"Ah yuan, you are so..." Jing Wan wants to talk and stops.

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"What?" Li Hongyuan looks down at her.

Jing Wanfu shakes his head again. He is happy. Fame is imposed on him by others. He has never been a person who cares about other people's ideas. So why force him to care? Those people are far less important than him. In his last life, he was not happy or reckless. In this life, he should be happy or reckless. Moreover, his status and ability gave him reckless capital in all aspects.

Of course, after becoming an emperor, it's OK to toss and toss ministers, but it's not OK to toss and toss the people around the world. It's just that there is no absolute freedom, so we need a bottom line for everything.

Thinking of this, Jing Wan smiled slowly.

However, Li Hongyuan seems to know what Jing Wan is going to say, "Wan Wan, you need to know that your husband has never been a good person. He can only remember the bad things of others and not the good things of others. Unless he can complete them, he will always be good and there is no defect."

Obviously, Emperor Lecheng and Princess Su belong to the kind that is good to him, but not thorough.

Li Hongyuan saw people and things clearly, and the steelyard in his mind was quite clear.

"And me, in your heart, is the same measure?" Jing Wan asked curiously.

"You? It's only going to get worse. " Li Hongyuan held her waist with Qiao's strength and took a picture on her hip.

This action, let Jing Wan be ashamed and annoyed, face if peach blossom, open mouth to Li Hongyuan's shoulder and bite.

Li Hongyuan has been bitten by her many times, but she is allowed to do it. At this time, Jing Wan can't really exert himself. Moreover, in winter, Li Hongyuan has several layers of clothes, which is not easy to bite flesh and skin.

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So after jingwan bit it, she rubbed her cheek.

Li Hongyuan looked at her and couldn't help laughing. Now when her daughter-in-law left the "first acquaintance", the difference is getting bigger and bigger. But how can she do it? She seems to like it more and more. If something happens to her, he can make a hole in the sky and level the ground.

The two husband and wife are in such a harmonious and happy state. However, as a pillow man, if jingwan calls Li Hongyuan the second, no one can be the first. So after jingwan sent Li Hongyuan away the next day, he is wondering what else is going on in his mind?

In fact, jingwan thought that he was too gentle in this period of time. Although he was always gentle and considerate, he occasionally felt nervous, threw a cold face, and even sneered. This is normal. This kind of person is always warm and soft, which is not quite like him.

It's like wrapping all the negative emotions in the shell, not revealing a trace, and he is a devil level person. The dark side doesn't vent, but is wrapped up in death. When the day suddenly explodes, I don't know how terrible it is.

However, Jing Wan also clearly knows that his current state, even if he asked himself, in all likelihood he would perfunctory past.

So what's in his mind?

Jingwan felt her stomach for a while. She was a little distracted. Suddenly, the child moved again. Jingwan was back to her mind, and at the same time, she was also bright.

In his mind, the most secretive thing is probably the death of "oneself". In his opinion, her death is related to the child. However, Jing Wan feels that if she has had the dream that is right, it is really something that happened "once", then it cannot be completely attributed to the child.

So, what he is worried about is his "death robbery"?! He was afraid that he would leave him "again"!

Jingwan bowed his head, slightly silent. His heart was like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it. "Her death" was thousands of knots in his heart. No matter how many people's fate he changed, that day could not be crossed, and the knots in his heart could not be untied. So it's useless to say something.

The irrelevant people in the palace were cleaned up day by day, including Le chengdi, who said that he would be moved to Xiangshan, and then moved to Xiangshan. Even after Li Hongyuan ascended the throne, Wei Xianfei, who had been demoted as a palace man, followed her in the past. It was useless for her to cry, and it was useless for her to move out her son. She even made it clear with her that Le chengdi was born Then life, Lecheng emperor died, she died, so if you want to live, to Xiangshan palace, anyone can neglect Lecheng emperor, but she can't.

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Don't blame Le chengdi for so many women. She was treated like this. In the collusion between Li Hongming and the former Wei Dynasty, she also occupied a certain role.

The only one in the harem who hasn't moved is probably Princess Qin.

It's the most special one, and it's not peaceful. However, it's a very special time. People outside the palace can't hand over their signs to enter the palace, so there's no problem.

Li Hongyuan sent someone to take Jing Wan into the palace. When he entered the palace, he was still the prince's guard of honor. Jing Wan was the formal queen Phoenix chariot's guard of honor. One of the staff should be good. Originally, if he didn't have something on hand, he would take it in person.

In this way, it's too high-profile to be outrageous. To be more serious, it's time to be severely impeached. However, it's the meaning of the living king of hell. The emperor Lecheng has been cleaned up by him. What else dare others say? What's more, they have to hide it from lechengdi.

