"Oh, really? Are you just appreciating and praising? "

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"Yes, boss, I promise."

"Adrian, this is the first day we met? I'm sorry, I've never been a gentleman about my wife. I'll go back and change my clothes. I'll wait for you in the boxing room. Don't let me wait too long, you know, I've never had a good temper. "

Li Hongyuan reaches for jingwan and leaves.

Adrian howls. Do you want to jump out of the window? He is a fitness and boxing enthusiast. At the beginning of meeting boss, he has already played one. Obviously, his ending is very tragic. If it is not for boss's mercy, he is expected to live in the hospital for several months, which is estimated to be the lightest. However, boss himself doesn't even have disordered clothes and hair, which is the gap that makes people despair. He would rather face a real boxer than a boss.

However, boss has made it clear that it is impossible for him to run directly now, so he has to choose whether to run on his head or not.

The shining blonde man, who was a little depressed and pathetic at this time, looked around at his colleagues and tried to get a little help from them.

Well, they can only give him sympathy, with schadenfreude.

After leaving the conference room, Jing Wan looks at someone with a smile. Now he actually does it directly. It's quite different from what he did in Qiyuan, but it doesn't seem surprising. After all, the backbone member of the company is far from the category of love enemy, so it's up to him to beat him.

"Wan Wan laughs so happily, doesn't it feel good to be pursued?"

"Yes, if you don't go after me for a try, you should know that you've never been after me, so you easily turn me around. No, to be more precise, I sent it to your door. Now, I think it's a loss."

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Li Hongyuan gave Jing Wan a look, which was like looking at a mental handicap. In Qiyuan, in order to marry her and retain the highest position for her, how many thoughts did he spend, sleeping together for decades, and now dare to advance with him?

Jingwan's Qi knot was pinched twice on his waist. Obviously, it still had no effect. He was very unconvinced. He took two pictures on his waist. But as a result, his hand hurt him, and the lethality caused to him could be roughly guessed from the fact that he didn't move his eyelids. Maybe it was just like tickling. Jingwan was more angry and wanted to beat him.

The people who came out of the conference room at the back, not far away, fell behind, watching boss being "beaten or scolded or scolded" by his wife. I have to say that boss was planted as if it was not so deep.

However, Madame has no influence on the development of the company. On the contrary, there is a positive side of progress. They are naturally happy to see it succeed.

As for the people who have different thoughts about boss, that's not in everyone's consideration. After all, among them, the youngest woman is over 30 years old. I want to know that I didn't think there was any possibility with boss before, let alone now.

Everyone secretly rubbed to fight in the boxing room, knowing that boss is extraordinary, and wants to see boss again. If you don't know, you naturally want to join in the fun. After all, such a day is really rare. After work, you naturally need to have a good entertainment.

Then they saw the super strength of boss. We should know that Adrian has won the prize of amateur boxer, and its strength can not be underestimated. But under boss, he is like a child facing a well-trained professional player, which is not too big a gap.

Although boss didn't say hello to his face, he seemed to have room to start, and didn't intend to hurt his muscles and bones. However, the voice of fist to flesh can't be avoided, and can't be stopped. It's horrible to see that the handsome face is distorted due to pain.

Over and over again, Adrian was asked to stand up, maybe because of dignity, maybe because of pride, but because of standing up again and again, jingwan sighed a fool. Fortunately, a fool is not stupid in the end. He can't rely on it directly or really.

Li Hongyuan took off his fists and kicked Adrian with his feet

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Adrian thought to himself, "waste is waste. Anyway, he is determined not to get up any more. Face or anything depends on the occasion. Compared with small life, face is not important at all. Besides, if he continues to fight, he has no face at all. It's better to suffer less crime.".

But after a campaign, Li Hongyuan's hair was only slightly disordered, let alone sweating, and his clothes were not disordered. He lost his boxer, put his sleeves back in place, and buttoned up his cufflinks. He was the man with the most exquisite clothes. In fact, Li Hongyuan has always been a model in terms of clothes. Even at home, he is basically meticulous.

Jing Wan straightened his neckline and said with a smile, "picked it up?" It refers to his martial arts.

