So, is this the sweet talk of being dumped again? Jing Wan pours on Li Hongyuan and takes a bite. It's a foul.

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Jingwan doesn't bite very hard. Li Hongyuan is usually a person who takes this as an interest. Naturally, she will bite him. But the living king of Yan is always a master who refuses to suffer losses and always wants to come back ten times and a hundred times. Therefore, when jingwan looses his tongue, he directly traps people in his arms and gives them a kiss. He doesn't let go until jingwan can't breathe Even if it's exciting, don't seduce people casually. Even if I'm your husband, you should be more reserved. "

What does it mean to be cheap or to be good? This is, or is typical. What is backhoe? This is the best of the best.

Jing Wan gasped for breath and pulled on the man's face. He didn't want to argue with him, because in the end, he was himself.

In the end, all the less important serious things can become very serious.

However, the fire of the Su family really burns inexplicably. Fortunately, it only loses some ordinary finance. The collapsed large houses are a bit troublesome. If they are rebuilt, everyone in the Su family is expected to move places. No matter how good the other places are, they can be compared with the carefully arranged houses? In addition, they did not find out the cause of the fire. In this case, the faces of the Su family were too dark to be black any more.

However, there are always people who are not so optimistic. The princess Su, who has decided to keep her in peace, starts to worry about it again. The family of Su checks it again and again. Make sure there is no mistake. The person in charge of the Su's family is also inexplicable. What are the important things of the Su's family? Where are they put? They have a clear idea in mind. If they are OK, they will be OK. What else can they do wrong? I don't know what the lady is thinking all day long. However, because of the problem of identity, even his sister dare not say anything.

In fact, there is nothing fatal in the Su family, especially after the accident of Su Mingzhang, some things have been dealt with. The only thing is probably the ancestral calculation of the Fu family. But after generations of people, the Fu family certainly does not know, and the emperor cannot know the truth. So, who would deliberately look for that thing, but it is not an internal fire , it can only be man-made arson. No matter whether the arsonist is from Su's family or from outside, he is always aiming at something, but now he hasn't found anything. But the more unknown it is, the more uneasy it will be.

Concubine Su was in such a state of panic that she always felt that something terrible would happen after she left the Su family.

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At last, Princess Su asked her brother to burn the thing. Anyway, to this day, it's useless to keep it. Emperor VI? There is no need to continue to pass it on, nor to follow the meaning of that ancestor. We must see the collapse of Fu family, and do everything possible, and the emperor will do the same. However, if the loss is too great, Princess Su also has a stake in it. After all, she has determined that the future of Qiyuan River and mountain is her son's, and everyone wants their own river and mountain to be rich and powerful.

Thinking too much, concubine Su finally has a little improved body, but also declined again.

No matter who she is, we all know that she can't go on like this. Princess Su is also controlling her emotions forcibly. However, the effect is very little. In a short time, there are too many adverse events. If this person's emotions are really easy to control, how to do, then it's basically beyond the scope of human beings.

Prince Rui can't go out of the palace, listen to her, and worry about her. At last, she can't help but let her Princess go into the palace. Even if she knows that she is in the face of her mother's wife, most of the time, she is oppressed, and her heart is very suffocating. Usually, she doesn't care. Now she is pregnant with a child. If she is depressed, she may not be very good for her baby, but she also hopes that By this child, I can make my mother happy.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

At the beginning, this method did have some effect, but it was not very good, and it didn't last for a long time. I want to know that in the early days, Princess Su had the idea of confusing the royal blood. Obviously, no one else, or even her own thought, was interested in children.

The reason for this is that Gai has been talking about Princess Liu for a long time, and she is used to saying something. She pinched Princess Liu to make sure that she and Prince Rui are one. Her husband is not good, so everyone is OK. That means that Princess Liu's mother's family should not be in a fight. If she does something harmful to Prince Rui's interests Even if you tear your face, no one will be able to get over it.

Princess Liu used to be fed up with Princess su. Now she is pregnant with children. She is still in a constant mood. Whoever changes her mind is in a good mood. For the sake of the baby in her belly, she can't bear it this time. So she stands up directly. "Look at the daughter-in-law, it's better for the mother and the princess to keep still. In this way, the daughter-in-law will leave first."

The daughter-in-law who has always been rebellious has a day of disobedience. Princess Su's face is quite wonderful at that moment. In this heart, it may be more difficult to accept than jingwan's disobedience at first. After all, jingwan didn't obey her at first.

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Princess Liu is inexplicably happy. Sure enough, many things still can't be seen by herself. Once she sees them, or looks down on them, what else can tie her up so that she can't breathe.

