Gong Jiu got the master's order, so he would do his best to solve the bug in sun Yilin's body.

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In winter, there is no redness, swelling and suppuration in the wound. However, there is still a high fever. If a doctor with mediocre medical skills can prepare for the future, Gong Jiu will be different in the end. In addition, he has obtained the medical books summarized by the old travelling doctor's experience for many years. It doesn't say that he is a saint. At least there are few in the world that can match him. Even so, it took a lot of effort to cure sun Yilin, and the final result was satisfactory.

Min Xiaoyuan has been around all the time. She is doing all the things like fetching water and delivering things. How good can she be expected to do these things? Clumsy, Gong Jiudao doesn't urge. Anyway, it's just to spend more time. Can min Xiaoyuan expect others to do these things if she doesn't?

Min Xiaoyuan also knows that, so she can only bite her teeth and insist, but also as fast and slow as possible. What is delayed is sun Yilin's illness.

Therefore, Gong Jiu's words "rescued" were used to express her gratitude. At this time, she could not really see the appearance of a noble daughter in a family.

Can love really change a person to this extent? Gong Jiu actually has such a little doubt in his mind, but he will not go to the bottom of the matter, because the two masters are typical of them. Of course, Gong Jiu doesn't have the idea to try it, but when he meets the right person at the right time, he doesn't reject it either.

Min Xiaoyuan is busy taking care of sun Yilin. Fortunately, in this restaurant, she doesn't need to make a fire to cook, nor to embarrass her in this kind of thing. In fact, other things are just that no one serves sun Yilin. If she has money, she can invite people outside. The problem is that she has no money. She used to have a lot of money, but it's not on her. She has no money After the separation of her attendants, she was penniless.

Sun Yilin woke up after another day's sleep. At this time, his demagogues had been dispelled, leaving only a few scars on his face, which was really left in the fire. In fact, it was not very obvious, and naturally there was no sense of horror.

Sun Yilin is clear about his own changes, but he doesn't confirm it. Instead, he quietly looks at Min Xiaoyuan, who is lying on the edge of the bed and sleeping uneasily. His heart is very complicated. Sun Yilin thinks that there are no people in the world who make him feel sorry, including Jing Wan, including his mother-in-law, but only for min Xiaoyuan

Min Xiaoyuan raised her head from her sleep and said to sun Yilin, "are you awake? Great! " The surprise of speech. Then he hurried to take the medicine and carefully fed it to sun Yilin.

Sun Yilin is very cooperative. After drinking the medicine, he will wash his mouth with water.

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"I'll call Dr. Gong to have a look." Say and get up again.

"Xiaoyuan, sit down. I'm fine now. I don't need to call. Please talk with me for a while."

Minxiaoyuan had some doubts about how it could be better, but Sun Yilin had a firm eye, so she had to sit down obediently, the biggest patient in the world.

However, sun Yilin did not speak. His eyes passed min Xiaoyuan's forehead, hands, clothes and hair one by one. Without asking, he knew what might have happened.

Min Xiaoyuan purses her lips, but Sun Yilin doesn't feel comfortable with her. "That, in fact, on your face..." No words.

"Never mind, never mind Xiaoyuan, you want me to live, don't you? " Sun Yilin's opening in a soft voice was a kind of gentle feeling.

"Of course." Even if sun Yilin hurt him very much, he still didn't want him to die.

"You know, it's unlikely. They won't let me live."

"No, no, if you really want to die, the princess won't plead with Prince Jin, and she won't let doctor Gong treat you. The princess is very good, really..." Min Xiaoyuan looks at him, very sincere, but there are still worries that can't be hidden. She is persuading sun Yilin and he Zeng is persuading herself.

Fool, the reason why he is still alive is that the Royal concubine of Jin has nothing to do with him for her infatuation. Maybe there is a little possibility before he shoots the arrow at the couple. It is estimated that the Royal concubine of Jin would like to cut him alive. He's sober now and has seen everything through.

"Now go and ask Prince Jin, and say that I want to see him, and see if he sees me. If he does, it will be disrespectful for me to climb up to him like this. Can you please condescend him to move me, or send two men to fight me over?" Sun Yilin said calmly.

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Min Xiaoyuan put her hands on her knees and wrinkled her clothes. Once again, tears accumulated in her eyes and her lips trembled.

"Don't cry, don't be afraid. Don't worry. I won't die." Sun Yilin comforted her.

Min Xiaoyuan wiped her eyes, got up and went to the room.

Will Li Hongyuan condescend for sun Yilin? Obviously not. He was put on the shelf. Yes, of course, it was not as rough as expected.

Min Xiaoyuan didn't feel at ease. She went with her. However, it was obviously impossible to enter the house. She could only wait outside anxiously.