It's probably the first time for him to do so before he became emperor.

Jing Wan watched the Phoenix chariot for a moment, then went up calmly.

However, because of the fact that she has six armours in her arms, all the people who serve her are very careful, especially those who come out of the palace, they really wish to rush to jingwan's feet and give her a foot rest.

In such a way, jingwan has boundless scenery and great honor. Looking at the long line, the music is on the side. Although we didn't see ordinary people come forward because of clearing the venue ahead of time, we still could see the crowds in the distance without the blue curtain on both sides.

At this moment, jingwan seems to have a real understanding of the four words "mother Yi world".

Now she has different identities. After entering the palace, she naturally goes directly to Kunyi palace without her walking. On the way, all the people she sees are kneeling on the ground.

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It's really different. The most honorable woman in the Qiyuan dynasty!

Jingwan, the palace of Kunyi, has never stepped into it. However, it is mostly in the main hall. The rest of the palace has never been involved in it. However, from now on, for a long time, it will belong to her.

There is no change in the front hall. Although the layout of the living room is quite different, there are still many familiar things. It shows the intention of the decorator. Jing Wan even saw a book opened and buttoned on the bedside bed. She saw it last night, even the number of pages has not changed.

When they first arrived in a strange environment, it was always a process of adaptation. Therefore, what Jing Wan and Bai Shao had married followed into the palace, the only thing that was not there, even if they were swept, her task, or her revenge, had already begun.

Jing Wan felt that it was not necessary to achieve this level. It was not paper-based. Moreover, she thought that she had a strong adaptability. However, no matter her husband or the people around her, she should not brush their kindness.

In fact, all day long, jingwan has nothing to do with it. When she is in the palace, she can find things to do. She can do the same here. What she did at that time and still does now seems to be just another place. After all, she is now heavy and has no title. She doesn't need to be in charge of the affairs of the palace.

The palace people of Kunyi palace want to play tricks in front of her, but they are all stopped outside. Now, jingwan's nanny, the former nanny in charge, is in charge of the personnel of Kunyi palace. She may not be very clear about the rules of the palace, but Nangong is very clear. She has already mentioned it before, and now it is not difficult to start. After a night's rest, with Li Hongyuan by his side, he still slept well.

The people in the interior office asked to meet Jing Wan. The Queen's canonization ceremony was on the same day as the new emperor's accession ceremony. Now, with 20 days left, the dragon and Phoenix robes need to be made. Unfortunately, they can't be careless at all. Those embroiderers have to work overtime.

Jingwan is certainly not accessible to anyone now. However, she is surrounded by people who are measuring new clothes every day. Therefore, her size and people around her are very clear. However, it is still 20 days before the canonization ceremony. At that time, her body shape will definitely change. In order to wear the most suitable Phoenix robe, it is necessary to measure a few more times Sub size to ensure that the final garment fits best.

Clothes are the most troublesome part of this pregnant person, especially in the later period. To say that the body shape is normal every day, but people in high position can't be the same as ordinary people. From the beginning, they prepare wide and large clothes, all of them from the beginning to the end, especially Jing Wanxian, and Li Hongyuan's beloved wife is crazy. She wants to make do with it, no one will agree, Every day is a new fit, from morning to night, but also definitely more than one.

Of course, it's not only fengpao, but jingwan's other clothes also need to be made. Fengpao has regulations, and other clothes can refer to jingwan's preferences.

At this time, jingwan in line with the idle is also idle, follow to see.

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The people in the interior office, of course, are courteous and have made great efforts to please them. Of course, they also try their best to understand jingwan's preferences.

But I read a lot. A palace official came in and reported that it was the eldest princess who asked for an interview.

Jing Wan hurriedly gets up to welcome out.

Not to mention that there is no canonization, it is canonization. The eldest princess is also an elder and her adoptive mother, which is naturally not used for other people.

When the eldest princess saw Jing Wan come out, she walked fast and hurried up. "How can you be so reckless, you child?" Though rebuked, but with intimacy.

"Isn't that the idea of an adoptive mother?" Jing Wan said with a smile.

"This is all the people who are quick to show their respect to the world. How can they be so childish?" The eldest princess held her and smiled. But her body was cold and cold, and she let go of her hands with one hand.

"Mother Yi world is not your adopted daughter? Don't worry about my adoptive mother. At other times, I'm very dignified. " Jing Wan pretends to be in a pose and ends her arm.

The eldest princess was amused by her smile, but the strange in her heart was weakened. In her heart, she was still the same.

Jingwan wants to hold the hand of the eldest princess. The eldest princess quickly steps back and asks her servant girl to help her and enter the palace.

Keep up with the outside, absolutely

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