No one is more suitable than her, and the only one.

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Jingwan turns around, smiles at Li Hongyuan, stands on tiptoe, kisses him on the lips, "no honey today."

"However, as long as Wan Wan is around, I feel like eating honey all the time. It's sweet in the heart. Naturally, it's sweet everywhere. "

Li Hongyuan is wantonly brandishing sweet and charming atmosphere, which has long been full of love words skills and evolved into a master level.

Although jingwan is basically immune, but there are several people who don't like to listen to good, sweet mood, right for the baby in the belly, right?

When I was in the Royal Palace, I was used to serving jingwan. No matter how thin the skin was, I didn't respond to such a situation. However, the palace people in Yikun palace were not so "knowledgeable". Although this is not the first time, I still couldn't help blushing. Very few Palace women can't help peeping at and peering at Li Hongyuan He is a man of the highest rank in the world. He is born with great beauty. He is so tender and affectionate when he looks at him, and his heart will spring. That's the most normal thing.

Obviously, some rumors have been thrown out of the sky. It's probably a belief that seeing is believing and hearing is believing. The emperor is not connected with the man in the rumor at all.

To say these people's thoughts, naturally, some people look at them and think that these little girls are really naive. No matter they are pure admirers or ambitious, they never know that all the gentleness of the new emperor has been given to one person. When anyone else wants to think about Xiao and try to get a share from it, they will definitely regret going to the world The cruelty.

"Emperor, the auspicious time is coming." Duke mu, who has been promoted to the first Eunuch in charge of the inner court, respectfully said at the door.

Li Hongyuan didn't even give him a look and didn't mean to leave at all.

He didn't move, and Duke Mu didn't dare to urge him. He stood respectfully.

Jing Wan looks at him. What kind of temper is it? "Not yet?" Reach out and push him.

"Come with me." Li Hongyuan holds her hand.

"It's you who took the throne. What am I going to do with it? The agenda of the ceremony was arranged. I mixed my feet without any reason. It would be like drawing a perfect picture. How annoying? " In fact, jingwan really wanted to see it. He witnessed one of the most dignified moments in his life. Unfortunately, it was not allowed.

"Who dares?" What is dictatorship and tyranny, he is the best portrayal.

"I don't like it, OK? What's more, I'm clumsy now, and I'll be honored later. Do you have the heart to work so hard? "

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"You." Li Hongyuan pinched her face. How could he not know her real purpose. "Then wait for me."

"Well." Jing Wan nodded.

When he decided to leave, Li Hongyuan would never drag the mud.

Before that, officials from the Ministry of rites had been sent to sacrifice the heaven, the earth and the clan, only to inform the heaven and the ancestors.

As a matter of fact, Li Hongyuan himself is more appropriate. All the emperors before Qi Yuan were like this. However, it is not necessarily the same when looking back on history. When Li Hongyuan made a decision, officials not only didn't object, but also made excuses for him.

Because lechengdi still lives "well", Li Hongyuan doesn't need to be filial. He's a noble and complicated man. At this moment, he doesn't hide his momentum. When the time comes, step by step, he steps up to fengtianmen, the emperor's honor, the emperor's power. What is the King's presence in the world? He is!

When Li Hongyuan prayed for heaven and earth, all the civil and military officials were introduced into the palace and stood on the official field outside the Fengtian palace. They were divided into two columns, civil and military, and knelt in the East and west of the royal road.

When Li Hongyuan finished praying, he came down from the gate of Fengtian and entered the Fengtian temple. The drums rang. The people in the temple were in their positions. The courtiers arranged their robes and entered in turn according to their official positions.

The black dress guard whips, the general rolls up the curtain, the chief ceremonial officer shouts the salute, during which the ritual music bursts, until the civil and military officials call three long live, the Legong military academy calls together, inside and outside the hall, the voice resounds throughout the world.

On the throne, Li Hongyuan is very calm. This kind of thing has been experienced once in his previous life. At that time, it was different from the current state of mind. At that time, he was in a mad devil that he didn't know. The same thing is, he didn't feel excited to take charge of the world from then on.

Finally, the imperial edict was issued. The imperial edict was read from the inside to the outside of the Wumen gate, and then to the Fengtian palace. So far, it was announced to the world that the new emperor ascended the throne and was named Yuanqi. This is the year of Yuanqi.

This year's number is set by Li Hongyuan himself. To some extent, it's not too conceited.

This is the Queen's canonization ceremony.

Because of the special situation of jingwan, some complicated agendas have been basically eliminated, but there are a lot of dignities that should be there.

Before that, when Li Hongyuan ascended the throne and the officials complained to heaven and earth and the temple, he had already brought the empress's canonization in, which was a direct step.

Because it was carried out in the Fengtian palace, it was supposed that the day before that, the Secretary of ceremonies set up a treasure case in front of the throne of Fengtian palace, and so on. Now he can only quickly remove and replace the things used in the original ceremony.

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Li Hongyuan has left Fengtian hall with Baiguan.

Li Hongyuan seems to be more interested in jingwan's posthumous ceremony than in the grand ceremony. When he stood up from the throne, he looked more solemn and solemn.

The Beatles and the courtiers were separated on both sides of the palace gate. The palace played ritual music, the incense table needed for the canonization and the items needed for the first time. Singers and dancers were set up on both sides of the king. Everything is ready. The imperial concubine rings the bell and drum three times after the seal. Then the officials of the Ministry of rites and Li Hongyuan wearing the crown enter the Fengtian hall. The officials of the Ministry of rites present Li Hongyuan with the sealed treasure book and the empress's treasure seal on the prepared desk. The officials of the Ministry of rites stand on their respective positions in the hall according to their previous positions.

