"Good." Unconsciously, this word has been spit out from jingwan's mouth.

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After a while, jingwan slowly reached out and hugged Li Hongyuan's waist. She was very clear that this man was not wrong in this matter and should not question his feelings for himself, so as to hurt him. She is the one who has drilled the bull's horn. However, emotion is not controlled by reason. Because she cares, she is worried about gain and loss. Because she loves deeply, she can't tolerate any flaws. Even if it's "herself", she can also knock over the vinegar jar. At this moment, Jing Wan also realized that she really fell in love with this man completely and completely. Many things can't let her back.

However, the evil in Li Hongyuan's eyes did not disappear because of the word Jing Wan, nor because of her actions. Instead, he was more full-bodied. He was never a magnanimous person. On the contrary, he was very careful and greedy. Wan Wan Wan loves him now. There is no doubt about this, but it is not enough. At least she will love him in any case, and will not have a little centrifugal thought He wants everything, he wants absolute.

"Wan Wan won't leave me, will she?" No matter how he looked on his face or how he felt in his eyes, his voice was still full of care and a trace of grievance.

Jingwan was distressed again. He stroked Li Hongyuan's back for a while. "Naturally not."

"But just now, I just made a start. Wan Wan got up and was about to leave. But he had taken my feelings into consideration."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm not good, I'm not right. I'm just very flustered and scared. I'm afraid that you don't love me. I'm afraid that I'll break down if I stay. I don't want to find that I've never been loved by you. At the same time, even my last self-esteem will break in. Obviously, I'm wrong. Fortunately, you're holding me, forgive me. I promise, I'll do it later It won't happen, I promise. "

"As long as Wan Wan doesn't want to leave me, anything can be, anything can be." Li Hongyuan seemed to put himself in the lowest position.

"Silly, we are husband and wife, but you are the prince. As your princess, where can I go? Don't think about it. "

"Isn't it in Wan Wan Wan's eyes that it's only because of this rebirth that you are forced to stay?" Li Hongyuan looses jingwan, grabs her shoulder and stares at him. His eyes are red and excited.

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If I saw him at other times, Jing Wan could not help but give him two white eyes and make a mess in his heart. But now it's not the same thing at all. I also understand the reason why he used to be nervous at different times. Because the shadow of previous life is too heavy, so it's her who may make him uneasy It was her fault that she didn't find out that he had been upset all the time. It was her fault that she didn't do enough to make him stable.

"I don't mean that. I just want to tell you that I can't leave you. Ah yuan, where you are, is where my heart belongs."

Li Hongyuan's mood has eased a little, and he embraces Jing Wan again. "Wan Wan, I said that if I change my mind, you can take my life, but if you change your mind, I will probably not kill you, I will only imprison you for a lifetime, so that you will only have my existence in your life, and I believe that no one will want that day."

"A heart has long been tied to you. How can it change? I have no way to separate my heart. My feelings will not change from beginning to end because of the passage of time. I believe that no one in the world will treat me better than you. Even if you do, I only want you. "

Li Hongyuan groaned, "how could someone treat you better than me?"

"Yes, I believe."

It can be seen that Jing Wan's mood is completely led away by Li Hongyuan. Because of his weakness, because of his little emotion, Jing Wan can't care about herself. She just wants to appease him and follow him. Obviously, in her heart, everything about him is more than her own. The simplest thing is, can she remember her original mood now? So, in the face of such a scheming Prince Jin, how can Jing Wan be an opponent? In this feeling, it seems that she dominates. In fact, she has been in his palm, how can she escape from that range.

However, although Li Hongyuan has played a trick, Jing Wan's real love is still the one that gets in her way. In this way, even if Jing Wan is "a little silly", it doesn't matter.

"Prince, princess, can I have tea?" Because there was no movement for a long time, Mammy Gong opened her mouth at the right time.

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Obviously, it's good for them to have a third person to relax their current atmosphere, at least to make them calm down.

Jingwan retreats from Li Hongyuan's arms, sits to one side, lowers his head, and presses the corner of his eyes with a pad.

But now Li Hongyuan, in addition to jingwan, no one can let him show any special emotions, even if there are, in all likelihood, they are pretending. At this time, naturally, there is no emotion. If there is an outsider, it's absolutely free. "Come in."

Gong mammy came in and quickly changed into hot tea. She glanced at Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan very vaguely. What kind of eyesight did she have? Did she quarrel?

Before they entered the study, Li Hongyuan told everyone to stay far away. They were not allowed to get close. They had been well for more than one hour before. Suddenly, there was a movement behind them. Because they were far away, they could only hear subtle sounds, but no one dared to get close.

