"Yes, you are most reasonable. Then, King Jin, what do you want to do after this? It's better to wake me up in advance so that I have a preparation in mind. What do you mean? " Jing Wan said with a smile.

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Li Hongyuan shook his head and raised his smile. "I can't say."

Jingwan shrugs, indicating that it doesn't matter. This kind of thing is not the first time. It's good to get used to it. Jingwan's curiosity is not as strong as it was at the beginning. Anyway, when the time comes, we can know the final result. There are probably three kinds of things. They are calmness, surprise and joy. They won't go beyond this range again. They just don't know what this time is. However, looking at his smile, it's more likely to be happy, so just wait.

No matter how busy the capital city is, no matter how cruel the northwest is, jingwan's life in the Chuang Tzu is almost the same. Everyone has no time to care about them. The people who go to the Chuang Tzu next door are also angry recently. Most of them are warned by their parents. The number of times they go out is reduced. When they come, they will never find things, leisure, leisure, pure leisure. It seems that, like jingwan and their colleagues, they have little influence.

In this case, the return of those who went to inquire about the whereabouts of a large number of grains set off another storm.

It's good that hundreds of thousands of stone grains are missing and not found. Once they are found, they will definitely have clues. After all, so many grains can't disappear out of thin air, and no one can carry them away silently. So, finally, it can only be said that the people who moved the granary this year are unlucky.

This kind of thing, I want to know, won't happen for the first time. However, this year's people, or after last year's autumn harvest, some people are greedy and have too much appetite, but they have always been at peace. When this year's autumn harvest comes, things can be settled. As a result, there is a war, and the granary is opened in advance. The food can't be brought back. Naturally, we can only watch it helplessly. We can only hope it won't be found out, or the people above won't throw themselves out to plead guilty.

When he went out, the face of the people in the household was not very good. When he came back, he was even disheartened, and even his treatment had completely changed. It was obvious that the disappearance of a large number of grains was likely to be "self-monitoring". It may not have anything to do with the Minister of the household. Just look at his depressed model, or get angry at "his own people" for not fighting, or some of them participated in it Important people have a lot to do with him.

However, because of emperor Lecheng's deliberate suppression, things burst out relatively late. After all, at the beginning of the war, people who worked for these people knew that they would be found sooner or later. So, taking advantage of these months, they were finishing up as much as possible. Although they could not be completely cleaned up, many evidences could not be found, so in the end, they might just be lost In some relatively important roles, the real culprit or the person who makes the most of it will escape.

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Busy for so long, did not catch the mastermind, many people are still depressed.

Even though Luo Peishan has a good body and a good bone, he is still old. He has been working hard all the way. When he came home, he was not in a good condition. He was tired physically and mentally.

Luopeishan used to be a strict person. It's not easy to put things on the next day. This time, he went directly back to the main courtyard and didn't want to move.

It was only after a short rest that a servant came to report that the doctor in the Royal Palace of Jin was ordered by the princess to give Luo Shangshu a pulse check.

With such a dutiful granddaughter, she is tired and ironed in her heart. Her body seems to be much more relaxed.

Gong Jiu has diagnosed Luo Peishan's pulse. It's no big problem. It's basically due to aging and weakened body function. Good health care will not affect life span for a period of time, but whether the body will get worse is not guaranteed. After all, the situation of this person is really hard to say.

Gong Jiu pricked Luo Peishan's needle to relieve his discomfort, which can be said to be an immediate effect. Luo Peishan felt a lot relaxed and relieved.

Gong Jiu prescribed the medicine again. No matter it was from the heart of the doctor or the master's command, he gave more advice.

Even if it's the palace doctor, the people of the Luo family are still more respectful, because the generation of Luo Rongyan is still in the yamen, and Luo Jingde personally sent people out.

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When I went back, Luo Peishan said, "good granddaughter. Granddaughter is a kind-hearted little cotton padded jacket. She dislikes a lot of grandsons. She also scolds several sons who haven't come back. Look at the meaning. When they come back, they will probably go to the study again and receive the" love education "from their father.

Several grandchildren are wise to choose to shut up and listen in silence. At this time, they dare to speak. They are going to accept the "education of love" now.

However, in the evening, Luo Shangshu didn't train him to be a son, because his second son, who was determined to climb up, really gave him a big surprise this time.

Luo Rongyan wants to be a good father and the support of his daughter. He has abandoned all his hobbies. He always leaves the capital early and returns late. In February and March, he even left the capital for a period of time. There are several times behind, but it seems that he didn't do any business. Because it was the father of Jin's Royal concubine, his colleagues and superiors respected him more and held him a little bit, which was just idle Duty, let alone what he will do, is in this other people are busy turning over the sky, it seems that there is still nothing for him, how does he want to improve?

