Li Hongyuan knocked on the map of Canyu in front of him. "It's time to close the net."

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"Is Ayan ready to end the war ahead of time?" Jing Wan said.

The so-called advance, of course, is several months away from his previous life.

"But it's also a good thing to be able to finish ahead of time. War is not a good thing in the first place. No one is willing to delay two days if it's not necessary to be able to finish one day ahead of time." Jing Wan looks at the map of Canyu, which is clearly marked in two parts, "even if it can be advanced, it should not end in a day or two."

"It's not impossible to have an 'immediate' truce. It's just that it's a little difficult and not what my husband wants."

Jing Wan thinks a little and understands that if only one of them surrenders, then the armistice will stop immediately. However, it is impossible for Qiyuan to surrender, and the great sage king of the West Xiongnu obviously would not do such a thing easily - even if his brain was full of water for a while, he believed that Prince Jin could open his brain and let the water out.

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"Will the emperor be angry after this is over?" Jing Wan is a little worried.

Li Hongyuan chuckled, "don't say it's anger. It doesn't matter if I die of anger. I won't have to do it."

Jingwan Yimo, who personally chopped off his father in his previous life, is absolutely dehumanizing in the eyes of the world. It's not as good as brutes. He will become a tyrant, without the addition of these bloody and brutal means before he ascended the throne.

"According to your current layout, the northwest army will certainly not lose more than 200000 people in vain, and I am fine." So, even if that man is very, very annoying, if you usurp the throne, it's OK that he's still alive.

Jingwan knows that he doesn't care about fame, but he doesn't want him to die for thousands of years. At present, what jingwan pays attention to is to govern the world with filial piety, and pay attention to filial piety. Children are equal to their parents' private property, which is the so-called "no wrong parents". So, no matter what they do to their children, even if it's too much, they are just told two sentences, but if it's the opposite, They will be accused of being unfilial, and spitting stars can drown people, which is the case for ordinary people. What's more, it's the emperor, the emperor, who killed his son in a righteous way, and nobody dare to say anything.

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Even if it is a famous monarch, once stained, it will be criticized by generations.

Li Hongyuan can't understand jingwan's meaning. In fact, at the beginning of his return, those who have been used to it in the past life are very hard to suppress the killing intention in his heart. After so many years, the killing intention is also weak. At least on the surface, he can face the so-called father calmly. But in the end, how to deal with him has not been carefully thought about by Li Hongyuan It's the idea of saying it at the end of the day. Maybe it's all based on mood. One thing is for sure. It's that I never thought of providing him with good food and drink, but if I just want to save my life, I can't think about it.

Li Hongyuan reached out his hand and touched Jing Wan's cheek, "don't worry, I'm measured. To be honest, even with his body, he can live for another few years. "

Jingwan holds Li Hongyuan's hand. "So, I don't want you to repeat it. Moreover, if he dies, he will die. If he lives, he may be able to redeem himself for what he has done wrong. "

"Looking to someone like him to atone? Wan Wan is being silly again? And how are you going to make him atone? "

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Jingwan, keep him, that is the name of the emperor, what do you want him to do?

"Fool, there are many ways to kill people. It's not necessarily a one size fits all. If you want him to die faster, he'll die faster. If you want him to die slower, he'll die slower, or he'll suffer, or he'll die faster. There are not a hundred or eighty ways in this way, so don't think about these silly problems. People are not smart, and the more you think about it, the more stupid you are."

It's not the first time that Zao was said to be stupid. Jing Wan now listens. He's almost immune and gives him a white eye. However, in this case, it's really unnecessary to go on talking about it, but it's very boring.

Because the plan is being carried out step by step, Jing Wan becomes nervous with it. He doesn't go to the wounded camp anymore. He follows Li Hongyuan to read the secret letters coming and going.

Earlier, Li Hongyuan secretly made weapons and armor in batches. Some of them were disguised, some of them were not even covered. The reason why they were so blatant can only be said that now the whole northwest is completely under control. At the same time, it shows again that Li Hongyuan is more and more indifferent to his own affairs Come on.

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Now, the great sage king of the Western Xiongnu is also in a state of anxiety. In fact, he is not one of the two sages under the Western Xiongnu king. In fact, he is only the brother of the Western Xiongnu king. In addition, he is their elder generation. Besides, there are several sons of the Xiongnu king. When the reputation of the great sage king becomes more and more famous, how can he not be feared, even if he once trusted the Western Xiongnu king The Xiongnu king, under all kinds of slanders and criticisms of people from all walks of life, was also more and more shaken. Now, what he wants is just an opportunity.

And this opportunity, Li Hongyuan will be sent to him soon.

In lechengdi's place, it is necessary to give some "benefits". Li Hongyuan needs to "cooperate" so that Li Suyan can't make a difference. When you are ready, I will wait for Prince Jin's order.

"Lord, you have asked to pay attention to the whereabouts of Su Mingzhang. Now it has been determined."

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