There are many famous treasures in Zhuangzi, but the most favorite job for gardeners is to raise a pot of flowers and trees alone. No one knows the origin of these flowers and trees. Maybe they are not very valuable. But the owner likes them, and their value will increase exponentially. Once they are raised, they will certainly have a small life. But if they are raised well, the reward will make countless people blush. So, generally, they come here specially The flowers and trees that are good for living care, except those who have "exclusive" status, will fight to come forward one by one to make sure that they can be raised by themselves, and they will try their best to get them.

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After a good night's sleep, jingwan got up early and began to resume the morning exercise which had been broken for quite a while. Good health is very important, especially in this place where the little cold may kill people. She has been healthy since she was a child, not for no reason. Her goal is that, like some people who burst out in previous lives, women who are in their fifties and who still have the body to complete their double decade of violence will not just think about it as long as they are willing to stick to it.

At some times, jingwan has been acting strangely. People around her are used to it. After all, at first, jingwan didn't go out of her way, but came gradually, bit by bit, and later formed a routine, which everyone took for granted.

It's Gong mammy who is good at health preservation. At first, she was a little strange, but after reading it a few times, she understood the benefits. Instead of stopping Jing Wan, she made some appropriate modifications to achieve the best results.

After sweating, washing and drinking a bowl of blood swallow porridge, I went to luomeiju to say hello to my parents, and then to the main hospital to say hello to my grandmother. Grandpa, I've been out for a long time. I'll go to the court when I meet you. I'll go to the Yamen when I don't have an early Dynasty. I'll go to the inner court when I have something important to do.

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But this time Jing Wan met Luo Peishan by accident. After greeting him, he asked, "Grandpa, Mu Xiu today?"

"Well. Three girls, clean up after breakfast, be simple, and go out with grandfather. " When he said this, he saw that he was eager.

Jing Wan didn't ask more, just respectfully.

Old lady Luo knows what he is going to do, and some people have guessed something. "Come back early next morning, brother Min has been waiting for you to have a rest. I want to ask you for knowledge. Don't wait for dinner to come back." Obviously, even if she hasn't been in one place for several years, old lady Luo still has a thorough understanding of luopeishan. When he spoke, he took a look at jingwan, but jingwan didn't respond.

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Luo Peishan responds. Brother min is the nephew of the old wife. In nine out of ten, he will become the husband of the third girl. He will naturally help her.

In addition to the eldest three brothers, Jing Wan is honored to be able to go out with Luo Peishan.

Jing Wan's special treatment is basically numb. At most, they say something sour in their hearts. She will try to be cute, but even if she tries to be cute, it's her ability. Other people can't do it.

Luopeishan changed his casual clothes, that is, an ordinary old man, with more refined temperament at most. It's obvious that he has a different identity. Jingwan was also dressed in plain clothes, with few headdresses and nothing on her wrist.

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The grandson and grandson took two people, got on the carriage respectively, and then set out in a leisurely way.

Jingwan knows that this trip is a flower market. Her grandfather brought her to Taobao. It's really "people do their best". Jingwan also likes it very much.

Because there are elders in the same line, jingwan is not much constrained. Follow Luo Shangshu, look East and West, enjoy it.

The flower market in the capital city is much larger than that in Qi'an Prefecture. There are many varieties of flowers and trees, and the quality is better. However, because there are many people who know how to do it, it is difficult to find the leakage.

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Listening to my grandfather's introduction, I know that the current street is basically the flowers planted by the flower farmers outside the city to support their families, or the wild flowers dug from the wild. Most of them are very common, and it's basically difficult to have good varieties. Of course, occasionally, there are traders from other places, who are brought along by the way. Because they don't know each other, they may be extraordinary or worthless.

If it wasn't for jingwan, luopeishan would not have gone this way.

Although Taobao is on the one hand, looking at different flowers and trees is also a kind of enjoyment.

As she walked, jingwan whispered to Luo Shangshu that the flowers along the way might not be obvious, or they might not be closely related to famous products, but they all have their own value. Some plants are good for people, some are harmful, how to match them will be particularly good-looking, where to put what plants, there are a lot of attention, rare and precious is not necessarily good.

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