Jing Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the wine glass in front of her, with a dangerous look on the bottom of her eyes, "take it to the laboratory to make sure it won't affect Mr. Chi's health. Send Mr. chi to the hospital at once. " As long as my brother-in-law fell in love with me, what happened to me in Late Jin? He must not be crazy.

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"Yes, right. Get to the hospital." The agent is in a hurry to pick up the man.

"Madam, I've learned a lot about the relevant medicine. I can see Mr. Chi first." Said one of the bodyguards.

If we can determine the situation of Late Jin early and early, it will be better. So jingwan naturally has no reason to veto.

The bodyguard first checked the situation of Late Jin. When he checked, some people headed by Huang Shao had rushed out. He was like a hundred and five people. After confirming the principal at a glance, he was not a fool. He knew who could not move. But looking at the strange woman, he had no impression except the anger of being swept, A little bit of lust also floats on my mind. Such a punctual woman has never played before. He is about to come forward, but he is stopped by jingwan's bodyguards without any accident.

"Fuck, get away from me. Do you know who I am? Little Niang PI, please be obedient to me if you don't want to suffer. Let your dog get out of here, then come here, kneel down for me, give me Well Before he finished speaking arrogantly, he got a fist from the bodyguard. He felt that his internal organs were going to be broken. He bent down with his belly in his arms. "Damn it Oh, fuck

Looking at the master being beaten and the bodyguards following him staggeringly, they can't stand by, but before they get close, they have to be knocked down again. It pours so fast that they suspect that they are not bodyguards, but weaker chickens than ordinary people.

These young masters, led by Huang Shao, were immediately surrounded by jingwan's bodyguards. They were timid. Seeing this battle, their hearts, legs and stomachs trembled a little. Usually arrogant, let bodyguards beat others, they can see laugh, but, when the object of beating may be their own, they can't stop the fear.

Jing Wan, on the other hand, remained unmoved from beginning to end, without raising her eyelids.

She didn't respond, didn't speak, and the bodyguard who was checking for Chi Jin didn't stop. After seeing his own situation, he took the red wine, smelled the taste and tasted it a little. "Madam, it is a kind of forbidden drug developed abroad. It is absolutely forbidden to circulate in China. It has a strong hallucinogenic effect. In addition, it can make people relax their muscles and get excited. The effect is very obvious and strong. If it is not treated in time, it will cause internal organ failure and nervous system damage."

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As if to verify the bodyguard's words, Chi Jin's face was flushed, with a layer of thin and dense sweat oozing out, his body slightly convulsed, and his mouth overflowed with a little boring voice, but he still did not move, obviously because of the drug effect.

To tell you the truth, it really has a kind of confusing taste. Chi Jin has grown well. You know, when he first started his career, he used this face to circle countless face powders. As he grew older, he became more mature and less tender. The lines of his face were more rigid, but it didn't damage his beauty at all. Plus, it was steady and gentle. No Playing big, dedicated, versatile and charming, the age span of fans has been expanding again and again, and there is a trend of old and young to kill.

Today's appearance can't be seen on the screen, let alone the woman's heart beat by his emotional appearance. Those men who are not so clear-cut in temperament or who play very fast can't stop their evil thoughts.

Jingwan gave him four words of "beauty is wrong for people" in his heart.

However, the agent was iron faced and worried, "madam, please send him to the hospital. He can't have an accident later. He can't really have an accident."

"Madam, don't send to the hospital. We have antidotes."

Jing Wan is a little surprised when he hears this. It's not surprising to think about it carefully. Completely in line with someone's routine.

"If you're sure it's all right, take the medicine." She has always trusted the people that Yuan chose.

If you know it's a forbidden drug, why do they have antidotes? Don't investigate this problem. What's more, if they also have this kind of drug, don't investigate.

Then a medicine box was brought up. After opening it, the contents were quite complete. The bodyguard quickly took a medicine, diluted it with sodium chloride solution, and injected it into Chi Jin. The action was very professional, which made people doubt whether he was specialized in this.

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"How long will it take? Do you need any other follow-up treatment? "

"Five minutes is enough. There is no need for follow-up treatment. Although the drug is forbidden, it is well developed. As long as the antidote is injected within an hour, the antidote has a 100% effect. So madam can rest assured that Mr. Chi will have no problem. "

Jing Wan nodded, "that's the best." Although I don't need to explain anything to my uncle, it's good not to make him sad.

The whole process was a little sloppy, the broker was a little uneasy, but in the end, the heart that jumped to the throat still came back.

Jingwan finally paid attention to Huang Shao, who was still shouting. After a moment's quiet watching, she suddenly stood up and motioned for the bodyguard to move away.

