At this time, Princess Minxiang felt a little scared and scared. She also vaguely knew that she might have done something wrong. The pain of the scalp also told her about her brother, who was not as gentle and good tempered as usual. The cold feeling from inside to outside made her feel so strange.

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In this way, Princess Minxiang grabbed Li Hongming's hand and tried to relieve the pain, but her body was shaking.

Li Hongming let go of her, and stroked her head gently, as if to say sorry and comfort for pulling her hair. "Minxiang, the mother's concubine is protecting you so well. Many things don't let you know, let alone participate in, will make you ignorant and stupid today. I didn't think there was any problem for my brother, girl, spoiled It doesn't matter. After all, you are the only sister of the king. However, until now, you don't know that it's really a big mistake and regret it. Min Xiang, in fact, as you are now, it's disgraceful to live, to die directly, and to make use of the last surplus value. "

Princess Minxiang may have found that she was handicapped in the first place, but now Li Hongming says that she doesn't want to die at all. Even if her body is handicapped, she is still a princess. She can still live in luxury. Even if other people look at her with different eyes, no one dares to say a word in front of her, especially It is in the hands of the son-in-law deeply experienced a near death fear, she now cherish life, she just don't want to die, absolutely don't die.

But just now Li Hongming gave her a terrible feeling. At this time, Princess Min Xiang also knew that if she had a hard top with him, there would be absolutely no good fruit to eat. Especially now there is no third person in the house except for the two of them. Now the elder brother has three words of death. He doesn't know what will happen if he gets angry.

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"Brother Huang, I know it's wrong. I'm just too angry to think about the consequences. I didn't want to make trouble for your mother. Believe me..."

Prince Rui naturally believes this. After all, all of Min Xiang's confidence comes from them, but he is too angry to consider the consequences? It's because they didn't even think about this problem in their mind. It's their fault that Min Xiang had the illusion that they were absolutely dominant, so she was so unbridled. Moreover, even if he said the serious consequences, she probably still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

“…… Brother Huang, I don't want to die. I really don't want to die. You and your mother must have a way to solve this problem, right? As long as this matter is solved, I promise to be obedient. I will listen to you and your mother's concubine. Brother Huang and your mother's concubine only have our two children. If I die, she will be sad, and you will not bear it, right? "

Li Hongming looked at and listened coldly, and watched Minxiang act badly in front of him like a clown jumping over a beam. That's right. Now Princess Minxiang still hasn't really repented, and her low voice just wants to save her life. She would not be like this if it was really clear.

Seeing that Princess Min Xiang said more and more rigidly, he was unable to hold on. Li Hongming said slowly, "Min Xiang, you'd better remember what you said now. If you do it again in the future, I will make you die very ugly."

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Princess Minxiang's body trembled. She felt it. Li Hongming didn't joke with her at all.

Li Hongming is thinking about something else. When Min Xiang dies, things will probably be completely wiped out. However, things have advantages and disadvantages. After all, the impact of what Min Xiang has done already exists. When this matter is wiped out, the consequences have not disappeared. It will accumulate there and become a risk factor in the future.

At the door, Li Hongming's man tapped lightly, "prince, there are people in the palace. The emperor Xuangong's son-in-law and others enter the palace."

"I see." Li Hongming already had an idea in mind. As for his mother's wife, he didn't worry about it. He just didn't explain it to her, and she wouldn't make any mistakes. "Change your clothes and get ready to go to the palace."

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At this time, I have to meet with Lecheng emperor. Princess Minxiang is afraid. She unconsciously pulls Li Hongming's sleeve. "Brother Huang, what can I do? What to do? "

"What to do? Naturally, you don't have to do anything. It's enough to keep silent for me. I and my concubine have other things to do. Remember, if you want to have a good life in the future, just shut up for me. If you can't help but say something you shouldn't, don't think that my concubine and I will take care of you. Remember? " Li Hongming can't express his coldness at this time.

Princess Minxiang nodded her head.

None of the people around Princess Minxiang escaped punishment, but as long as they didn't get down completely, they had to get up to serve the Lord and enter the palace with him.

Princess Minxiang needs to clean up, but not too much. She pays attention to a proper one. After all, she also needs to play the emotion card at this time.

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It didn't take a long time or a short time. When he saw lechengdi, the internal attendants were still doing their own things. Lechengdi was still dealing with a mountain of folds. Under the imperial case, she knelt on her back and looked very fragile, but she didn't cry and talked, which made people feel a kind of extreme sadness.

The fifth son-in-law was carried in. He lost too much blood, but he was still awake. It was also an accident.

Watching the dark kneeling one by one, one by one without injury, Emperor Lecheng could not stop his dark face, and then the things on the imperial case crackled and smashed a pile.

The son of heaven is angry. He is silent.

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