"The maidservant is gone."

Later, Li Hongyuan poured jingwan a cup of warm tea, stood in front of jingwan, and gently wiped her fingers from her eyes. "Drink some water."

Jing Wan looks up at him, makes a gentle hum, takes the cup and takes a shallow drink.

"Wan Wan can ask anything he wants to know, and tell you everything he wants."

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Jingwan opens her mouth. It seems that she has a lot to ask. But at this moment, there is nothing to ask. Moreover, it seems that it doesn't make sense. From what he just said, a lot of things, in fact, have been known. Those things are not what she would like to see.

Wu'an Houfu, the object she was lamenting before, is so close to her family on the other line she doesn't know, but the family's love for her is unchanged. So, under the circumstances of knowing what is the situation of Wu'an Houfu, why would she marry in the past? There is also the situation of Luo's family, especially her grandmother, let alone her experience. Thinking about that picture, Jing Wan felt a pain in her heart.

According to jingwan's understanding of someone, it's actually a very dangerous topic to mention the Wu'an Hou's residence on the basis of his degree of care. Therefore, jingwan is not smart enough to ask.

However, Li Hongyuan's eyesight was so poisonous that he was hesitant to see jingwan. Basically, he knew what she thought of. His face suddenly turned black. "How did he get married to Wu'an? Li Ruyu calculated that you fell into the water in Dingguo mansion, and Fu Yunting saved you. As for the reason, it seems to have something to do with sun Yilin. Are you satisfied? "

In a word, it involves two people who are in his minefield. Jingwan, who was still in love for a moment ago, is a little sad and can't laugh at this moment. She didn't mention anything about it. He has to find himself uncomfortable. Moreover, he has to be reasonable. According to him, there is no interaction with this man at all in this period of time. How can we count this account on her now, No matter what kind of relationship she has with Fu Yunting in his memory, Fu Yunting has no relationship with her at all. Isn't it possible that all of them have been completely cut off by this man?

"Wan Wan is very loyal. Even if she became my woman and gave birth to my son, she would not enter the imperial mausoleum, because she felt sorry for Fu Yunting and even the ancestral Tomb of Fu family." The more Li Hongyuan said, the darker he looked, and he began to be angry again? The king should have killed them early. "

Jing Wan didn't answer. After all, she could be wrong in everything she said, which made the man more seriously ill. So she looked at himself angrily. However, she always looked gentle, because she understood why the man would protect the Fu family in an instant, because "she" and "once" wanted to protect the Fu family.

But "oneself" is someone else's wife, but has become his woman, still has a son? Jing Wan really wants to know what his face is made of. It's nothing like steel, copper and bone.

"What is wan wan thinking? I think the Wang Baofu family should be?"

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"I'm just thinking that it was calculated by people like Li Ruyu," I'm really stupid. " Jing Wan said subconsciously.

What is Jing Wan's temperament? He naturally knows what is his reaction when he is not right. He is also clear. What he said and thought is not the same thing, nor the first time. He is too lazy to care about this kind of thing. What he really cares about is, "stupid? Li Ruyu is a princess at best or at worst. She lets people throw you into the water cleanly. Is that what you can avoid with your small body? " He usually didn't say jingwan was stupid, but when jingwan really said that, he was not happy.

So, he said everything, it's better to keep silent.

Li Hongyuan is half kneeling down, and her line of sight opposite, "there is a thing, need to euphemism for the husband."


"Have you ever thought of Fu Yunting?" In fact, this is what Li Hongyuan cares most about.

Jing Wan blinks. Is it following him or Jingwan chooses to be honest and say, "ah yuan's words are unreasonable. How can I know?"

"When the current Wu'an Hou passed away, you entered during his period of filial piety. You and Fu Yunting did not round the house. More than a month later," today ", Fu Yunting still set foot on the road to the northwest border because of the result of multi-party game. A few months later, the emperor, because he underestimated Fu Yunting, made up his mind on food and grass. It was you who ran in many ways and knelt in front of the palace gate For several hours, he asked for food and grass, and then sent them to the border in person. After that, he stayed at the border until Qiyuan killed more than 200000 soldiers. Fu Yunting was arrested for treason and sent back to Beijing. All the people in the Wu'an prefecture were sent to prison. Only you escaped for a while, and quietly ran back to Beijing, trying to save the rest of the Fu family, and begged me for help, I admit that I am despicable and take the opportunity to seize your body, but you are still the perfect body, so tell me, have you ever thought of him? Even if you don't know anything, but what is your situation, you must know the answer. "

Jingwan was silent for a moment, reaching out to cover Li Hongyuan's face, "I can tell you very clearly, never." Jingwan herself

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