Dark one looked at the familiar and unfamiliar face, which was really a good way. She just made it on her own face, just like another person, but as long as she thought about it and held on to such a completely different face, people who knew her original face could recognize it at a glance. "It's worthy of being a female guardian. I came here so soon."

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"Call me mammy Gong." I'm too lazy to take care of dark one. Although the fragrance used by the girl was first stirred up by the girl herself, the next one was all made by her. I'm familiar with it. It's a kind of smell that is very good and unique. With her sensitive nose, it's impossible to smell it. If it can't be found, how incompetent she should be. At the sight of the carriage, he frowned. "My Lord, it's very important for you to have a good reputation. Please think more about it."

Dark one is a little unhappy, "female nurse adult, that is Lord son, how can you be so rude."

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"Call me mammy Gong. When I was sent to Qi'an mansion two years ago, my master changed. That's the only one of the three girls of Locke."

At the thought of my master, I shut up.

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Li Hongyuan leaned half in the carriage and hugged the ignorant Jing Wan in his arms, just like suffering from skin hunger and thirst. His fingers were constantly moving around her face and neck. The smooth and delicate touch seemed to make him tremble all over. He has the impulse to rub jingwan into his own blood, but when he hears jingwan groaning because he is sad, he unconsciously looses his strength.

Head down, lips on jingwan's forehead, gently, soft, eyes, bridge of nose, tip of nose, cheek, earlobe, side of neck, always linger and forget to return, finally fall on the attractive and tender lips, lick and lick, but dare not go deep, because he knows that once deep, he can no longer control himself. For so many years, he was as ascetic as a monk. He knew that once he opened his mouth, it would be like the flood breaking the bank.

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When he had been here for 12 years, he finally carried her into his arms and calculated the time. When he just came back, Wan Wan Wan seemed to be two years old. What a pity, Qi'an mansion was too far away from the capital city. Moreover, he was trapped in the deep palace and could not see a small group of Wan Wan. Even if someone came to her, he waited for six years until he left the palace at the age of 16. However, if Wan Wan has always been kept by her side, she may not be what he wants when she grows up, because he knows best that the same person, in different places, and taught by different people, can create two completely different people, and because of this, Wan Wan Wan's ten years in Qi'an mansion, especially her rapid growth in the following years, he gives her in secret To give a little help doesn't change her life. Even if she is sent to nanny Gong, in addition to protecting her and raising her body, she will only teach her some common rules and etiquette. In addition, he will not do other things. He is afraid that Wan Wan Wan will no longer be the one in memory. Fortunately, she is still her. As long as this is ensured, he will change her life completely.

With his lips stuck together for a long time, Li Hongyuan sighed with a low voice, "little vinegar jar, do you know how hard this king has endured for you? In the future, you should make good compensation to the king. " The palm seemed to fall on jingwan's chest unconsciously, with a serious face, but the hand was pinched like an old rascal. It didn't seem to be satisfied with the size. "Sure enough, it's still too small compared with a few years later, but the green fruit should have another taste." I licked my lips like aftertaste.

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That dark eyes, it seems to have devoured all the crazy, and there is endless tender and intimate.

The voice of luring is so deep that the two people outside can't help but smoke. They hate how their hearing is so good. This man is really abnormal, even if he is crazy. A big man, such a frivolous girl, still need face?

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