"Guanguan......" Emperor Lecheng was excited and eager, careful and timid. Maybe the first time the emperor and his concubines saw their son and daughter-in-law rather than their unhappiness. However, in the end, this emotion was not obvious. He probably didn't find it himself, but it doesn't mean that others didn't.

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As a murderer, you don't have any guilt and remorse in front of the "dead" even if it's because you are not the first one to be seen, are you not happy? It's not that I love you from the bottom of my heart. I've been thinking about it for many years since I died. Even if it's true love, unless it's brain damage, it will put you first after you kill yourself. To be honest, even if it's first, it should be hatred. If it doesn't appear at the first time, I'll just jump up and cut his neck. It's very face giving.

Huang Guifei looks at Le chengdi quietly with her face on her side. What she raised her hand was to touch her, but she just froze and became more and more uneasy. The excitement in her eyes is dyed with different colors, "Guan, Guanguan..." Lips wriggle, hands shake again.

The imperial concubine squatted and crouched, "the emperor." Graceful, the action is still as standard as a textbook.

Emperor Lecheng subconsciously reached out to help her, but it was empty. His hand went straight through the arm of the imperial concubine. Emperor Lecheng was stunned. There was a moment of emptiness on his face. Looking at the imperial concubine, he didn't seem to know what it was.

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However, when Emperor Lecheng reacted in this way, Jing Wan clearly saw that the imperial concubine was shrunk by the hand "touched" and the other hand was brushed without trace. It can be seen that the approach to Emperor Lecheng had no actual touch and was quite repugnant. If Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan were not taken into account, she might have done so obviously.

Jingwan's understanding of the imperial concubine is based on what others say. It's all kinds of good things, good looks, good temper, good cultivation and good heart. In a word, it's all kinds of perfection. But now, it seems that it's not the same thing. It's also true that the clay man has three parts of earthiness. How can a temper mean that she has no temper? The imperial concubine is not a saint. How can she forcibly seize herself In the heart of the imperial concubines, it's normal to kill lechengdi. It's too light to hate anything.

Of course, there is another possibility that the imperial concubine does not value life and death at all. Based on this, there is no hatred for Lecheng emperor who killed her. However, the imperial concubine died before the baby was born, so more hatred comes from here. Regardless of how much Lecheng emperor favored Li Hongyuan, she also deprived him of the most important things, female People can have no ambition, but they will never allow their children to be bullied.

Therefore, the Royal concubine can keep her current state, which is not peace of mind. She can only reach the state of not showing her emotions. I think so. Although she died early, whether she was Pei's family or later Lecheng emperor, she can be said to have protected her very well. However, what she should learn is not rare. In the next ten years, she will get along with Qin Shufei It must be influenced by concubine Qin. The most powerful women in the harem are three, not two.

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It's strange that the imperial concubine has no snack machine or city government.


The imperial concubine smiled softly. "Emperor, I haven't been able to show up for a long time. I'll wait for you and yuan'er to have a word with his daughter-in-law, and then talk to the emperor." Then I looked directly at Jing Wan and Li Hongyuan. Obviously, I just had a meeting with Lecheng emperor, not to get his consent. Even if I wanted to annoy Lecheng emperor, the imperial concubines obviously didn't care. They were all dead. There were so many scruples. However, the imperial concubine, who had thousands of words, didn't know what to say with her son at the moment, and her eyes fell on jingwan. "I know that wanwan is a good child, and yuaner can marry you, which is his blessing. I only hope that you can go hand in hand and never leave." Then he looked at Li Hongyuan again. "It's the empress who didn't fulfill her due responsibility. She's sorry. But now, what's the use of saying that? So, my mother only wishes you all the best. " The imperial concubine paused and said with a smile, "OK, go out first, I'll talk to your father and Emperor."

Li Hongyuan didn't say anything. He looked at the imperial concubine and said, "my son and minister are leaving." Then he left directly with Jing Wan who was too late to see the ceremony.

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After jingwan went out, he saw master liaochen twirling Buddhist beads and looking up at the sky. He didn't know when the "big wand" came out. However, he didn't have anything to do with family reunion.

But at this time, jingwan didn't have the desire to open her mouth. She glanced at the room from time to time.

This place, at this moment, seems very quiet. Even the guards of the imperial forest army and the eunuch beside Lecheng emperor are far away.

Li Hongyuan reaches out his hand and sticks his palm to jingwan's face. With a little effort, she looks at herself, "just curious?"

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Jing Wan smiled, "I really want to know what they said." Well, people's "husband and wife", although still with a layer of identity of enemies, but lechengdi don't think so.

"What else can I say is just to talk to each other and promise to keep each other in the next life, but that's all."

In general, jingwan still wants to refute, but when he finished, jingwan understood what he meant. For the imperial concubine, it's a lie to tell her the truth, to make Lecheng feel guilty and miserable, and the essential purpose is to win more weight for her son. At this time, it's the stupidest way to pursue Lecheng's various mistakes with Lecheng.

For her son, the imperial concubine is willing to play with Lecheng emperor.

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