"I'm not in the same situation as Ayan." With his own rebirth, jingwan is not so incredible. Jingwan is not worried that he can't accept it. Jingwan organizes a language in his heart, "I come from another place, a place that can't be found here forever. When abyen comes back, it's like time flowing backwards. What I'm crossing is probably space. How can I explain that It's like

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"It's like two fragrant balls, Qi Yuan, and everything Qi Yuan can extend are all in one ball. Even if my life comes again, it's still this ball. Where Wan Wan Wan comes from, in another fragrant ball, the two fragrant balls can't communicate and touch each other in normal circumstances." Li Hongyuan answered.

Jingwan looks at Li Hongyuan strangely, which is a powerful understanding. After all, jingwan doesn't know what's going on. If she has to explain, she may not be more clear than this explanation. Jingwan feels that if this man arrives at the world of her previous life, he probably won't make a joke because it's an "old antique".

"That's almost what it means. In a sense, I can also be regarded as reincarnation, but with the memory of my previous life. That place is very different from here. However, its history is similar to here and the history before Qiyuan, and its geographical location is also a lot of the same. The era I lived in was quite different from the background of Qiyuan now... " Jingwan with a little miss, slowly to speak.

Li Hongyuan was entranced. Although he had expected jingwan to be in a different place, it was far beyond his imagination. Although not all can accept, but, many things are worth yearning for.

"Euphemism is all about the environment in which you once lived. What about yourself? Combination of freedom, together, not together, Wan Wan and a few men together? " Li Hongyuan looks up at Jing Wan. His eyes are dark. It's obvious that he will turn his face when he is wrong.

"It's just a way to get to know each other before marriage. Compared with Ayan's three wives and four concubines, it doesn't seem like anything at all? Only state officials are allowed to set fire, and people are not allowed to light the lights. Jin's father is not like you. " Jingwan is funny.

Li Hongyuan's face was very bad, but he was very clear that the investigation was purely to destroy the feelings of the two people. Moreover, Wan Wan Wan's environment at that time was just like this, just like now Qi Yuan, a man with three wives and four concubines is normal, there is nothing to blame. Therefore, even if the heart is not happy, can only hold the nose to recognize.

"However, I have only one, and I will hold hands as much as possible, because I am not willing to make further contact with him, so he broke up with me." Jing Wan continued with a smile.

The expression on Li Hongyuan's face immediately turned overcast and cleared up, "well, the kind of kid who thinks about frivolous and rude women, what are you staying for? Wan Wan Wan should have gone with him earlier."

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Jingwan gently rubbed Li Hongyuan's side face with her fingers, and chuckled. He didn't speak. He was happy.

"So Wan Wan is not married?"

"No, in our country, the age of marriage is required by the law. Women in our country are 20 years old. When I left the world, I was over 20 years old, but I didn't want to marry, and I didn't stipulate that I must marry when I reached the age. It's OK to choose to be single all my life. Of course, the premise is that no one will talk about it."

"Should Wan Wan's family be well-off?" Li Hongyuan deeply knows the influence of environment on a person, shapes a person's temperament, and forms a person's behavior habits. Since Wan Wan was more than 20 at that time, many things have been formed. It's hard to change what has been deeply rooted in Luo's family for more than ten years, especially Li Hongyuan's experience of jingwan's tenacity and unyielding. The more so, some things The harder it is to change.

"After all, he is also the son of an official. Although the official difference between Qiyuan and Qiyuan is very big, there are many similarities. Moreover, my father is not in a low position. He must be different from ordinary people. He also has high requirements for me. After all, on the face of it, at least, he has only one child, who is trying to cultivate me into the most outstanding lady Shu Female, it's the best cultivation to use for climbing. "

Jing Wan is in a light mood. Obviously, she doesn't like that father very much.

"Wan Wan seems to know something that people with superior conditions shouldn't. what happened at home later?"

"Ah." Jing Wan looked up and fell into memories with a touch of sadness. "He betrayed my mother. She had a strong stomach outside. The air pressure was so arrogant that she appeared in front of her. However, my mother was originally going to divorce with him. There, the couple would divorce if they were not in love. It's normal. After the divorce, both parties can remarry. However, as an official, the man has problems with his style After all, monogamy is regulated by the law. It's not easy for my mother to get away with her. After a long period of time, they both died at the same time when they want to have a result. Only my grandmother and I are left. It didn't take long for him to collude with his officials and bandits, but when everyone else died, it would be all over the place. After all, he won't sit in a row, but his family property was seized. It seems that those bandits suffered losses because of him. When he died, the bandits naturally found me and my grandmother and lived a wandering life with my grandmother, who was a woman of great learning , excellent education, because she earnestly taught me, I didn't go astray. However, my grandmother's strong body had collapsed, and she died a few years later. I had a bad time, and I was ignorant. Then one day, it seemed that I suddenly fainted. Later, when I was conscious, I knew that most of the original me had died and had a baby. No It seems that I forgot to drink Mengpo soup. I still remember everything in my previous life. "

Jing Wan looks down at Li Hongyuan, his eyes are slightly red.

