There is no doubt that master Chen's wand business is brilliant. However, isn't it that the Taoist family is more professional for the ghosts and monsters? Is master Chen a multi-faceted and unlimited development?

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I don't know how to start, but how the process is. Jingwan sat beside Li Hongyuan and began to wander. When she thought of the emperor and the concubine, she was inexplicably nervous that "the ugly daughter-in-law saw her father-in-law".

Think a lot, and because no one will pay attention to her - my husband? It doesn't matter. He hasn't seen anything, so the expression on jingwan's face is unpredictable. In a word, it's probably the "negative attribute" that emerged after jingwan became pregnant. It's natural that the expression on her face should not be controlled deliberately how comfortable she is.

Li Hongyuan glanced at jingwan on his side. He had seen jingwan's newly developed attribute. He reached out his hand and pinched jingwan's face, letting jingwan return to his spirit.

And Jing Wan of the return God looks at Li Hongyuan doubtfully: what's the matter?

Jingwan didn't feel that she had been pregnant for three years. In Li Hongyuan's view, her daughter-in-law had become dazed after she became pregnant. However, this situation was not serious, it only happened occasionally, and she would not notice it. However, in Li Hongyuan's view, this "small flaw" was really an unexpected recruitment. She barely compensated him for his "grievance".

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When Li Hongyuan wanted to talk, the open door suddenly blew a gust of wind, which reminded Jing Wan of the description of some scenes in the story telling book. However, he didn't feel cold. In summer, a cool wind was quite comfortable.

However, does this mean that the celestial beauty is about to appear?

Jing Wan's eyes turn to master Chen. It seems that he has been sitting there reading sutras, but he has done nothing else. It's hard not only that, but also that he can let the invisible spirits living in other people's bodies leave the body and become explicit? That's really awesome, my master liaochen.

Jingwan looks at the door again, and then, suddenly, there is a vague figure at the door. Jingwan is shocked and sits upright subconsciously. Originally looking at her, Li Hongyuan also glanced at the door because of her reaction. Later, her sitting posture changed a little, looking at the more and more solid figure at the door.

When it comes to ghosts, the average person is more afraid.

However, the person who appears now is really like a fairy coming out of the moon, with a trace of cold, super dust, and looks really not like a human being, but perhaps also because she is not a human being.

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How can such a "ghost" be feared.

Jing Wan found that his husband ' First name ".

Jingwan thinks that she has seen many beauties, but it seems that she will be stunned at this moment.

Li Hongyuan also looked at the imperial concubine, but he didn't respond very much. The only idea was that the person he saw at the end of his previous life was her. Take back his eyes and fall on jingwan's face. Tut, his daughter-in-law is shocked to see a woman, even if it's his mother-in-law. Reaching out, he pinched jingwan's face again.

This scene happened to fall into the eyes of the imperial concubine. Seeing how close his son and his daughter-in-law are, naturally, he could not help but raise a smirk. However, the cold feeling on his body disappeared without trace. The rest was a fairy who was touched with the fireworks of the world. It reduced the sense of distance and was gentle and amiable.

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Jing Wan was disturbed to see the beauty, naturally a little unhappy, but saw his husband's darker face, immediately attached a placatory smile, "we'd better look at abyen in the world."

And Li Hongyuan's face was blacker, at the same time, there was a chuckle.

Both husband and wife looked over. The imperial concubine who was just at the door is now three steps away.

Jingwan is a little embarrassed. She can't help it. It's really the mother-in-law of the two eight classics. It's the beauty that the immortal dare not profane easily. She stands up quickly. As a result, Li Hongyuan and the imperial concubine reach out their hands almost at the same time. Only one helps her, and the other hand goes through her arm.

"Slow down, don't be so fussy." Li Hongyuan frowned slightly.

The imperial concubine looked at her hand, and then she said with a smile, "yuan'er is right. Wan Wan Wan, you are double now. If you slow down, it's for your children as well."

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Jing Wan's face was a little red, and she was ashamed of her weak performance. "Yes, the daughter-in-law of the mother's wife remembers it."

To Jing Wan, the imperial concubine is very happy.

Li Hongyuan also stood up straight at the moment, "the mother Princess." Although it seems that the imperial concubine is very young, in fact, she is 20 years old, but she has a 25-year-old son. However, Li Hongyuan didn't think it was impossible to export, just a title.

"Yuaner......" There seems to be some sadness on the face of the imperial concubine. However, maybe it's because of the spirit. It's far from the strong emotion when she was occupying the body of Qin Shufei. Obviously, she has deep feelings, but no palpitation or tears. This is not the ultimate sadness for the imperial concubine.

The scene fell silent for a moment


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