Just because she knew that the influence on him was too deep. If she was a little careless, she would really become a monster.

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But, to be honest, jingwan doesn't feel much heavy about this, because if she feels heavy, then, to some extent, it is that Ayan's love for her becomes heavy, which she always denies, no matter how much responsibility she has, she is happy.

However, jingwan won't say this, because the eldest princess won't understand that even between her and Jiang's husband-in-law, between outsiders and even in her own heart, they are all rare lovers. In fact, there was a moment of silence between them, and she sighed softly, "in this case, there's nothing to worry about." After all, I have made concessions and said more, but I also want to make trouble for myself. Originally, the person who will sit on the throne is an adult, not a child of several years old. Anyone's questioning is undoubtedly a kind of provocation, that is, the eldest princess, depending on her status, said two sentences, and tried to change to a minister. Is it too stable for her pipe cap? Too steady in the head? And the eldest princess should be enough.

When the eldest princess left, Luo Peishan sighed, "my granddaughter will probably be the hardest queen ever."

In fact, Luo Peishan has a clear idea of what jingwan is about to face, but Ruan Rui center also has a clear idea. They always regard jingwan as the rein that can tie Li Hongyuan, so that Li Hongyuan can't gallop by his nature. If Li Hongyuan doesn't have any constraints, he will do something, which is really hard to predict. However, no one wants to try.

"Not necessarily, when the emperor really loves her, he will not let her work hard." I had a chance to stop, instead of the queen straining the reins with all her heart.

"It seems that Lord Ruan has never worried about it?"

"That's because I believe that the woman taught by Lord Luo, although I have little contact with the Royal concubine of Jin, I can see some things clearly."

Luo Peishan smiled and said nothing. He believed the children taught by his old wife. Because I believe that it's unnecessary not to go to the door and say something like the eldest princess. As a bedside person, she should know more than anyone else. She has thought about her position for a long time, not two days a day, but two or three years. This time may not be very long, but it is enough for a person to think about an event.

The two continue to work together, and there is no need to avoid anything.

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"But there may be some trouble."

"What does Lord Ruan mean?"

"In Lord Luo's opinion, how likely is it that the harem is not in charge of politics?"

Luo Peishan was silent, and then gave the answer, "zero." Even if it's not an initiative, the new emperor will probably send it in person. Moreover, Luo Peishan can feel that her granddaughter has a gap in her chest. If she doesn't sit there, it's enough. Since she has already sat there, it's hard not to do anything. "Trouble will be dealt with by the emperor."

Yes, even the emperor can't just cause troubles. He has to deal with some troubles and can't give them all. They are ministers who assist the king in dealing with state affairs. Don't let the king deal with all state affairs by himself. Instead, they have to deal with personal troubles for him.

Then, when luopeishan returned, he encountered a little trouble, which originated from sun Yijia.

At the beginning of the founding of the country, the gold medal that she had forgotten for a long time was four dukes and nine dukes, and thirteen gold medals. Each gold medal could be used three times, which was to conspire against treason and to use this gold medal to exempt the death penalty. The number of people who were exempted from the crime ranged from one to nine, and those who were not guilty could even be exempted from the crimes of one ethnic group.

The most important thing is that the gold medal is always valid.

The right of the death free gold medal is too big, which causes great trouble for future generations. The emperor after the emperor Taizu even used some means of defamation. Thirteen death free gold medals were taken back one after another. The last one was only one chance. Mrs. Sun took the compensation from Mrs. Ding Guogong to sun Yijia, which was unknown, but this one Back, maybe I was forced to hurry. Someone followed the clues and found sun Yijia's head.

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When sun Yijia got the gold medal, he only thought that the prince of Jin was too hateful. No matter which prince ascended the throne, it would be bad for him. Sun Yijia just wanted to give Jing Wan a guarantee. Things changed later. Until now, the situation is not surprising. However, that gold medal has long been forgotten.

It seems that it's not surprising that people think of this gate now.

Sun Yijia has some problems. She doesn't know how to deal with them. The gold medal is useless for jingwan. It's totally different in other people's hands. The key now is that her husband is the one in power, and the rest of them are rioters. From jingwan's point of view, they deserve what they deserve. From this point of view, she can't talk to jingwan, but, the Duke Fu, in the end, there is no way to raise her up, but with a chance, she still can't be indifferent.

Although the final judgment has not come down, Prince Kang's forced palace, her father is an absolute accomplice, so there is no possibility of escape. Now, led by her father, all the three families are in prison. Except for the married daughter, her bear brothers who support the spirit and return to the hometown will soon be arrested and returned to Beijing.

Sun Yijia couldn't help but find old lady Luo here. It's almost the same time when she came back from looking for Luo Peishan.

