These words, let King Kang get up directly, kick past. I don't know. I thought he kicked people because he suddenly heard that his princess was gone and couldn't believe it. In fact, it was just Li Hongyuan who broke something. Now people are gone. It's as if he was slapped hard on his face. Everything is embarrassing as if he was told by Li Hongyuan. "Go home!"

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It's his misfortune that the Butler can't get up on the ground. He doesn't know the cause and effect, or he won't say it directly.

King Kang left in a hurry. Before long, almost everyone knew that Princess Kang was gone. Look at Sun Yijia's eyes again with a strange look: this one can finally be married in just another year.

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Sun Yijia is not unknown, but still a proud posture, but no one knows, her hand in the sleeve, dead drag, nail almost into the flesh, after all, just a teenage girl, never experienced the storm, how can I really not care.

She was born noble, rich and well-off since she was a child. She never thought of being more noble, let alone a stepmother. Although more than one person told her that she would be the future queen and the most honorable woman in the world, she didn't want any more. Besides, the most honorable woman is not the most honorable person after all. My aunt is sitting in that position. When she can sleep safely, when she has no bad thoughts, my husband gives her nothing but superficial respect and love.

Moreover, in other people's eyes, she is probably a woman robbing other people's husbands. In the past, my cousin liked her very much. But from more than a year ago, my cousin's eyes were poisoned when she looked at her. At that time, she understood that my cousin knew that others thought she had never known. At that time, she had just known the decision of her aunt and her family. She was reluctant, afraid of falling into the mud, and deeply sorry for her cousin.

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Before she had time to say what she thought, her mother cut her off sharply, telling her over and over again that it's OK to step in, but the result is important. She will be the queen, her son will be the emperor, and she will be the Empress Dowager

It's ridiculous. It's still unknown whether her cousin Kang Wang can become an emperor or not. She is still unmarried. She thinks of things decades later. It's all vain that she didn't wait for the result to appear. They all say that the winner is the one who laughs at the end. So why do they think that King Kang can laugh at the end, and that the government can laugh at the end? Even if she married King Kang and King Kang ascended the throne, how can she laugh at the end? The world is changing. No matter what you think, it's what

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Sun Yijia thought of her cousin's hatred and died. Since then, she never dared to see her again, not for fear of her hate eyes, but for fear that her cousin would be more angry and sad when she saw her, leading to the aggravation of her condition. After all, her existence only made her feel dazzling, as if she was deliberately reminding her of something. It's not my cousin. I don't know how she has been suffering for more than a year.

Li Hongyuan stood up and dusted his clothes. He saw that he was ready to leave.

"Six brothers, you are..."

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"When my sister-in-law is dead, my younger brother naturally wants to comfort me. You've never been the best face skill. What are you doing here?" Li Hongyuan is not easy to tear people's face.

Rui Wang wants to kill him. He's really happy too early. Don't expect this bastard to stand on his side and help him wholeheartedly. "It's natural to go, but it seems that it's not good for brother Liu to give up halfway." Rui Wang's strong tolerance of anger means something.

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