"I'm not old." It's enough for him to try his best to draw a red line with Wan Wan. Other people are nothing. What's the relationship with him? Even if it's sun Yijia, he will come back to sun Yilin sooner or later. If he pays one point, others will have to pay ten times and one hundred times. You Li Hongming want him to do things, which will make you happy and take advantage of it. Behind the scenes, it will make you lose more and more.

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Love, you just play with a group of people, right? Rui Wang gives him a fierce look and leaves. The concubine always makes him look like a brother, but he can't pretend to be the son of a bitch who is capable of treating people indiscriminately.

These three true Buddhas have all gone. Today, they are in such a situation that there is no need for the party to go on. Some people say goodbye and others say goodbye again and again. Naturally, the sun family will not stay much, and will try to send off guests.

When Jing Wan left, she met sun Yijia face-to-face. She was very surprised. She was still in full bloom before, but now she seems to have lost water, to be numb, and even to be dead. Jing Wan instantly understood that she had no intention of Kang Wang. "You..."

Jingwan wanted to say something, but now it's not the time to talk. Sun Yijia seems to hear her opening, take a look at Jing Wan and nod her head. There is no redundant expression. However, she sees the worry in Jing Wan's eyes. Sun Yijia's heart was warm. At this time, her family didn't notice her condition. A stranger gave her care. Although it was meager, it might have approached her purpose deliberately, but it still made her feel better.

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When only the sun family was left, several key people gathered in Mrs. sun's court because the Duke Ding and his eldest son had not yet gone to the Yamen.

The attendants left by King Kang told them that sun Yijia was going to marry another man, and the people on the scene had different thoughts. Sun Yilin wanted to comfort his sister, but when he saw the flash of joy on Sun Yijia's face, he knew what his sister really thought. He didn't want King Kang to be his brother-in-law either. Although there were no concubines in the backyard of King Kang's mansion, there were many concubines and children. That was not a good match. Thank the king of Jin in my heart.

Of course, the most angry one was Ding Guogong's wife, who first pinched her son and now mixed her daughter's good deeds, even scolded her regardless of her status.

"Enough." Sun Laofu's person scolds, some headache rubs the forehead, took some kind of exhaustion.

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Dingguogong's wife shut up. Although she controls the power of dingguogong's government, she dare not make troubles in front of her mother-in-law. Not only because she is her husband's mother-in-law, but also because she knows how powerful her wrist is. Don't think that she doesn't care now. She can look down on her when she is fasting and praying.

"I know that you are worried about two children, but what you have done today is really out of proportion. What is the status of Prince Jin, the son of today, let you say he is not? I'm also convinced here that Prince Jin didn't appoint a person for brother Lin. don't tell me about those who don't have. When Princess Kang's funeral is over, hurry to tell them about their marriage. Don't be so picky. It's almost OK. Don't leave jiawench to be an old aunt, then you will regret it. "

"Grandmother, sister's marriage, Empress and Prince Kang should have other arrangements?" Sun Yilin said astringently.

Before dingguogong's wife could be happy about her son's affairs, she heard this. To be honest, her daughter can't decide the marriage by herself. Even though she had done it before, she still does. How can she not make people happy.

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"I'll go into the palace and tell the empress. She will give me that face." It was her own daughter, because she insisted on giving Jiaya to Prince Kang. At that time, her mother's grandson retreated. This time, the queen never refuted her mother's truth, but she was afraid that there would be more estrangement between the mother and daughter.

"Grandmother..." Sun Yijia was moved and guilty.

"Come on, all of you. I'm tired and want to have a rest." Old lady sun waved.

They had to leave.

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"Let's wait, brother Lin."

Sun Yilin replied, "what else can grandma tell you?"

Mrs. sun waved to the other people at the door and told them to leave quickly. After a while, he said, "brother Lin, do you have a girl you like? If so, just talk to your grandmother, she will always make you a success. "

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