People can't understand it, but they have a good understanding of each other. "After all, it's a little late and can't reach that level. However, special training was carried out very early, generally speaking, it's not much worse. If you practice more, you can probably recover seven or eight points, but now you are too lazy to practice. "

Jing Wan nodded his head. He didn't disagree. After all, it's estimated that he has some opponents with his current skills. After all, he was able to fight with the bodyguards retired from five or six special forces before. Those cold weapons are not suitable for the present. Besides, he still has guns with him at any time. She has one in her bag, although she has one In fact, I only know the basic usage. Those who open the back door have obtained the legal certificate.

So, when Adrian competes with Li Hongyuan in special training, is there any result other than being beaten?

The meeting is three days in total, but there is only one meeting every day. The rest of the time is very free. There are several days left after the meeting, which is a special holiday for them. Whether they stay in the hotel for a pleasant time, or go around the capital, or fly to other places, they will follow their wishes.

There are two days left for jingwan's reunion. It doesn't matter if I live here for two days. If there is anything, it's the same here.

Jingwan didn't pay attention to the reunion until yuan's assistant reminded her.

"The man has arrived?" Asked Jing Wan, looking sideways.

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"The party leader, Miss Gu Baihe, has arrived. There are five or six people with her." Assistant Yuan said.

Jing Wan nodded, but didn't say anything. "When they're almost there, you can tell me again."

Assistant yuan nodded to make it clear. "But madam, it seems that Miss Gu invited other people to visit the capital in advance. It's already a week early and two or three days late. Either they play together, or they arrange everything by themselves. She has covered all the expenses. These people who came with her seem to have been with her all the time. In addition, the hotel has reserved ten rooms in advance for three days. But it seems that their party time is at least an hour or two ahead of the time they tell their wife. "

Jingwan doesn't deny. Of course, she knows what Gu Baihe means. She just wants to make her lose her face and show off again.

But it's a pity that she's going to lose her calculation. Not to mention coming back from several decades in another world, even before she went to Qiyuan, she could not be hit by Gu Baihe.

"All right, you can do it later."

"Yes, ma'am."

A Yuan went out today, but didn't tell her what to do.

Jingwan takes a look at the luxurious presidential suite, and decides to go to the hall on the first floor.

A yuan has already provided her with two female bodyguards. Of course, these two people need to follow at any time, which doesn't mean that there are only two people protecting Jing Wan.

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The facilities on the first floor are quite complete. For the moment, in addition to the open sofa seats on both sides of the hall, there are also small and large cubicles with various patterns around. They are decorated in different ways and arranged in different places. There is no obvious partition, no narrow feeling, no influence on each other. They are quiet and beautiful. They have a temporary rest, drink a cup of coffee or A cup of tea is the best choice. Of course, in fact, the line of sight is quite good. Anyone who goes through the hall to other places can basically see it.

Jingwan didn't have anything to do at the moment, so she asked for a good cup of tea directly. She couldn't help it. She had been used to all kinds of tea for decades in Qiyuan. Now she has no feeling for coffee at all. However, it can only be said that this hotel is built with someone's will. Naturally, tea is indispensable, and it's the best batch of all kinds of famous tea. There are specially trained tea masters, top beauties and the process of tea making, which is a kind of ultimate enjoyment.

It's also a book at hand. For most people's smartphones, which are basically hands-on, now they seem to have become a remote communication tool. At most, they are occasionally used to query information. As for electronic documents and online office, she has a specially made encrypted notebook computer. This expensive customized mobile phone is true to some extent Although its encryption level is also top-level, it is impossible to monitor and eavesdrop.

Jing Wan read a few pages of books, and then was also attracted by the good scenery outside.

After a while, when I look back, I happen to see the acquaintance passing through the hall. The reason why I recognize him at a glance is that one of his so-called first love boyfriends is her counterpart, Gu Baihe. These two people actually came together. Jing Wan holds her chin and looks at it with interest.

At the beginning, after the break-up, I heard that when her ex boyfriend was pursuing her, Gu Baihe was pursuing each other. In this way, it's not surprising that Gu Baihe was looking for trouble in the dark.

Now I want to come. That's youth. In fact, it's quite fun.

But she didn't take it seriously for a long time. After the accident at home, she was dependent on her grandmother, displaced and displaced. After settling down, she went to college and wanted to learn more in college. She was too busy to die. Gu Baihe didn't know which corner she had forgotten for a long time Let go. I still want to show off in front of her, especially with her so-called ex boyfriend.

Look at the people around us. Think about it carefully. It seems that they all have a little impression. Then they should all be former classmates.

Since telling her the time is different from the agreed time, Jing Wan decides to take it as

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