Jingwan nodded, "really, we knew your relationship with Xiaoshu a few days ago. Grandpa didn't accept it, but he didn't mean to care about Xiaoshu, so you really don't have to worry about how to live. Originally, my uncle said that when you finish filming and have a meal together, I didn't expect to see you under such circumstances. "

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Such a result was unthinkable to the former Late Jin Dynasty. Now I feel very happy and embarrassed at the same time. After all, such a shameful thing has been caught. However, I really appreciate this "niece" in my heart.

Bai Jinrong sat down at the same time. Hearing such a surprise, he was only surprised for a moment, but didn't turn up any waves. People like him are similar to Li Hongyuan. All things rarely can be seen in their eyes, put in their heart, are holding a kind of other people's things, and what do I do mentality.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what happened?" For Huang Shao, who is still on the ground, there is no fluctuation in his eyes. Although the relationship between Huang family and Bai family is relatively close, the so-called Huang Shao is the most despised person. All he cared about was that he had an appointment with Tang Yuan tonight. In the process of talking about things, his fiancee met with something, although it didn't directly involve her, and there was also a connection that couldn't be solved. This club, somehow, was closely related to his white family. Now he was the owner himself. It's all right to say that something happened. How could he not ask about it.

The manager on the fourth floor came out in a hurry and said the whole story. There was a sigh of relief in his mind, and it was clear that he was not responsible for it. Of course, what he said only started from jingwan's interference, but he didn't know anything before.

"Make it clear at once." Jingwan directly decides.

The situation of Late Jin is not very good now. More details, of course, still need his agent to add. However, his agent seems to be still in the shock of "his male artist is getting better with a man", and he has not been back for a long time.

Chi Jin breathed a sigh, but he has calmed down. Things are the best situation. So it doesn't matter whether he explodes or not. Since his wife's family will not be an obstacle or hurt her, he has the courage to face everything. Just now, he also wants to know who is calculating himself. After all, he did not meet the so-called Huang Shao. He had never met each other and could not be stared at inexplicably. "Let me say it." After sorting out his thoughts, he explained the causes and consequences one by one, which was not much different from what his agent had said before.

"Who are the relevant people? Be good and stand up for yourself." Jing Wan said lightly.

Denial? How is that possible? It's impossible to avoid. Some people roll out with soft legs and feet.

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In particular, the director of Chi Jin's company is ranting in his heart - you built such a backer, you said, why didn't you say it? The company doesn't forbid people to fall in love. Even if you find a man, can the company prevent him from falling in love? Even if it is in my heart, I will definitely support it on the surface. Why not? Why not? If it had been said earlier, where would it be today? The company will surely give you the best resources and serve you as your ancestor!

Obviously, there is no way to shout these words now.

Jingwan has always been a reasonable person. What is it? Ask the matter clearly, whose responsibility is who.

"So this is to grab the brand endorsement of Yuanqi group. The threat of Late Jin is too great, so the competitors want to carry him on? Chi Jin has just been drugged, and there must be something very hot behind him. Then tomorrow's entertainment headline is to be a famous movie emperor, participate in sex, drug abuse, life erosion, and throw out a bunch of photos as evidence. Such a shot is really impossible for a star to turn over. That's a good idea. " Jingwan even clapped her hands.

But everyone could hear that she was saying the opposite. The lady was obviously angry.

"Presumably, there is no monitoring in the private room, and things in the club are not allowed to flow out, so what are a series of things of Late Jin design?"

Obviously, those things Huang Shao did will not be allowed to leave behind evidence or break the rules of the club. This time, he was the one who was used. It can only be said that the person who planned this event was very brave, or his brain was hot and didn't think about the consequences, so he would really delay the promotion. He himself might be killed directly. But now, he will certainly not be better, after the event is bound to be accounted for.

This time, the culprit can't shrink even if he wants to. He was directly pulled out. The people in the club moved their hands and the whole person was pushed to the ground in a mess.

This person, jingwan actually knows that the external image is also very good. Maybe it's a high and cold human design, which can make his fans, especially female fans, scream wildly. When jingwan was studying in University, one of his classmates in the same dormitory was infatuated with him and didn't want to. He collected a large number of surrounding areas, usually for the people around him It's all kinds of Amway, and it's also one of the management personnel of the back-up Association. They often go out to take part in such activities as picking up planes, visiting classes and so on. In fact, their family situation is just the same. The money spent on themselves is still less than one tenth of that spent on this man.

Other people say that she, she said that it is her spiritual food, can't live without it.