Then, the music starts, the monarchs and ministers worship four times, the officials rise behind, and the music stops.

The officer in charge of the system came forward and said, "may I ask the emperor and the empress to open the ceremony?"

Li Hongyuan raised his hand. "Yes."

The undertaker walked out of the middle gate and went down the steps to the position where he read out the system of orders. He shouted: "there is a system

the chief and the deputy canonizers roll down to receive the system of orders. The undertaker declared the system of orders:" the empress Luo was canonized, and the ceremony was held. "

The chief and the Deputy canonized envoys fell down, got up, and the officials in charge entered the temple from the gate of the West Hall.

When the Deacon held the book treasure case, after several rituals, the book treasure seal belonged to the treasure case. At this time, the music was played, and the first and the second envoys worshipped four times. When they got up, the music was closed.

The ceremony and music rang again. The leader and the judge were in front of the leader, followed by the judge. After leaving the Heaven Gate, the ceremony and music were closed.

The waiter shouted: the ceremony is over.

Li Hongyuan gets up and all officials retreat.

The official in charge of the festival encapsulates the festival order. The official in charge of the festival stands beside the Dragon Pavilion where the books are stored. The honor guard and the band lead the way to the gate of the central palace and play music.

Although Jing Wan did not participate in the whole process, she was informed of the details one by one.

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Sitting in the palace, Jing Wan's thoughts were a little bit erratic, as if he had thought a lot, and as if he had not thought about anything.

"Madam, the emperor has come with a guard of honor."

Jing Wan hears that, this just returns to God, originally should not be he personally comes, but he wants to personally canonize for her. The eyes fell on the four Phoenix crowns in Kowloon. They looked delicate, gorgeous and heavy. Although they had been prepared, they seemed to have some different thoughts when they arrived. Specifically, they still couldn't say, "Mammy, put them on for me."

After hearing this, Mammy Gong carefully put it on for Jing Wan. "The emperor said it was right. No one is more suitable for this dress than the mother." Sincere praise.

Jing Wan smiled and didn't say much. Otherwise, the Phoenix crown is really heavy.

Mother Gong helps jingwan to get up and walk out of the Queen's bedroom of Kunyi palace. The palace faces north and south. This is true of all the main halls. Jingwan stands in the main hall facing south.

At this time, in front of Kunyi palace, we also prepared some items early.

Li Hongyuan came without chariot, and all officials walked with him. The rest of them were on the side.

All of them show the majesty and dignity of Tianjia.

Do what you want, and do what you want.

All of you welcome me.

Later, Jing Wan followed the agenda, led from the palace to the outside, and compared with Li Hongyuan's four eyes, Li Hongyuan's original face was completely softened at this moment.

The emcee guided the attendants to their positions.

Originally, the book of treasure and the seal of treasure should be handed over by the Deputy emissary to the internal emissary and then to the eunuch around jingwan. However, this link was changed by Li Hongyuan.

Shangli officer guides jingwan down the steps and stands in the center of the courtyard, right in front of Li Hongyuan.

"There is a system," said the internal envoy

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Jingwan should have knelt down and been helped by Li Hongyuan. Some things are self-evident. Others should not have seen it. Anyway, the emperor did all the things that should not have been done and didn't care about it.

Play the rites and music. Jing Wan stood after four bows, with the rites and music closed.

After the publicity, the treasure book was handed over to the eunuch who read it. Then the treasure book fell into Li Hongyuan's hands and handed over to Jing Wan. Jing Wan should kneel, stand, and then hand over to the Secretary beside him. The process of handing over the treasure seal is the same.

From the beginning to the end, Jing Wan's eyes are smiling. There are so many people around her. It seems that only Li Hongyuan is in her eyes, and so is Li Hongyuan.

However, in some ways, it's restrained. Even if we don't pay attention to other people, we don't do anything "unconventional" to stimulate people.

The master of ceremonies called, "courtesy is over."

Jingwan stood and worshiped again. So far, the Queen's ritual was finished.

At the end of the day, Li Hongyuan had to take Jing Wan to the Fengxian palace to pay homage to his ancestors. However, Li Hongyuan was obviously not interested in this. However, there were so many civil and military ministers in the inner court. Jing Wan covered it with sleeves and pulled Li Hongyuan's sleeves with a smile. You did so many things. All the ministers gave you a hand. When the time is up, how much will you pay back It's to give face, don't do things too much.

Li Hongyuan takes a look at Jing Wan, and finally obviously chooses to compromise.

In the eyes of the courtiers, they were more or less relieved.

Finally, back to the Fengtian palace, jingwan made eight bows to Li Hongyuan on the throne. Li Hongyuan came down, helped her up with his own hands, and took her to the throne.

Inside and outside the Fengtian hall, there are all kinds of officials, including civil and military officials, and the Military Academy of music and industry

Voice, resounding through the world.

After the ceremony, Li Hongyuan ordered a banquet.

Banquets are held for all officials in civil and military fields, many lifewomen, and royal families.

Because the banquet is especially grand and covers a wide area, and several temples are connected.

Before the banquet, all kinds of holy decrees were issued, such as amnesty to the world. It was the imperial concubine Qin Shufei who was granted the imperial palace of Ci'an, the Empress Dowager's honor, and the imperial edicts to Li Hongyuan's brothers. Of course, if they can get them

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