"Therefore, Prince Rui did not know that the Su adult would take the initiative to explain. At that time, the former Prince of Wei bangrui would sit on the river, and in exchange, when he became the emperor, Prince Rui would give enough benefits. This benefit, 90% or part of the rivers and mountains of Qiyuan?" Jing Wan went on.

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Li Hongyuan nodded, "this is the biggest card of Li Hongming now, otherwise he would not dare to start at this moment."

"The former Wei Dynasty has always been covetous to Qiyuan. If we cooperate with them, we will be scheming with them. What is the good result?" Jingwandun said, "no, Prince Rui said that he is only a minister. The so-called cooperation is essentially to cooperate with the enemy and betray the country and cede the national interests. How can such a person deserve to be a royal man or a man?"

"For the people on the throne, we can let the land fall into the hands of outsiders, and we can't allow 'our own' Xiao to think about it, because as long as the country is still there, no matter how big the territory is, he is still the top of the nineties, but instead of 'our own', how can others snore and sleep on the side of the couch? This is the same for many people. As long as Li Hongming can sit there In his eyes, it may be the smallest effort in exchange for the greatest benefit. "

"Power bewilders, not to mention the supreme and unique position." Jingwan murmured.

Jingwan's stomach is more and more obvious now, but it doesn't seem to be heavy. Moreover, she hasn't been well raised recently, and she doesn't grow meat. Although not every pregnant woman grows meat, Li Hongyuan feels that she's quite derelict when she looks at jingwan, whose stomach hasn't changed much. "Wan Wan, you should eat more."

Jing Wan is still immersed in some things, and suddenly hears Li Hongyuan's words. It takes half a beat to reflect what he said. His expression is a little split. Is this thinking jump too big? Jingwan bumped him on the elbow. "It's business."

"Isn't your body business? What could be more important than you? " Li Hongyuan said quite righteously, "when a woman is pregnant, she will grow half of her weight. As for you, she has a big stomach, just like before she was pregnant. It shows that this person will definitely lose weight."

Jingwan has no words. She has gained so much weight. However, her exercise volume is not small. She only has a long stomach. She doesn't grow very normally. What's more, her heart is not good during this period of time. It's normal for her to be a little thin and light. It's good to be raised. However, there are some things that she really has no choice but to say to this man. It's all false that she has completely turned over her head. But in the end, it's her own "failure" that can't be hard hearted to him. "When I returned to Beijing, I grew up."

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"How can I raise it after I return to Beijing? I should eat more now." Li Hongyuan said, frowning, not satisfied with the meal on the road.

"Well, I'll try to eat as much as I can." Even if there is an increase in appetite, it is basically fixed, and it can't be sustained. However, forget it, don't argue with him. In the end, you can't talk about him.

"That's right." Li Hongyuan still felt her head.

Jing Wan is so angry that she closes her eyes. She doesn't care about big things or small things. She doesn't care.

With the approach to the capital, jingwan's stomach has been six months, and the journey will never be peaceful.

Of course, at this time, it is also gradually converging with those who are looking for Li Hongyuan on the bright side.

Knowing that Li Hongyuan's hidden trouble is about to return to Beijing, how can he let him go back safely and disturb their next plan? Therefore, it is necessary to kill. However, there are a lot of people around him now. Unless the army is dispatched, however, at this juncture, is it not enough for him to die quickly? Therefore, the hope of killing the other side is slim, which can only be stopped as much as possible. At the same time, Li Hongyuan's "true face" has also been poked out, and the city is full of wind and rain. If the people are still just listening to the fun, the courtiers and the emperor are not the same thing.

When trying to control or kill Li Hongyuan before, things stabbed Le emperor lechengdi. Instead, they may become Li Hongyuan's umbrella. Now it's different. To deal with Li Hongyuan, it's best to use lechengdi's hand. As an emperor, no matter how much he favors his son, once he is a good son in the face, Xiao secretly thinks about the throne of Lao Tzu, which is even more hateful than those in the face. Especially, he can deceive everyone, which shows how deep his mind is and how versatile his skill is.

Moreover, Li Hongming sent people to check it. Li Hongyuan's stall is too big to be seamless. So, we should find out more or less what we expect. Those things are real hammers, which can't be trusted by Lecheng emperor.

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It can be seen how angry emperor lechengdi was after he knew it. The so-called extreme is the opposite.

The reason why emperor Lecheng was so kind to Li Hongyuan was that he felt guilty and moved to the imperial concubine. In his eyes, although Li Hongyuan was a bit of a jerk, his essence was good, but now he slapped him severely. This was the biggest trick and deception. He swept the floor with real dignity. Moreover, he knew that he was a ghost. He would only give it to him if he took the throne The country brings misfortune, but he dare to peep at the throne. He simply doesn't take the mountains and rivers down from his ancestors seriously. He is unfaithful, unfilial, unjust, and inferior to the beasts!

