Instead of leaving after dinner, he stayed all night.

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After this time, Li Hongyuan also began to appear in their circle with jingwan. Obviously, it is to let outsiders formally know jingwan.

From private restaurants, to top clubs, to all kinds of private banquets. The first two are basically people who are relatively close to each other. The third party is all kinds of people who have interests in business as well as politics.

You should know that in the past, it was not easy to invite Tang Liushao. Now, in order to introduce girlfriend to the world, as long as the specification is enough, it's basically the same.

Such an opportunity, of course, should not be missed. How many people try their best to post. Most of these people don't know the origin of jingwan. Of course, even if they do, they probably dare not say more. Just because she was valued by Li Hongyuan, she had to be held and complimented.

Of course, the so-called frequent, in fact, is every three to five times, completely within the scope of bearing.

Maybe it was admonished by the elders, but no one caused any trouble because Li Hongyuan transferred his assets to jingwan. Of course, I don't know what kind of psychology it was out of, and it was not publicized.

At the same time, the company affairs that jingwan takes over are also increasing. Because someone takes over the pot, at least half of the things in his hand seem more diffuse. Like him, sometimes people even wonder whether his company is going to go bankrupt.

At the same time, the frequency of entering the Tang family is also increasing. The happiest thing about this is the old man of Tang Dynasty.

Jingwan is most interested in the circle of friends who are close to her husband. Although the friendship between those people and him certainly can't reach the level of intimate friendship, their existence is a very strange time in itself, because Li Hongyuan basically had no friends when he was in Qiyuan.

Therefore, for other people's banquets, Jing Wan also depends on her mood. Only when someone's friends invite her, she will surely lead him to the scene, which makes people suspect that those people are actually Jing Wan's friends.

Although Li Hongyuan has a general friendship with them, he still drinks and eats with them occasionally. Of course, they all know that he is an "ascetic" man, and he is also a clean addict. The place with black smoke and dirty air is definitely not good. Even if it is a high-end club, even if it is accompanied by others, it cannot be vulgar, let alone jingwan.

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Of course, no matter where he is, Tang Yuan must be the eldest. Regardless of whether other people are older than him, they all call him "six elder brothers".

No one can call such a title.

But this private party seems to have outsiders.

When Jing Wan appears with Li Hongyuan's arm in his hand, the young man who meets them at the door looks up and says, "what, six elder brothers? Today's irrelevant people are here. This time it's brother's wrong. You should take more responsibility."

"Don't show up in front of me, it doesn't matter." Li Hongyuan's expression is light. It seems that he doesn't care about more people and less people.

The other side wryly smiles, that what, is to six elder brothers this Buddha to come, how can not gather in front of him. Come on, stop it anyway. It doesn't matter if you get criticized back.

However, it seems that it's too late. The other side has already greeted him with a smile. He is called "the sixth master". He looks like a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s. He's a little fat and a little bald. He's accompanied by a beautiful young woman. He's dressed appropriately and has fine makeup. However, his action is more intimate than that of a normal woman.

Just now, the young man was about to stop him. Jing Wan raised his hand slightly. "Xi Yun, it doesn't matter. There are only two words left. There's no need for you to be a villain."

Xi Yun looks at Jing Wan strangely. Just now, sister-in-law Liu's idea should be the same as brother-in-law Liu's. how did she change her mind in a flash? But it's always right to listen to sister-in-law Liu.

Tang Yuan's social circle in the capital is not wide, because many so-called people with status can't stand in front of him at all. However, these people who are often in the capital have heard of him more or less, which is a rule of the upper circle. You can't even know who is standing at the top.

The existence of jingwan is naturally known by more and more people.

Another thing that Tang Yuan is known for is that he is too clean-up. Let alone his girlfriend. When he attends the banquet, he will not even have a female partner. Even if it's a one night affair, he hasn't heard any rumors. He wants to win over too many people, but he is defeated.

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In this way, the woman who can stand in front of him can't be ignored, so after a simple self introduction, she always praises jingwan.

Jing Wan smiles but doesn't speak. Li Hongyuan has no expression.

If the other woman's eyes seemed to fall on Li Hongyuan, Jing Wan's smile became more obvious, "this is the honorable lady?"

"Originally also eloquent man a meal," Miss Ning joked, this is my secretary

Jingwan nodded, "little secret."

The man was embarrassed, but he didn't deny it.

"Sir, you're not single, are you? Do you have children? "

"There are two, a junior three and a senior two."

