Two other people in black appeared one after the other. One of them was holding a broken black peony, but when he saw the scene, he stopped at his feet.

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Nanny Gong is worried. If she doesn't go back, people there should be worried. Besides, whether there is an accident or not, a girl's family has been missing for a long time, which always causes other people's gossip. "Lord......"

"How is it?" Li Hongyuan asked as mother Gong opened her mouth.

Mother Gong took a sigh of relief and retreated to one side. She didn't have to listen to anything irrelevant to her. Even if there were a couple of words in her ear, she would turn around and forget.

Two men in black quickly came forward, "go back to the master, everything is done, and everything in baihualou has also been obtained."

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Li Hongming is the master behind the Baihua building. This time, he really stole chicken and didn't eat rice. As for Prince Kang and Prince Gong, it's not much better. In this drama, Li Hongyuan became the hunter who put the first three in one pot.

Li Hongyuan heard a slight hum. After a while, he came out of the carriage with Jing Wan in his arms. The other three men looked down quickly.

Gong Ma came forward, almost with a gun, and took Jing Wan over. She looked carefully at Jing Wan's neckline and other places, and saw no trace. She was relieved. Whether her words just played a role or the Lord restrained herself, she couldn't stop the man and could only protect the girl as well as possible.

Li Hongyuan blacked his face. "I'm not a fierce bird or beast."

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Mother Gong glanced at him, as if to say, you are more terrible than the great beasts.

Li Hongyuan's face is darker. However, Gong Ma is not very afraid of him, not only because she "pinches" his "soft rib", but also because she is not too afraid of him. Li Hongyuan can be said to have been raised by Gong ma. "The maidservant is gone." As for the ink peony, anyway, according to the virtue of the Lord, it will be sent to the girl by any means.

Li Hongyuan watched mother Gong disappear with jingwan. She was shocked by the violence of her whole body. The three dark guards were eager to disappear immediately. They were originally uncertain, vicious and violent. In addition, they wanted to be dissatisfied, but they didn't let people live? Do you really have to wait for the princess to pass the door in such a hot day?

Luo Peishan and his party spent some time together, all with varying degrees of injuries, but fortunately they were not serious, not to mention casualties.

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"How about Wan Wan?" Jingwan's servant girl, Qingzhu, is here. She and Gong Ma are missing. Luopeishan's face is as heavy as water. Now the fire in baihualou can't come out at all. If the fire goes out, I'm afraid it will burn to ashes.

Green bamboo like lost soul suddenly soft body, "girl, girl......" Soft hands and feet want to go back to baihualou.

"That's enough. Your girl is still fine. Why are you crying?" Luopeishan at this time fully demonstrated the prestige of many years' high position, "looking for people, maybe from other places." The reason is still there, but no one is allowed to enter the fire, no protection is directly rushed in, absolutely with the search for death, talk about how to rescue jingwan.

Sun Yilin and sun Yijia also sent people around them. They didn't believe jingwanhui was gone.

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No one knows that sun Yilin's hand is shaking and his heart is in a state of panic. Anyway, from the first sight, that woman is different from him. When she takes a picture, she is also shocked. "Stay beside the two adults and don't walk around. I'll look for them."

Sun Yijia nodded, her hands and feet were cold, she was born noble, there were few real friends in her daughter, now it's easy to meet a congenial girl, who looks no different from the ordinary girl in the boudoir, but from time to time shows some different women, and lives with perseverance, detachment and freedom. She had to admit that she yearned for her heart. Sun Yijia prayed in her heart I hope she is safe.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger, because there are several fires at the same time, and gradually it will become one piece. The city defense team and the fire submergence army are "late". Look at the form, this flower market is only about to destroy a small half. If the fire is not put out in time, it will only spread more and more, causing unimaginable losses. The faces of the leaders of the two teams were very ugly, especially the leader of the submarine fire army, who almost fainted at once. After that, he must be in black.

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