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In this way, it's hard for jingwan not to be impressed. However, the nature of this man is so shameless and dirty.

And this moment, perhaps because I know that my end will not be good, the psychological defense line has collapsed, but there is no so-called high cold man God appearance, how a mess.

"Mr. Chi, what are you going to do with him?" Jing Wan gives the right of choice to Chi Jin himself.

As for the external personnel of Late Jin Dynasty, his conduct is very good. If he wants to come, he should not be bad. Otherwise, uncle Tang probably won't take a fancy to him. After all, as far as Jing Wan knows, uncle Tang is actually very picky, not good enough, and it's hard to get into his eyes. In the absence of understanding, love at first sight is unlikely to happen to him.

In fact, the man who wanted to destroy Late Jin seemed to think so, and even saw him better. After listening to jingwan's words, he looked to Late Jin with his praying eyes. "Late Jin, Late Jin, I was in a trance for a while. You forgive me once, this time, and promise that there will be no next time. In the future, I will look forward to you, I...... "

"You go back." Late Jin, who had been lowering his eyebrows and raising his eyes, suddenly interrupted him.

The man's voice stopped abruptly and his eyes widened incredulously. "No, what are you talking about?"

"I said, get you out of the loop." Chi Jin looks directly at each other with clear meaning and firm eyes.

"You, you..." The man pointed to Chi Jin and couldn't say anything for a while. "You are so cruel. Your fans are jumping all day, saying that you are good here and there. In essence, you are just a hypocrite, pretending to be like that..."

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"Because it's good, it's your reason to calculate me? If I had not been lucky today and escaped a disaster, would you have a conscience to find out tomorrow and let me go? You are in the peak period now. You can still leave a good reputation. If you succeed in calculating, I will leave the circle. But can I still be innocent? Forgive you, I am not the father. "

The man's face suddenly turned green and white. Maybe he knew there was no room for maneuver. In a flash, he said, "Late Jin, why do you let me quit the circle? You are just a rabbit who sells buttocks. You rely on the things of men. You let me quit the circle today. Believe it or not, I will shake out the things you are supported by men tomorrow. You can't make me feel better, and you can't think about it." Red eyes, with a big plan to pull each other to hell.

Chi Jin takes back his eyes and doesn't pay any more attention to him. He is still very sad now and doesn't want to say anything more. He knew that no matter how fierce the clamour was, this man could not do anything in essence. Otherwise, the Tang family would not allow it.

Now that jingwan has handed over the decision-making power to Late Jin, no one else has intervened. Now it's time to see that the matter is settled. Bai is very careful to wave his hand and ask someone to "send him out". Obviously, no matter what kind of identity he is in, he can't step into the gate of the club any more.

The culprit has been solved. Now it's Huang Shao's turn.

Jingwan's feet were almost out of control. This man's grandson, Gengen, may really have given up. At this moment, people are almost unconscious of the pain. However, no one sympathizes with him. This shows that this man is really annoying.

However, this person can not be handed over to Late Jin.

Jing Wan glanced at the glass still in front of him. "Let's go to a judicial organ to deal with it."

As soon as the words come out, I don't know how many people look weird. This is to shut it in now and put it out later?

Jing Wan looked at them and smiled, "what's the matter? I'm a law-abiding citizen. When I meet someone who breaks the law and commits a crime like this, I'll take the normal way to deal with it. "

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-- auntie, if you kick people like this in the normal way, you should also bear legal responsibility.

"I heard that Huang Shao used to play crazy. I think it's not the first time for him to prescribe drugs. In that case, I'll have a good look to see where these forbidden drugs come from. In addition, whether Huang Shao's hands are stained with other things that shouldn't be stained, all of them should be checked together. "

"Since Wan Wan said so, let's do it. Come on, send Huang Shao to the police station." Li Hongyuan's voice clapped. "Then talk to their director. Since you are sitting in that position, you should be able to stand the clothes."

This time, no one can laugh. Since Tang Yuan said that, it's doomed that no matter how Huang's family acts, it's impossible to get him out. How should he be sentenced? How should he be sentenced? Is it the death penalty, the reprieve of death, or the indefinite period? If he really touches human life, he can't escape one of the three.

Therefore, to follow a normal procedure is not necessarily benevolence, but also a complete lack of follow-up and merciless.

Huang Shao obviously has no chance to resist his fate.

So far No wonder. "Who are the participants, stand up."

Obviously, jingwan is preparing a spoon of stew, not one left.

Those four people played with Huang Shao. Now they want to die. They all have

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