As the palace maid beside Princess Su said, it's such a big deal. Princess Minxiang is Prince Rui's sister. In this way, it's impossible to get any news. His people will tell him at the first time, and then they will have to ask about it in any case. However, Li Hongming's understanding of Princess Minxiang is not enough, and there is something in his hand. In his opinion, however It's just catching people. It's no big deal. Naturally, there's no time to rush over. When we get the news again, we lose the things in our hands immediately. We rush over in a hurry, and our guts will soon regret it.

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So, Li Hongyuan really knows their psychological state well, and he is very clear about who uses what means and what needs to be done.

Prince Rui also wants to strangle Princess Minxiang. ——It's not the first time that Princess Min Xiang, who is still awake and has a white cloth wrapped around her head, has such an idea.

To do such a "vicious" thing would damage the reputation of the royal family. Now it has become an ear princess, which is a disgrace to the royal family!

In fact, what Princess Minxiang did, in the eyes of these people, is nothing at all, whether it is Princess Su Guifei or prince Rui, provided that it can never be known to the world. How many people like them have no blood on their hands and no life on them? It doesn't matter in private. If you die, you will die. But it doesn't matter in the face. Even if it's just a slave who can be killed by the master, you will be accused of being vicious when you go outside. What's more, a good citizen and two children. In this way, you can't blame him too much. His enemies will catch this and attack him in the dead. That's what his sister did But I wish it were all on his head.

And all this, this good sister died, can erase completely, if can die in her son-in-law's hand, nature has nothing to say.

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This is the price she should pay for her folly!

Li Hongming looked at Princess Minxiang with murderous eyes for a long time, kneeling beside the servant girl mother shivering.

Li Hongming didn't strangle Princess Minxiang at last. There were not a few people who knew that he had entered the princess mansion. As soon as he came in, Minxiang died. It was nothing and could be regarded as anything. What's more, many people in the brother-in-law's family were still outside. Therefore, not only did he not move, but also ensured that the sister was good.

However, Li Hongming's grumpiness is hard to be dispelled. If he doesn't do anything, it's him who feels uncomfortable in his heart.

"Come, pull out all the servants around the princess to the staff 30, and all the guards in the princess mansion to the staff 50."

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"Lord, please forgive me, Lord..." A group of people kowtowed and begged for mercy.

If we didn't cherish this reputation, Li Hongming would even kill them directly. Now it's useful to beg for mercy?

Li Hongming's efforts to clean up the names of these people are naturally just enough. When the master does something wrong, he should not be dissuaded, but also help the tyrants and kill them.

All of them were dragged out. Soon, there was a scream in the hospital. No one shut up their mouths. Obviously, venting is one thing. It's more for some people to see.

Princess Minxiang will pass out, more because she is frightened, so she wakes up very quickly. After waking up, the sharp pain suddenly strikes her. Although her ears are torn off after she is in a coma, the feeling when she is bitten is very clear. Subconsciously, she reaches out to touch it, which is totally different from the feeling in the anticipation. In the moment of consciousness, she wakes up completely, even if she is covered with several bags Layer, also should not be flat, Princess Min Xiang's face is dull, pain is ignored by her.

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"Without an ear, an ear princess, I don't think it's very good. You'll be quite noticed in the future, aren't you very happy?" Prince Rui sat by the bed and said without emotion.

Princess Minxiang screams at the end of her life. She wants to rip the white cloth at the beginning like crazy.

"Sometimes some minor injuries, if you don't pay attention to them, will cause death. If you want to die, just pull it. You are now like this. It's better to die."

Like a fierce general, and like the truth, Princess Min Xiang finally calmed down a little bit. Looking up at Li Hongming, she couldn't believe her eyes. It seemed that the coldhearted man was not the brother who loved her in the past, even less than a stranger, more than an enemy. The fear of dying hasn't completely disappeared. In the face of such a brother, min Xianggong The Lord only feels extremely aggrieved. If he doesn't help her out, he even talks to her like this. "Li Hongming, am I your sister? How can you treat me like this? I want to tell my mother! "

"Tell the princess? If the concubine is in front of you now, it is estimated that she would rather kill you, a fool who has more than enough to fail. "

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"What do you say?" Princess Minxiang rushed to scratch him.

Li Hongming leaned a little, grabbed her arm and threw it back to the bed. "I'm used to you in my daily life, but I didn't expect to raise you so mindless. You're a princess, a golden branch and a jade leaf. I'm sorry for what others did to you, and I don't have to do anything. You're not stupid, even if you do it yourself What is the goods? You've done so much harm to my wife and my king this time. Do you expect her to protect you? Without my mother and my king, you can still be the most honorable one of my sisters? There are many people who offend you in the palace. Do you know what it's like to lose your power and be hit by someone? "

Princess Min Xiang was stunned for a moment. She didn't seem to understand where she had hurt her mother and brother.

Li Hongming came forward, grabbed her hair and forced her to look up. "Now I don't know where I'm wrong?"

In fact, Princess Minxiang has been in a trance to realize that, however, "what's wrong with me? That damned cheap man cheated on me and betrayed me. He deserved to chop him into meat sauce." Princess Minxiang shouted hysterically.

"You're right. He deserves to die. Everyone knows that this kind of thing needs to be handled in private. How dare you make a big fuss? Who do you think you are? Li Hongyuan? It's a pity you didn't have his life. Min Xiang, you'd better pray that the father and the emperor won't annoy the mother and the concubine. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for your death. "

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