When it comes to flower arrangement, jingwan has more experience. "Grandfather, I'll show you." In front of a stall, Jing Wan just used the cut flowers and a small bamboo basket that looked a little shabby. She filled in the withered branches and leaves, and she just trimmed and clipped the flowers at will, then inserted them one by one, and made some decorations on the edge. In a short time, the things that were not seen by people were completely changed, looking at some Ling Disorderly, but very patient, even Elegance, even the most fastidious person, is to dislike the use of things not into the stream, and will not look down on the whole.

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Luopeishan loves flowers. It's also a non famous product. I only know today. I'm short-sighted.

Just like that man, the few with extraordinary status are always the majority or the common people. Can we deny their happiness, anger and sorrow? Do they have no beauty, no value of their own? Yes, and very high.

"It seems that grandpa has to learn from Wan Wan." It's not about flower arrangement, it's about values, though Luo Peishan doesn't know the word. In a trance, it seems that he remembers the past when he was a foreign official. He thinks he should be a good official, maybe not enough.

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Jingwan didn't know that in a flash, his grandfather thought so much and took the handkerchief from the servant girl to wipe his hands.

From the beginning of jingwan's operation, there were many people watching. From the beginning of the puzzle to the later admiration, they all looked curious, but they seemed to wear ordinary clothes, but their words and deeds were not like those of ordinary people, so they did not dare to be rude.

But the stall owner didn't stop Jing Wan because he was good at automating his things. He got a bunch of flower arrangement. Even if he couldn't sell it, he would be happy to see it.

Just out of the crowd, there was a smiling old man standing opposite, but his skin was very white, whiter than most women's, and his beard was rare, even his Adam's knot was not obvious. Jing Wan thought that when he was young, nine times out of ten he was mistaken for a girl. However, the grandfather, who was still smiling, immediately pulled down his face when he saw the man. It can be seen that they definitely knew each other, maybe they were "enemies".

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The old man with white face arched his hand. "Hello, Lord Luo."

Luo Peishan looks at his nose, eyes and nose. He seems to want to ignore him.

But the old man still smiles, looking at Xiang jingwan, "is this Lord Luo's granddaughter? The flowers are well planted. "

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Luo Peishan hummed, "the second daughter of my family, line three. This is the fifth officer of Dali temple

"The little girl has seen the fifth adult." Jingwan curtsey, not humble, rules are not bad.

"Well, it's better to be a little girl. How can a bad old man like us be hated?" The fifth Taiqing touched his beard.

Jing Wanmo, no wonder he didn't pay. Look at this hatred.

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"Wench, the fifth adult has the most complete Camellia at home, but my grandfather seems to have lost eighteen bachelors. It seems that there is no strong fragrance. The quality of the flower and crane feather is not very good. Alas, it's a pity."

Luo Peishan said that the fifth Taiqing's beard had been pulled and broken, which had been broken several times in succession. It was rare. Jing Wan felt sorry for him, but grandfather, what do you mean? When people say you are hated, you turn around and poke people at you?

The old friendship, in the ordinary day what virtue each other is very clear, the court two people belong to that kind of business, privately, especially about love flower, don't blow the beard and stare, Luo Peishan in the ordinary day restraint, but in front of several people who know he likes, the image face what, long ago torn to one side, some words out, can only say ?

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