Jingwan coldly pulled the corners of his mouth. Ha ha, this emperor, what does he want to do?

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However, it doesn't matter. Since people are packed here, it's natural that they can make the best use of everything. No matter how many of them have problems or have ulterior motives. As long as these people are put in prison, they are not allowed to step out of the prescribed scope, and they are not allowed to contact other people at will. Once they disobey, they will be dealt with in detail. In any case, they can find reasons at any time in the rear of the war, Since then, I don't believe there is any moth.

After these people arrived, Jing Wan met them in person. As long as they had the same headdress and almost plain clothes, they just sat there with a simple chair, a square table beside them, and a cup of tea. Jing Wan put her hand on the armrest with a light expression. Behind her, there was also a gong Ma, who was in the ordinary scene, let these people stand But there is no reason for nervous tension, not a little slack.

Mother Gong told them a lot of rules Do you understand? "

This rule is more strict than entering the Imperial Palace in the capital. As a famous opera troupe, they are not prisoners. However, when they see the seemingly casual and careless Royal concubines of Jin Dynasty, they dare not make mistakes and promise one after another. In contrast, the people who lived in the royal residence of Jin Dynasty were very calm at that time. These rules were similar to those when they were in the royal residence.

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Jingwan's fingertips gently point to the armrest of the chair, nail tips and wood fingertips, making a slight noise. Just such a noise, it attracts the attention of the public. "Some ugly words, my princess also said in the front. If these rules were violated, you would be ready to stay in the military camp forever, and in what way would you stay, I believe It's clear to all of you that that's probably not what you want. "

They are all actors. They belong to low status, that is, men. When they arrive at the military camp, they can't be soldiers. There is only one kind of prostitutes. It's the so-called two or three years in the army. Sows compete with minks and cicadas. There are absolutely more things in the military camp than outsiders think. For various reasons, mutual consolation seems normal. Women who are ordered to be thrown into the military camp by their royal concubines don't have to say, That man is afraid to also want "night Sheng Xiao" at that time, who will be taboo men and women.

Although there are men who sing Dan for some reasons, or because of their own or external factors, or because of their own, or because of their own, or because of their own, or because of external factors, they are like women, which doesn't mean that these people are willing to become one of the military prostitutes. In the military brothel camp, even those who can't compete with the lowest level of the brothel, they don't like to listen to what they say, and those who want to sleep, spend some money, for better or worse. The military brothel, even the chance to breathe No way. There are too many soldiers.

Therefore, when I heard jingwan's words, I kept silent one by one. Even if I really had any different thoughts, I should think about them at this time.

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However, it seems that the cognition of Jin's Royal concubines has to be changed.

Jing doesn't care what they think in their hearts. When they knock it out, they get up and leave. However, her words are not joking. If someone dares to commit a crime knowingly, she will never let it have a good end. For innocent people, her compassion is getting weaker and weaker. What's more, someone who has committed a crime deserves it.

After the matter was handed over, Jing Wan stopped talking about it. All she wanted to see was the final result.

It may be that they have nothing to do, or they want to perform well in front of the Royal concubines of Jin Dynasty, or the opera troupe of the Royal Palace wants to compete with the outside. After all, if the family support is compared with the outside, it doesn't seem that they are very useless, how can they defend their position. The outside, at best or not, is the most famous one in the capital city, after trials and tribulations and examinations Test, be compared by private raise, face how to save, say so so of compare psychology, it is very quick to produce a result.

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When they have made achievements, the wounded camp will naturally have eyes and ears. Therefore, these talents know that they are not going to the place full of danger to relieve the prince and Princess of Jin. However, there is no room for them to talk about the order of the princess of Jin. Therefore, no matter what they think, they have to keep singing.

Of course, to the back, not only in the "wounded camp" singing, the soldiers in front should also properly enjoy the benefits is not.

In this way, it's another month in a hurry and another year is approaching the annual pass. It's cold enough. Fortunately, there is no snow in this boundary. However, according to jingwan's news, it's true that, as someone said, the snow covers a large area to the north, and the rare snow disaster. As expected, personnel can be changed, and the Tianwei is still the same.

In other words, Prince Rui's "son" has been born. It can only be said that Prince Rui really has no son's life. Princess Rui's third child is still a girl. It is obvious that a boy must come out. Jing Wan wants to ask where the boy came from. Someone must know, but he laughs rather than talks. Jing Wan looks at it, it must not be prince Rui originally The preparation of the children, in all likelihood, can not be simple, clearly have to do the rhythm of major events.

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However, the war was still stalemate, and the great sage king of the West Huns did not move forward, or could not move forward, but he also kept the captured territory.

In the capital, Emperor Lecheng was obviously in a hurry. He gave Li Suyan an "order" more than once.

Li Hongyuan knocked on the map of Canyu in front of him. "It's time to close the net."

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