"So, my wife works hard at home to raise children. Sir, you spend a lot of time outside. Do you know who I hate the most? People who cheat on their partners. In fact, I'm very boring. How about other people? What's the relationship with me? I just don't contact with them at the top of the sky. Are you right? " Jing Wan smiled and looked sideways at Li Hongyuan. "Suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable. Go back?"

Li Hongyuan naturally doesn't care about this kind of thing. He nods, turns around directly, and leaves without greeting.

Jingwan's hand slightly tugged at him, "Xi Yun, I'm disappointed today. I'll invite you later. However, some things can't be changed for a lifetime. I don't care how others are, but no matter who they are, don't bring them to me openly. It's not very demanding. "

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Xi Yun looks better. "Today I'm sorry for my sister-in-law."

"No, that's all. Let's go." Jingwan waved and walked in a crisp way.

The middle-aged man was anxious to stay. He probably didn't expect that Jing Wan would turn over when he turned over. This kind of thing, even if he didn't like it, would not be broken in general?

He has already been shamed. Naturally, Xi Yun can't help but block Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan, or even block them a little. His actions are rude.

This kind of thing is just caused by human nature. "Come to me and bring a woman. I'm so reluctant to put my arms around the bed at home."

"There are few seats, no, listen to me, that..."

"Shut up, where the hell are you from? Get out of here and leave me alone." I don't know how much benefits his mother has received from his distant relatives. I have to let him bring them to meet people. Who is Tang Yuan? Can you see him at will? If it wasn't for college, by chance, that he helped each other a little, he would not be able to match up at all, let alone enter the top circle.

What else did the middle-aged man want to say, and the people in the room came out one after another, "Xi Yun, didn't he say that six brothers have arrived, man?"

Xi Yun wiped his face and explained the cause and effect of the incident.

One of them looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Oh, you're brave enough. There are at least nine out of ten women who are afraid of this kind of thing. How dare you admit it directly? Do you think sister-in-law Liu, like the women you have met before, will not talk about it in front of her man even if she is unhappy? I'm really sorry. Sister-in-law Liu is a lover. If you have anything to say, brother-in-law Liu will hold her in his palm. I can't do it baby. You're not bold, are you just mentally ill? " After taunting each other, he turned and patted Xi Yun on the shoulder. "I told you before, it's better not to keep irrelevant people. Since six elder brothers and six sisters in law have gone, let's forget it today and go. "

One by one, they all left.

Until now, the middle-aged man didn't want to deny his relationship with the beloved in front of the outsiders. After all, he has been wronged for not giving her a place. But now, the benefits haven't been obtained, and he may have cut off several important contacts. In front of the benefits, all the beloved people are farts. He turns around and gets angry with the woman. If she doesn't have to follow, he will It won't happen. It's totally forgotten that he was going to bring her.

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Originally, it was just a small matter, but because the people involved, no matter how small things are, they will exaggerate a bit. In a certain range, the spread is still very wide. After I believe that, generally, no one will violate jingwan's taboo. Of course, if someone intends to turn into another person, he may make a small calculation from this aspect.

After the initial period of time, the frequency of Li Hongyuan's appearance decreased again, almost returning to the original state.

On this day, jingwan received a phone call from a high school classmate, inviting her to a classmate party. Jingwan thought about who she was.

However, when she was in high school, there was a change in her family. She didn't take the college entrance examination that year. After nearly a year of tossing and turning, she went back to her hometown and took part in the college entrance examination again. Your original high school classmates basically lost touch with each other. It's hard work for this person to find her head. You should know that after meeting with Ayan, other social ways are basically useless, only one phone card is kept, and the closer communication records on the phone card are not contacted.

It's a little bit of a holiday to contact her. The other side is also the second generation of government officials. Their Laozi have some differences in political opinions. They have their own small groups in school, and they have no lack of tit for tat. But now, it's just children's tit for tat. Jingwan wanted to refuse. After all, in her opinion, no matter what the purpose is, it's no wonder Chatting, she's not interested in playing any game with these kids.

However, someone who happens to hear this kind of call seems to have different opinions.

And the other side said to meet in the capital, all the expenses she covered. Do you really think she's still in a small county?

Jing Wan's expression is a little weird.

Hung up. "What does ah yuan want to do?"

"What's your first boyfriend, like your high school classmate?" Li Hongyuan said in a cool voice.

Jing Wan's first love boyfriend is just the persistent pursuit of her. Let's say it's youth. Not early love is not youth in general. Out of a kind of other party's good faith, all aspects are OK. She agreed, but in fact, she also has a good attitude of communication

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