"Su Guifei sneered," OK, it's very good. Our palace is useless now. Even my daughter-in-law is impatient to listen to what she said

Now that she has made a point, I don't know what to say for a while.

"The mother and the concubine are good at birth. If it's OK, before the baby is born, the daughter-in-law won't go into the palace. Anyway, there is a piece of meat in her belly as a talisman, which makes her daughter-in-law happy for a while. As for the situation after the baby is born, who knows what it will be? Maybe even her life will be gone. So, it's only when she can be at ease for a while to avoid dying, In retrospect, I have lived a life of suffocation. If we can survive, our daughter-in-law will be left to the disposal of her mother and concubine. " Su Guifei squatted down with her heavier body, then turned around and left. Although her movements were slow, she was extremely firm.

Whether it's the palace people around Princess Su or the people around Princess Liu, they are shaking badly at the moment, because they hear something they dare not hear.

In front of her eyes, Su Guifei felt dark for a while, and rubbed her temples feebly. "She asked people to come in and pull them out, and all the staff died." This is obviously said to the grand maid around.

"Yes," said the maid, holding back her fear She is not sure now whether the person who was killed by the staff has himself or not.

The eunuch was so scared that she fell to the ground, but she also begged for mercy subconsciously. She hoped that Princess Su would let the cat out of the bag. They promised that they would not talk about it. Otherwise, if the medicine was dumb, they could only hope to save their lives.

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Princess Su is very uncomfortable now. She is too lazy to say a word when she has the strength to deal with them.

Princess Liu moves slowly and is supported by the servant girl. She hasn't gone far. She hears the movement and looks as usual. She obviously feels the fear of the servant girl. "Hold it steady. If the princess falls, you will die with her. Take care of your mouth. You will be fine before the baby is born. "

"Thank you, princess." Let it go. My life is saved for the time being.

"Thank you for what I did to put you in such a position. It's me."

"How about the princess? We all know how to be slaves. However, why can't the princess bear it for a while? She just wants to have fun and some words should not be said. So, if you have a baby, you are just like Jin's princess. It doesn't matter if you live recklessly. "

Princess Liu took an unexpected look at her. "I didn't expect you to be a little bit dull in your daily life, but you are quite able to talk. I don't know what you said, but some people, he just don't know, don't want to know, this day, is really enough. Moreover, the pregnant man has a strange temper. He may not be able to control himself in many times. If you say so, it doesn't matter. "

After Princess Liu left the palace, she didn't go back to Ruiqin's palace. She sent people to Chuang Tzu directly. Because she didn't want to face her husband now, she was afraid that she would be unable to help herself. She also said something that she shouldn't say to him. So, if she could avoid, she could. Anyway, her husband can't leave the palace now.

Prince Rui practices calligraphy and calms down in the palace. He hears that Princess Liu has gone to the Chuang Tzu. At the same time, the mother's staff has killed several people around her. The specific reason for this is unknown. It's easy to settle down and get angry again. "Go to pick up the Princess and go back to the palace."

Prince Rui's internal servants are crying. If the princess wants to come back, she won't go to the villa. Moreover, the princess is very valuable now, and they dare not "act rough". Therefore, before going out, they are doomed to go for nothing. However, this kind of thing can't be said to the prince.

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Go for a run. Come back for punishment. It will be a little later.

Sure enough, Princess Liu sent people away. Anyway, her two daughters are also in Chuang Tzu. It doesn't matter.

The internal attendant can obviously feel the change of Princess Liu's attitude, and all of this came after entering the palace. Then, maybe it's a very wrong decision to let the princess go to the palace. The people in Rui's residence, whether servants or concubines in the back house, are in deep water. It's impossible to say that the two concubines who were not treated by the Lord at the beginning are more comfortable now.

The internal attendant went back to restore his life. He was ready to be destroyed by the master's anger. Therefore, when he hit his head with a teacup, he didn't even turn his head. The blood was left behind. Some of his eyes were smeared. He just put out his hand and wiped it. There was no other reaction.

Prince Rui is furious. He probably didn't expect to disobey his obedient woman.

As a matter of fact, his mind is similar to that of Princess su. For the married woman, it's not just that she depends on her husband and looks at her mother-in-law's face and dares to "revolt". It's not that she's tired of living. She feels too comfortable to abandon her life. She really thinks that she can't live without this piece of meat in her stomach?

However, Princess Liu has done so, and others can't really think of her.

It was not long before Jing Wan knew it. Although she didn't understand it, it must be princess Liu and her mother and son who had a bad time. However, jingwan's sense of Princess Liu is also light, not to mention any bad feeling, and naturally there will be no good feeling. Now

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