The bodyguard hesitated for fear that the other side might hurt her, but he didn't disobey her meaning. He focused on Huang Shao's every move. If there was any mistake, he would immediately make a move. Anyway, Liu Shao had already explained that his wife's safety was the first priority. Whatever else, he was responsible for.

Huang Shao struggles to straighten up, just like the angry lion, pointing to Jing Wan, "xiaoniangpi......"

Jingwan suddenly grabs his hand, folds it down, and then uses skillful force to turn Huang Shao directly. He cuts his arm back behind his back, and then bends it towards his leg. Huang Shao falls on the ground with a thump. The corresponding bump between his knee and the ground makes him shiver with pain.

Jingwan kicks him to the ground again. Huang Shao struggles to turn over and turns his body half round. He is trampled on his shoulder and kicks him back to the ground. Next, jingwan kicks him to the crotch of Huang Shao. Then, with the thin heel of high-heeled shoes, he rolls his foot hard and takes it back.

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Huang Shao howled like a pig, shrunk into a ball and rolled on the ground.

The onlookers were all shivering, especially those men, who could not help pinching their legs. You know, the noise is not small. There are a lot of onlookers around. The singing and dancing performances are not attractive. After all, Chinese people have the nature to join in the fun.

I didn't see that it was so gentle and soft. It was so cruel to start with. Besides, it was also very sharp. It wasn't like a weak woman with no strength to tie a chicken.

However, the Jing had more ideals, because if Huang Shao had a real accident, the Bai family would definitely be able to hold it, but it would have to give Huang family an account. And this lady Ning was so confident, and the background might have been very hard. At that time, he was the only one who could suffer. The more he thought about it, the more scared he was. He couldn't help being cold sweated. He didn't dare to be slighted and shivered Machine, please contact the boss.

After jingwan beat people, there was no superfluous emotion on her face. She looked down at her feet and kicked the shoes directly.

The people around understood in an inexplicable moment that it was because she kicked the wrong place and hated the dirty shoes.

So barefoot walk back, posture is still quiet and elegant, take out a pad from the handbag, wipe the hand carefully, and then throw the pad on the table in front of her, obviously, Huang Shao is a disease bacteria in her eyes, touch is dirty.

Jing Wan sat quietly, then asked for two cups of white water, one of his own, twice for Late Jin. After a sip of water, he took a look at Chi Jin. It seems that the next step is to wait for him to recover. As for Huang Shao, who is howling constantly, she doesn't even have a spare look to give, and without her permission, Huang Shao's people can't even help him up and send him to the hospital. They can only look at him in a hurry. They have a clear mind. Call the contact person immediately. This is a hundred things 100% can't be good. They can't hold on at all, so they have to find their parents.

Obviously, jingwan doesn't care who they are looking for.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Chi Jin gradually improved, the flush on his face disappeared, his body moved a little, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

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"Late Jin, Late Jin, how do you feel?" Asked the broker with concern.

Chi Jin slowly sat up and rubbed his temples with his strength. He felt very uncomfortable now. He was also very uncomfortable. Even if the medicine played a role, it was impossible for him to recover completely immediately. However, he did not do anything wrong, and his thinking ability also recovered. He looked at it without trace. He roughly knew what the situation was now. He thought Come to be saved, in the heart mercilessly relieved a breath, if really have an accident, he also does not know how to face.

"Thank you." In the face of jingwan's sincere thanks.

Jing Wan smiled. This was the first laugh that people saw from just now on. "You are welcome. How does Mr. Chi feel now? "

"All right." He took the water cup from the broker, took a sip, moistened his throat, "I don't know what to call you? Besides, I hope I didn't get you into any trouble. " He didn't worry much when he looked at the wailing man. After contacting his lover, he should be able to put things in order. However, things between them may not be so easy to hide. As long as someone studies deeply, he may find some clues, which makes him a little anxious. In fact, he doesn't worry about himself, even if the star path is destroyed It doesn't matter. Anyway, he was born in an ordinary family. His parents also know about him. What he worries about is the other party and the Tang family. Who can fight alone?

"Don't use honorifics. My family name is Ning, a single Wan word. You can call me Ning Wan directly. Trouble, no, it's not a piece of trash. "

Is that attitude that doesn't care about Huang Shao's identity or is he very confident in himself? Others can't help muttering to themselves.

Listen to her, there are less worries about late Jin, at least her background should be good.

"I'm Tang Yuan's fiancee. Who is Tang Yuan? Do you know?" Jing Wan directly solves his puzzles.

Late Jin and Meng raised their heads and flashed fierce emotions in their eyes.

There was also a slight commotion from the crowd. There are many of them

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