Jingwan was so distressed that she turned around as if she wanted to go downstairs.

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"Girl, don't worry. Look at the appearance. Except you are afraid that few people want it. It's not difficult to get it back when it's over."

Jing Wan hears the words and has to settle down.

Li Hongyuan saw from the dark hole, and his face sank three points. "Let Qin Tianming come to see this king in the evening."

"Yes." A dark answer.

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It's typical that the son doesn't teach and the father's fault, but Qin Tianming is more miserable. At least he is another person, and he won't suffer from being angry. In the face of the future Princess, the master's heart is smaller than the tip of the needle. The flower was not originally Miss Luo's, but showed the thought he wanted. He just saw that the flower suffered and was heartbroken. This person was going to unload eight pieces of the people's Congress. However, those who really attacked aunt Luo couldn't imagine their future.

In another part of the same street, a fight named "praying mantis catches cicadas and yellow finch is behind" is staged among the three people.

Prince Rui accidentally learned that Prince Gong hid a stronghold in the flower market, which seemed to have some ugly things. Prince Kang knew this stronghold and Prince Gong's every move here from the beginning. He didn't pull it out just to get more information. He didn't have to work hard and have many good things. Who doesn't like it. When Prince Rui's layout and arrangement led to the current situation of fighting flowers, Prince Kang realized that he was going to take care of it.

When Prince Rui's people nearly killed Prince Gong's people and searched for what he needed, a group of people in black suddenly arrived. Although Prince Rui had made arrangements, this time there was also damage. In addition, Prince Kang sent more people. In a moment, Prince Rui's people were in danger. One of them was under the cover of other people and escaped

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Seeing that the Yellow sparrow is about to peck the mantis to die, a black hand comes out quietly. These people are well-organized, skilled and ruthless. They will soon clean up all the people, and the people who enter the house will come out quickly. Both sides nod to each other.

Although Qin Tianming, the left capital, has "contributed" to Prince Kang, Prince Gong is still supported by the champion Houfu behind him. Therefore, Prince Gong is just a poor man, but he still has some useful things in his hand.

A fire, in the rapid evacuation, and almost at the same time, the most crowded hundred flower building and several other places caught fire at the same time

The fire was too big, too hot, and the hundred flower building was in chaos in an instant. Even the girls in the boudoir tried their best to squeeze out. They fell to the ground accidentally, followed by them, screaming, asking for help, screaming

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Jingwan was also frightened by the sudden disaster, but she knew that she needed to be calm at this time, and she could not be disordered. When she was about to say something, her mouth and nose were covered by a wet handkerchief, "girl, go quickly."


"Don't worry, girl. There are people around the master." Mother Gong takes jingwan out. Other people followed, but the wooden stairs downstairs and the people who came down from the upstairs were blocked at once. This kind of pushing was the most dangerous. Moreover, Jing Wan found that all the people around her except for mother Gong were gone, which was obviously scattered.

Jing Wan holds on to mother Gong tightly. Although she is very worried, she also knows that it's not the time to look back. In the confusion, the head seems to have been accidentally hit by someone. In a flash, it feels dizzy.

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Before losing consciousness, Jing Wan felt as if her body had risen from the ground. She wanted to struggle, but she was mercilessly pulled into the darkness.

The girl was robbed in her own hands. But in a flash, Mammy Gong thought of something, but she didn't stop at all. With her hands on the guardrail, she followed the man in black in front and jumped down. She was quick and vigorous. She was not like a woman in her forties at all. Then she chased people out of the back door.

The backyard of baihualou is a three-way house. It's not big, but it's also not small. Although there's no chaos in front of it, it's also smoky and fiery. At last, Mammy Gong can't see the person who took jingwan away. However, her feet still go straight to some direction.

Out of the range of baihualou, Gong Ma sniffed carefully, and then found a carriage separated by two lanes.

Next to the carriage was a man familiar to mammy Gong, who walked with solemnity.

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