As time went on, the peace among the servants began to excite gradually. Not all of them were spreading outside. Their master and son were ambitious. They were preparing for rebellion in a few years. They didn't believe it at first, because they didn't find anything under the "same roof". However, after hearing it a lot, they couldn't help but doubt it. Now, if the Lord really does Without that thought, you can come back straight. Why is it quiet? Obviously, maybe it's true.

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How powerful are the people outside passing on the Lord? Does that mean that the Lord really has the ability to be a great treasure? If it is true, how can it not make people excited? After all, it is the so-called way that one person gets promoted, and their king becomes the emperor, then these servants will not immediately multiply their status.

The more I think about it, the more I even start to imagine what I will do in the future.

Of course, most of the people who hold this beautiful idea think that they are still rational. What if the Lord fails? Now the Lord is the public enemy of all the other princes, and he has offended so many people before. If he is defeated, then none of them will have a good end.

As a result, they were in a state of panic. The more they thought about it, the more they feared it. They felt like knives were on their necks. There is a growing desire to go out of the government. As for what to do, it is not clear. Now, the whole people are ignorant.

However, in fact, the royal residence of Jin Dynasty is still tightly controlled. Even if there are some people in the residence who have small problems or simply fear, they can't step out of the residence for half a step at this time. In a few hours, everything is rewriting.

Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan eat breakfast peacefully, which is still the familiar taste. It's also delicious.

If you eat for a long time, you may think it's normal. But now it's different. You haven't eaten it for quite a while, so it's very comfortable. Jingwan can't help drinking half a bowl of porridge.

Li Hongyuan looked in his eyes, "sure enough, the things in the mansion are more in line with your appetite."

Jingwan wiped his mouth, "just because he didn't eat it for a long time." It's one thing to be familiar with delicious food. In fact, maybe it's because of returning to the familiar environment. Maybe the capital is not stable now. But the familiar environment can always make people feel more stable. This psychological factor should be found in most people.

Li Hongyuan nodded, but didn't say anything. He did as usual.

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"A yuan, what do you need to do today?" After eating, Jing Wan with points scattered, supporting chin, head askew asked.

"Nothing to do, just wait." Everything that should be arranged has been arranged.

So in these hours, they will be quite idle.

Jing Wan looks out. It's clear that they have reached the most tense moment, but they seem to be the same.

Tut, as expected, there should be nothing to worry about. As for the assumption of how to fail in case of failure, don't think about it. It's really meaningless. When it comes to the head, it's how to do it.

Therefore, jingwan is in a good mood to start her daily child rearing in this palace.

Then, when looking at the flowers and grass, I finally found that there was a person missing. Then, I thought of what happened, "what about the green chrysanthemum people? Where is it? Bring it to see me. "

Since jingwan's accident, Qingju has been locked. However, the master didn't speak, and the mammies didn't say anything. So, in addition to being locked, other things are OK.

The place where Qingju was detained is in the main courtyard. So last night, jingwan knew that they were back. In their absence, because there was no news, she didn't know what happened to jingwan. As time went on, her heart became more and more tormented. Sometimes she woke up in jingwan's unpredictable nightmare, even though the meal was nothing like before So different, also can't eat much, in this case, the green chrysanthemum naturally becomes thin, haggard, withered, even last night because of knowing jingwan Ankang, sleeping well, the whole person is still very bad.

, therefore, what she saw at the moment when Jing Wan saw her was not to believe that the first reaction was not being abused. She thought, "no, they should not. All the time they were away, all the main hospital has the final say. Her Niang Niang had always been good to her girls. Even the general position of her daughter was not intended to be committed. Since we wait for her to deal with it, there will be no abuse.

Soon, Jing Wan also understood the reason. Her nature was lively and jumping off, but in essence, she was straightforward. She had no need to be loyal to her, often because of this, some things became more and more unbearable.

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Looking at the green chrysanthemum kneeling quietly on the ground, not only the clothes seem empty and inappropriate, but also the temperament has completely changed a person's general. Major changes can change a person's temperament to a large extent. However, the green chrysanthemum matter, in fact, is not enough, but for her own, perhaps there is no more serious matter than each of them For much more serious.

Jing Wan sighed, "get up."

I've done it myself. The punishment is enough. I think I must remember the lesson.

"The princess, please."

In a word, the biggest mistake of green chrysanthemum is to give and receive private treatment with men. It was originally a big sin, especially as a big servant girl around the master. To a large extent, every move is closely related to the master. If there is a scandal, it will also be counted as the master by outsiders. To a lesser extent, it means that the emperor is not strict and the management is not effective. To a greater extent, it means that the master should be punished and destroyed It's not just your reputation.