Luo Peishan is too busy to worry about him. Maybe I want to see what he can do.

It's reasonable to say that if you want to make progress, you need to find something to do if you have nothing to do. It's true that Luo Rongyan is the same, but he doesn't take the usual path.

So, Luo Peishan didn't expect that he actually did a big thing in silence.

Luopeishan turned over the same thing as the account book, which recorded how many grains were transported from where to where on a certain day of a certain year, the geometry of their value, and the granary from which they were sold, even the person in charge of selling them and the other party's joint. Compared with the general account book, it can be called rough, but compared with the information luopeishan brought back from a trip, this game I don't know how many times it is detailed. Until the end, there is a total amount, which is very small compared with the amount of the missing batch of grains.

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Luo Peishan looked at the "account book" and his son. He was a little confused and complicated. "How can you pay attention to this?"

"I have nothing to do in the household department, but since I want to do something, I naturally need to understand the most basic things in my environment. If I have nothing to do, I go to look through those account books. At first, I didn't see any way. The reason why I pay attention is that there is a fat boy in the household department, muttering about the weight of the grain. I asked him, he said, as far as he knows, the grain entering the granary Food is packed in a unified sack. When all kinds of grain are loaded into the sack, there will be different quantities. However, the same amount of grain should be the same. The weight of each sack in the account book is not much different from the normal situation, but the most amount is much different. I realized that there might be something wrong with the grain. Later, it was found that the problem was basically the account books that were rechecked later. There was no such situation in the account books that were initially put into the granary, because the number of account books was huge and mixed together. When rechecking, there were few or full granaries in the granary. Therefore, it probably didn't attract attention. It took some time to sort out the account books for nearly ten years. Every year, there were problems, just how many relationships This year's number is even larger, but the most serious is seven years ago. "

Luo Peishan is banging his fingertips on the table. Although he is not in the household department, he knows everything about each department. That is to say, no matter which department he is thrown into, he can mix. The grain collected by the household department every year, besides the initial warehousing, there are at least two complications behind. The review time is before the next warehousing, but the granary cannot only enter No, some granaries are gone without waiting for reexamination. There are not a lot of people entering the granaries for reexamination. However, there are basically no reexaminers who are really serious about reexamination bag by bag. It's too easy to move hands and feet inside.

If there is a problem, the next year we say that there is a water leak or something. We have to deal with the fake grain and replace it with a new one. Everything is good.

"Because there was a problem, so you went to look it up?"


"You're not young, but you're just like a little kid. You think it's an impulse. Have you ever thought that if you were detected by those behind the scenes, you might even cause death, even the whole family. Have you thought about that? "

"Dad, I naturally thought about it. Before I went to check it, I had made preparations. Even if it was the account book of the account department, what I looked at was not one of them. When I looked at it, I never made records and would not be noticed. It was also a reasonable reason to go out of Beijing. If I didn't mention it to anyone, I would be the little guy around me, and I didn't know what I was doing. Besides I haven't been out of Beijing for a long time. According to common sense, I can't find out anything at all. "

Luo Peishan was a little surprised. "How did you check that?"

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Luo Rongyan suddenly touched his nose, which was a bit awkward. "Dad, whatever the boundary, there will always be some bad people. These people know a lot. Maybe they don't know the value of what they know, but they just spend some money. "

Luo Peishan laughs. No wonder his son will be embarrassed. He is always bright. Sometimes he looks like an immortal. He always disdains to be with many people. It's hard to imagine that he can get in touch with all kinds of people. However, it shows his determination. However, it can also be seen that what these two sons really want to do is flexible and flexible, He was also cautious enough. At first, this son was his favorite. He couldn't give up. Now he has a big surprise. I just hope it won't happen again.

"Well, I'll take care of it later. Don't expect any credit. Since you really want to do something, I'll give you a place to move a little later. Don't think about a great position, but you won't be idle any more. This time, the household will move a lot, and you will be afraid of filling in the position for a while and a half. Therefore, if you can make some achievements in this war in the northwest, you may still have your position after the war is over. "

"Dad, I listen to you."

"You've listened to me, and you're still mixed up like this? Can you make your daughter a adoptive mother to be a princess? " Luo Peishan said angrily.

Luo Rongyan shut up and didn't answer. Going on, he was an unfilial son and incompetent father.

"Well, go back and have a rest." Luo Peishan talked about the past, and began not to see him again.

But after Luo Rongyan left, Luo Peishan was also there

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