His hands and feet were all hurt. Sun Yilin was placed on the chair. He saw Jing Wan also there. It was no accident. This time, he didn't look at her.

Jing Wan is playing chess with Li Hongyuan, or Li Hongyuan is playing with him. Jing Wan's chess power is limited. Li Hongyuan is playing with her. Jing Wan is not so relaxed. However, she doesn't think hard about how to play every step of chess. She plays at will. Li Hongyuan must not be cruel to her daughter-in-law. She basically follows Jing Wan is still in the ascendant, but it depends on the chessboard, which is 51:49.

They didn't speak, and sun Yilin remained absolutely quiet, frowning and looking down, as if he had fallen asleep.

"It looks like you're awake now." Do not know how long to wait, Li Hongyuan finally merciful opening.

Sun Yilin raised his head and his eyes were calm. "He was always awake." He knows every thing he does and every word he says. However, in retrospect, he looks at everything he does from the perspective of an outsider. It's a little strange. However, if he has done it, he has done it. There's nothing to explain.

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Jing Wan's eyes narrowed slightly when she saw him like this. Is this really a good heart? When she knows that something has happened, she should take it on her own and face it calmly? Or is it really rotten and unchangeable? She thought that after getting rid of the insects, he would at least repent for his actions. Did she really see the world as beautiful?

But piansheng, now sun Yilin's temperament is very close to that Yilin's son.

At first, jingwan was a little curious about sun Yilin's transformation. Now there is no curiosity, and the hatred in his heart has faded a lot after he decided to make sun Yilin silly. However, sun Yilin, a proud man, would rather die. If he chooses to live rather than die, then in addition to suspecting that he used to look at people, he may also have some pleasure when he watched the arrogant turn into a fool. However, this possibility is not great, or he would have escaped before.

So, jingwan thinks that Min Xiaoyuan's idea is just an excuse, and the starting point is not good, with deep malice.

"What do you mean when you see Ben Wang?" Li Hongyuan is not interested in talking nonsense with him.

"I hope you can let me go, spare my life and do anything."

It's quite unexpected to say such a thing. Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan glanced at each other, "even if they become fools?"

Sun Yilin's face finally had a slight change in expression, which was neither obvious nor significant, nor lasted for a long time. He turned his head sideways and seemed to focus his attention on the outside. For a moment, "it's all right." The voice is light, but firm.

Jingwan suddenly understood that he chose to live, or even become a fool, not for himself, but someone wanted him to live, so he lived, even in such a humiliating way. I just don't know if it's because of his feelings for min Xiaoyuan, or because of his guilt for min Xiaoyuan, or for any other reason.

However, no matter what kind of decision sun Yilin makes, he can't touch jingwan any more.

Now that we have finished, we are not interested in "hospitality".

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"Before leaving, I wonder if I can have a word with the princess?" As soon as he said this, Li Hongyuan's face was a little bad, while sun Yilin was not afraid of death and did not blink.

"What do you want to say?" Jing Wan asked.

I don't want to say anything shocking. Even if I'm not afraid of death, smart people will not die easily. It's totally two concepts.

Sun Yilin looked at her squarely, but she was very clear and free of distractions. "I'm sorry for the previous things. Some words, don't put them in your heart. At that time, although people were sober, they couldn't control themselves very much. I've heard that for thousands of years, even semi-finished products of Baiyi ethnic group have all kinds of symptoms, let alone finished products, the role of emotional locking insects, and bullying. They can rank in the top three of all insects. Whether they can control them or not, they must be very human, or they can use their emotions deeply. It has been proved that no matter whether the Lord is concerned about you or not, he has made many calculations Little, he is a good husband. In this respect, there are many people who can't compare with him. I am myself, and I can't guarantee that. Even ordinary insects are hard to control themselves. If it's a lock love insect, it probably won't be a good result. "

Is this a disguised compliment to Li Hongyuan? Jing Wan looked at someone and had to say that his face was really better.

"I didn't care."

"That's good." Sun Yilin nodded, then let Li Hongyuan's people take him away.

"It's a big change. It's a little untrue." Really, it's a world of difference.

"He just stated a fact."

Jingwan choked and reached out to pinch his face. "It's very thick."

Li Hongyuan held her hand. "Aren't they all facts?"

"Yes, yes." Jingwan is a little helpless. "Gong Jiu didn't say before that Min Xiaoyuan was also planted with poison, or that kind of poisonous poison." when hearing Gong Jiu's talk about the poison, jingwan really shuddered. She said that Ruan Fangfei had such a perfect face, but not a human skin mask. You need to know whether she was also disfigured, or that kind of face that was quite serious. The medical technology of the past has not been available It must be able to be repaired. "At the beginning of planting beauty and demagogue, sacrifice is needed. For those who have no humanity, for beauty, they naturally don't care about others

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