Li Hongyuan stepped on lechengdi's bottom line and moved his scales. How much he loved? Now he is disgusted and disgusted. He wants his life!

Before presenting the evidence, except those who had fallen to Li Hongyuan for a long time, other people didn't believe it very much. But when the evidence was presented, they were shocked First, then frightened. Thinking about Prince Jin's usual style, they couldn't stop touching their necks. It was chilly. It seemed that there was a risk of brain moving more than once. Now, they really think about it have a lingering fear.

As a person familiar with the matter, he or she looked at some people's green and white faces, and didn't mention coke in his mind. At the beginning, he or she imagined what reaction these people would have, which really didn't disappoint people. However, they couldn't show it, and they had to share their feelings with others.

Comparatively speaking, Luo Peishan is not very good, because he is the grandfather, in laws and natural alliance of Jin's Royal concubines. He sits in the position of minister of the Ministry of official, holding the power. On the face of it, he is neutral, selfless and public. Who knows if he carries private goods in private? He is helping Jin's royal family.

So that those who were praised and promoted by Luo Peishan, no matter who they were, were suspected by their original masters.

A small part of them are not wronged, most of them are really wronged, but they can only practice with bitter smile in their hearts.

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In fact, it's not only that, but all those related to the Luo family are more or less affected. Because the people who were going to win over luopeishan were all dismissed by him. He thought he was determined not to get involved. As a result, he just played with them. At this moment, he can't move him, can't move other people?

The following people act frequently. Emperor Lecheng looks at them, but he doesn't see them. Obviously, he acquiesces in their actions, which makes some people more rampant.

, however, did not give a good command of Luo Po Shan. However, Luo Po Shan was a good official. He was directly sick. There was no time limit. Then he threw his sleeves off and closed the door. His son and grandson were still punctual. But there was nothing to do. Don't be too busy. As usual, many people gathered in front of them. At the moment, they avoided it. They were very calm. At the same time, the women of Luo's family no longer go out.

This attitude is quite obvious.

Luo Peishan has always been devoted to his duties, but there is no conclusive evidence to prove that he and the prince of Jin formed a party for personal gain. Emperor Lecheng had to find various excuses even to get rid of Fu Yunting. Naturally, he would not lay hands on an old minister under such circumstances.

So, Luo Peishan's life in Luo's house should not be too moist. Some things were expected long ago, and when Li Hongyuan was out of danger completely, he had sent them a secret letter. Therefore, things that need to be handled by Luo Peishan have been handled before.

As for the women in the harem, they think they are more accurate than many men. They really think that Li Hongyuan has nothing but saints. Actually? In particular, Princess Su thinks she has done a perfect job in front of Li Hongyuan, but in fact, she is the fool who has been fooled. The slap on her face is even more important than that of Le chengdi.

This makes the arrogant princess Su how to be able to have a hand, angry and anxious, almost fainted again.

Emperor Lecheng looked at the portrait of the emperor and his concubine. The portrait was so beautiful. The painter worked hard. When he got it, he only thought it was filial piety of his son, but he was a bit duplicative. However, if he wanted to come now, what filial piety it was, it was clearly to add chips to himself. From small to large, when he was fighting against himself, he was really mocking, and when the rest was still strange, he was probably fully dressed.

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The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. His eyes were full of sullen anger, so that he pinched all kinds of precious paintings, even a little bit of damage appeared. After the reflection, he quickly smoothed them out. However, how to wipe them still has traces.

Emperor Lecheng was furious in the court the next day. He kept scolding the evil man and the rebellious son. He had never heard less of his scolding before. However, everyone could tell that the meaning in it was actually different. The former scolded no matter how much, he still had intimacy, but the latter only left anger.

He sent an order to return to Beijing without delay.

However, it's just an overt intention. The real intention is to give Li Suyan the secret intention to find a way to solve Li Hongyuan on the way, and then attribute this matter to Fu Yunting, a perfect double shot.

is awesome in dealing with Li Hongyuan. But his sons do not know. He thinks he is partial to Li Hongyuan, and stamp with rage. "Father, since this is the case, you really can't blame your son for being unfilial."

It wasn't long after emperor Lecheng issued the secret order, the secret order had arrived in front of Li Hongyuan. Yes, it was the original of the secret order, rather than copying it.

"The emperor is a typical example of turning over his face." Jing Wan said, looking at the private seal of the emperor on the spread letter.

"No surprise, as expected. No matter how partial he is, he can't get beyond the bottom line. He can't allow deception, and no one can shake his mountains and rivers

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