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"Wan Wan now has me, and the Luo family are all your relatives. Most of them are good." Li Hongyuan said softly.

It's no wonder that she didn't like concubines since she was young, especially disliked men's playfulness, and was closer to Luo's personality.

"Well, I know, in fact, my grandmother has passed away, and I have nothing to worry about. In some places, the former grandmother is similar to the present grandmother. It's undeniable that in the beginning, being close to grandmother had the function of empathy. For a long time, the feelings are true. "

"If you want to miss old lady Luo, you can take time to go back and have a look at it at any time."

"Oh, suddenly so generous now? Who is not happy because I have been at Luo's for a long time? " Jing Wan teases, and the sadness in his heart is scattered.

Li Hongyuan snorted, "how long can old lady Luo live? Anyway, it's me who will be by your side for the rest of your life. "

Jing wandun said, "ah yuan, thank you." He lowered his head and kissed Li Hongyuan on his lips.

"A thank you is all?"

"But apart from this, I have nothing else. After all, I am yours, and I will give you my whole life."

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This can be said to be a cruel delight to the living Yama, "what do you mean there's nothing else, I'm not yours? So big Jin Prince Mansion is not yours? "

The prince of Jin, who is full of love talk skills, really pleased the princess of Jin.

Some feelings began to linger again, and Jing Wan decisively shifted the topic, "since ah yuan's fine brushwork is so good, why don't we cooperate to draw a picture, I will draw you, and you will draw me, how about that?" To paint a portrait of Li Hongyuan can be said to be the peak level of jingwan's meticulous painting, especially the first portrait, surreal painting style. In the future, it will never be able to surpass that level.

"Why not?" Li Hongyuan got up, took Jing Wan's wrist and walked back to the back of the desk. "You or I first?"

"Or together, one by one, each drawing is finished, and the other party will make up the other half, to see who makes up the more harmonious and perfect one in the end?"

"Good idea, but if Wan Wan Wan loses, don't cry." Li Hongyuan's long and powerful fingers passed jingwan's nose.

Jingwan patted his hand. "I'm not a jealous person. How could I cry. Besides, even if my painting is not as good as yours, but it's not only by painting that I can win. After all, without discussing the layout in advance, everything can happen, so it's not clear who wins or who loses. "

"Well, I'll see for you." Li Hongyuan smiles shallowly, and is charming.

Jing Wan looks away from her eyes and turns her mouth away. Although she has been used to it for a long time, it's still unbearable for her to come here once in a while.

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Li Hongyuan doesn't care much about his appearance, but it's good to be fascinated by his daughter-in-law.

One person occupied half of the tablecases, and they did their own work. Maybe it was to cooperate with Jing Wan. Li Hongyuan deliberately slowed down the speed, and the paper was relatively small. In this way, the time taken to finish half of the paintings was not long. In the end, they almost stopped writing together.

They looked at each other. From their expressions, we can see that they should be very satisfied. In exchange, when they saw each other's paintings, they were slightly stunned. Then they looked up at each other and smiled at each other. At this moment, they were really tacit.

Just because the layout of the two people is relatively conventional, it's easy to add the other half. It's obvious that they are considering each other, rather than trying to create difficulties deliberately. More coincidentally, the layout of the two paintings is very close. At last, the painting is completed, which can't be said to make people think that it's the same person who draws, but also two similar paintings.

Not the other half, the original time should be longer than before, in fact, it is not so, the same is smooth, ready to learn.

In this way, I spent half a day in my study.

Later, when mammy Gong came to clean up her study, she finally settled down. The princess and the prince didn't really quarrel. She can't draw, but she has an ability of appreciation. One painting obviously comes from two people. Although the master's meticulous painting skill is beyond her imagination, she doesn't think it's strange. After all, she's always not attracted to the master's style of conduct, but she doesn't deny his extraordinary talent in all aspects.

After that, mother Gong found that her princess looked at her eyes with a little indescribable difference. However, she didn't find out the reason. How could she still be? Her eyes didn't change. Well, she strictly abided by her professional ethics.

Jing Wan is a spy in her heart. It's worthy of special training or secret guard background. This determination is not comparable to that of ordinary people. She used to think that mother Gong was a sex

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