His wife and children are all around. They are not the kind of people who have been knocked out of their heads by a famous family member. They are all pale and scared. For a while, no one has spoken. The room is so quiet that it's enough for a cup of tea. "Dad, otherwise, let's divide our families. If the family doesn't agree, we can just ask for the removal of the family."

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It's not a joke, except for the clan. Usually, it's a big mistake. Except for the clan, it's not their fault. It's their fault.

Now, however, none of you think it's wrong, or even hope.

As a person in charge of the family, he naturally thought of this, but now, this kind of thing can't be done easily. If he does it, he will fall into the trap, be ungrateful and have a bad reputation. No matter what he does in the future, he will be hard to stand for at least a certain period of time. It's a must. Such a move is absolutely impossible.

However, if the prince of Jin really attacked Pei's family, their final result may not be better than ziqingjie's.

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“…… Even if it is another kind of devotion, Prince Jin is not necessarily happy. He may be even more disgusted. Our good patriarch has suffered a great loss because of his conjecture. Even now, he has no idea. Moreover, it's probably too late for him to ask for the removal of his clan. Therefore, he must not be hasty. Let's think about it for the father and think about it again. ”I felt the beard once in a while, and occasionally I accidentally laid heavy weight on it. The beard broke accidentally, and several of them seemed to be unconscious.

It's no joke that everyone is once again in silence.

What's more, they now know the internal situation. In order to better achieve their own goals, no one in their family will want to leave the chuanzhou mansion. Yes, even if they want to arrange their little sorrow elsewhere, it's impossible. It's because of coincidence that they are the first to face the anger of Prince Jin.

This silence, that is half an hour, "to prepare a generous gift, I went to see Prince Jin." It's just that the people who need to tie the bell to get rid of the bell. As long as the prince of Jin has let go, it will be over naturally. As for the master's family and other people's families, it's hard to protect themselves now. No one can control them.

It must be said that this is the only advantage of hitting the tip of the knife.

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In other words, the most generous gift is just like that. After all, Prince Jin is not poor in money, not lack of good things, precious things and rare things. Li Hongyuan can find a way to get them. Many times, they are precious, not as good as he wants.

We all know this. The wife who is in charge of the family immediately prepares. The other two are the most outstanding ones. One is two pairs of jade pomegranates, each of which is bigger than the fist and has a good water head. What's more, the cracks are properly cracked. The two rows of pomegranate seeds exposed are bright red and crystal clear. At first glance, they think it's true, the moral is good enough, and their own value is enough, As a family heirloom. When the wife touched and touched, she didn't give up to marry her two daughters at the beginning. Now, for the sake of the whole family, she can only bear the pain and love. In addition, I know that Princess Jin loves flowers and plants, and there is a pot of Camellia in the house, which is the heart treasure of the family.

The gift was sent to the other courtyard where the prince of Jin now lives together with the worship note. Then, he could only wait anxiously.

After busy here, I reported Pei Xiuying's situation. The situation is worse than expected. The body is not tight. It's better to raise it. The problem is that the teeth are loose, and the possibility of falling is more than 70%. In addition, the hair. Because of the large area of pulling, the large scalp on the head falls off, and the blood accumulates under the scalp. It's estimated that all the hair will fall off. That's right For a woman, it is absolutely fatal, especially a woman who has not married and cares about her appearance.

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After listening to the report, let alone being in charge of the family, everyone else is the same and doesn't know what kind of expression to show.

Think about the patriarch's wife who still hasn't woken up in the room, just hanging her life, I don't know if she can still wake up. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels, the more she sleeps all night. The only gratifying thing is that the gift has not been returned, so there is a glimmer of hope.

Fortunately, the next day, the prince of Jin sent a reply. The head of Pei's house stood up and went to see the prince of Jin with his eldest son.

Naturally, he is respectful and careful in his words. He dare not say some things clearly. But that's quite obvious. He asked the prince of Jin if there is any room for turning around. If so, he asked the prince of Jin to point out a clear way. He only wanted to protect his family. He would go through fire and water. He would die.

Li Hongyuan calmly drank tea. "Pei family was so honest at the beginning. Why should I have spent so much time?"

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Father and son dare not talk to each other. Although they didn't do it, they couldn't write two Pei characters in one stroke.

"Well, for the sake of those jade pomegranates, the king can bypass your family, but don't do what you shouldn't do." That kind of good moral thing, stained with blood, is not very good.

"Thank you, Lord. Thank you." Absolutely overjoyed.

However, there was another unpleasant thing on that day, the disappearance of paeony.

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