It's also unforgivable that she was deceived and used to harm the master. But, in essence, she is also a victim, which will not be tolerated in other places. Unlike jingwan, there are intentional homicide and negligent homicide in homicide. Jing Wan can't be killed or sold because of this, but this girl is obviously a dead brain.

"Then, from this day on, go and do the sweeping. You are in charge of the courtyard of the main courtyard." Jing Wan is helpless. She really won't let her do anything. She probably wants to apologize for her death.

"Yes, thank you very much."

In fact, green chrysanthemum is really a qualified servant girl.

The kind of face flicking, which is not pleasant to say, is the back of the brain.

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It's a small matter. Once it's solved, it's over. However, after this, qingjuzhen won't marry anyone in her life. If jingwan takes her to the palace, it may be the old palace. If she doesn't, it's her destiny in the villa.

"Why bother about such little things." Li Hongyuan complained.

"It's a matter of one or two sentences." Jing Wan was helpless.

"Wan Wan, there is one thing that I have to remind you for my husband. Some servant girls around you have been loyal to you for many years, and you treat them differently. They are also very soft hearted, which is quite normal. However, if you take it lightly today, it will aggravate the impression that you are" soft hearted "in other people's hearts. Maybe subconsciously, even if you do something wrong, You will also be forgiven, especially if they make mistakes subjectively. The result is that they are not careful enough. Then they may be used again. You need to know that this kind of situation sometimes leads to major disasters. The higher the position is, the more dangerous it will be. "

Jing Wan was stunned. She didn't think so much at the moment, but it's true.

Jingwan looks at the green chrysanthemum again, and her face looks hesitant.

The green chrysanthemum but knelt down again, "please the princess to kill the maidservant."

Jingwan's lips trembled slightly, and the things that went deep into his bones were not so easy to change.

"Princess, the fault of maidservant is the death penalty. She is kind-hearted and compassionate. She gently exposes it. The maidservant is deeply impressed. What the LORD said is right. In the future, the princess will stand in a higher position. That position requires you to show great majesty to frighten the following people. The maidservant only wants to die and serve the princess in the next life. At that time, the maidservant should not Such stupid mistakes will be made again. Ask the princess to die. "

Qingju's words have been overstepped. No maidservant would dare to act recklessly. However, no one would care about this.

Jing Wan closed his eyes and didn't say anything, his body was slightly quivering.

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Li Hongyuan can't bear it, Gong Mammy and other people can't bear it. In fact, it's not a big problem to be kind-hearted. This villain can be made by them to help him establish his power. There's no need to force her to change. In fact, compared with before, it has changed. At least, the scope of her soft heart is shrinking.

However, after going through the previous things, Li Hongyuan has some things to do. He still hopes his daughter-in-law can stand on her own. However, when she does not rely on herself, her daughter-in-law seems to do well, so she is the root of his "weakness"? This cognition makes the living Yama happy and unhappy.

The daughter-in-law relies on herself. As a man, this self-esteem can be greatly satisfied. This is what Li Hongyuan has devoted his whole life to - supporting a day for her, protecting her comprehensively and ensuring her carefree. However, jingwan's situation is like that she can be alone, but he hinders her and blocks her brilliance. Tut

He wanted to hold her to the highest position. At the beginning, there were some mascots. He only wanted to give her the best and make her well. However, with more and more understanding of her, just like this, it was a monstrous thing. In her mind, she would not like to be a "vase".

In comparison, other people only regard her as his vassal. In fact, he prefers to connect them closely no matter in the world or in historical books.

In this way, it's not enough to just protect her under the wing. No matter how much she does, others will not regard her as her achievements. So, despite her heartache, we still have to force her. It's not unprecedented, but it's very gentle, and it's often impossible after that, and the effect is limited.

Now it's just the people around her who catch the opportunity. Naturally, they should make good use of it.

"Wan Wan, I don't force you. It doesn't matter. I'm always there." Li Hongyuan said softly.

However, Jing Wan, with his eyes closed, didn't see Li Hongyuan's extremely cold expression, or even his cool eyes. He knew that he was her weakness. Anyone who had something to do with him should stay away from other people and things. It has to be said that Li Hongyuan has been constantly scheming and scheming for jingwan from the very beginning.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Hongyuan got the answer he wanted.

"Pull it down, stick it down."

Li Hongyuan smiles, even if others have

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