"Jingbo's daughter-in-law, you should know that no matter whether you have thought about getting back the death free gold medal or not, a death free gold medal can not be guaranteed in Dingguo mansion."

Sun Yijia sat upright, slightly lowered his head, and smiled astringently. "When my grandmother gave me the gold medal, she said the same thing, so when she insisted on giving it to me, I accepted it. Just... "

"Mainly worried about your grandmother?" Asked old lady Luo.

Sun Yijia nods. In fact, sun Yijia is not really indifferent to the people in the Dingguo mansion. At least she can't ignore her grandmother. However, even if her grandmother is in prison, it doesn't matter. She can say no when other people come to visit her.

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Speaking of it, because she married to Luo's family, Luo's family was kind, so she was not affected. You should know that although the crime is not as bad as marrying a daughter, many people have to give up those women in order to please the new emperor, even if they have not been given up, their life in her husband's house will not be easy in the future.

Sun Yijia knows that he should be satisfied, but how can he really have a heart of stone? "My grandmother is too old to stand the pain of exile, but my father gave birth to me..."

"Your grandmother will not be on the exile list. At that time, you can send her to Luo's family to be resettled. As for your father, there is no way to save her. The new emperor is no more than other people. He is not a regular person. Let alone a gold medal for avoiding death. Even a hundred yuan is useless. If he takes out the gold medal for avoiding death, he will only annoy him. Even if he forced you to exercise the right of the gold medal for avoiding death by the will of the emperor Taizu, he will find another way to put your father to death. Moreover, the number of people killed will increase, and the involvement will increase , the people affected will include you, including your children, and you are close to the third girl. Your child is her nephew and niece. Will she bear to see you suffer? When it comes time to plead with the new emperor, it may bring up their feelings of discord. Is that what you would like to see? " Luo Peishan spoke softly with her.

Luo Peishan has a good attitude, however, these words are all poking at Sun Yijia's death.

It's true that he is lenient, but his leniency to sun Yijia is not because of her, but because of his grandson, granddaughter, great granddaughter and great granddaughter.

Some places, he is not a qualified taxi doctor, but some places he is absolutely. In addition to his first wife, the rest of the women who married into Luo's family were not in fact complete Luo's family in his heart. When necessary, he could also give up very happily.

Mrs. Luo knows these things very well. In her eyes, sun Yijia is far less than Jing Wan. In other words, they don't know what sun Yilin does. If they do, sun Yijia may not even have the chance to sit here.

"Go back, don't think so much. Since your father has made such a choice, at the beginning, he should think about the consequences if he fails. When it's over, I'll take your grandmother over, make a living and settle her down, and support her for the whole life. It's also filial piety for your father. " Said old lady Luo.

When she can't make both ends meet, it must be biased. It's obvious how Sun Yijia will choose. Besides, she didn't look forward to Prince Kang at a very early time. At that time, she thought that maybe there would be today. In fact, she had already made a decision. However, she couldn't let herself cut off the last trace of obstruction and needed someone else to cut it.

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Now, it seems that she is more relaxed in her heart. As expected, she is also selfish. She laughs at herself and stands up. "My granddaughter-in-law is leaving."

When sun Yijia left, old lady Luo took a sip of tea. "Wan Wan didn't read her wrong."

"If it's all disappointing, she really doesn't know what to do."

This matter has been exposed. When someone comes to sun Yijia, she doesn't deny it. To be frank, she doesn't have anything in her hand. She added makeup to the princess of Jin and was taken to the Royal Palace of Jin. Therefore, in nine out of ten, it was in the hands of the new emperor.

It's a matter of great importance to avoid death gold medal. I don't know how many people want it. It's impossible for sun Yijia to hide it. Moreover, it's special and can't be dissolved without permission. So, it's better to "tell the truth". It can be dug out in anyone's hands, in the hands of the new emperor, ha ha

Naturally, sun Yijia was scolded for being stupid and stupid again

Of course, the old lady sun who gave her things to sun Yijia will certainly be angry. When life and death are at stake, no one will worry about her identity. The same people who are imprisoned in the prison, such as the sister-in-law, the daughter-in-law, the nephew, the daughter-in-law and so on, are all swearing. However, it is probably expected that this will happen. The Luo family has arranged a separate place for Mrs. Luo Therefore, they can only scold.

And all of this has no effect on Mrs. sun. It's xiaobeiwai. She's also indifferent and ruthless. She's also the top ranked one. She can give medicine to her own daughter and watch her parents and children die. The so-called real harm comes from the people she cares about. What can she do to the people she doesn't care about?

There is no one to say about the decline of the capital

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