about this at all. The family's life and death must not be joked. Send someone back to the old house quickly, and send letters to other important clansmen to discuss major issues.

However, things are not so simple. Soon all the people sent back, "what's the matter?"

"Master, we just left the house and were stopped. All the letters were searched. There are a lot of black guards around the house. "

Man paralyzed in the seat, finished, Pei this time, I'm afraid it's really unprotected.

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