Chapter 13.1: Cut off three thousands lumps of flesh

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The army attacked, the killing intent was overwhelming, and the roar resounded through the sky!

Although Pingshan Pass was strong, but with a sweep of Harmony realm master, and frightened leftover soldier, it was easy to break through the gates without much casualties.

"I will enter the city first!"

Cao Yun flew into the air.

When the cultivation base reaches the true essence, the true essence can be burned, and in exchange for powerful power, one can fly up into the air.

Immediately after, thousands of people jumped directly onto the city wall.

Originally, these soldiers would have such easy way, and they would have faced strong counterattack in the mid air.

But with Xin Zhao here, the guarding soldier can no longer organize any threatening defenses, and the natural dangers were easy to fend off.

So Cao Yun went up very easily, and as soon as he went up, a group of heavenly soldiers descended. The most elite Imperial guards faced these ordinary troops, and it was like a massacre.

Boom! The closed gates were opened from within.

The pass is too small to be suitable for the cavalry to advance.

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But the imperial guards of the Qin Dynasty can fight on horseback, and they can also fight on foot when they are not on horseback.

The killing intent soared to the sky, shaking the sky.

One hundred thousand warriors rushed in with the strongest national hatred and family hatred. The big soldiers were rushed head-on by this momentum, their legs were about to be frightened, and their heads were beheaded in an instant.

How cruel they were when they massacred the Qin people, and now the great is the fear.

The corpses fell one after another, and the Qin Ruishi massacred like crazy, as long as enemies were alive, they would not let them go.

After killing too much, some people had dents in their own swords, and when the swords broke, they picked up the enemy's weapons.

And some people were attacking and killing without weapons, so they smashed them with their fists.

This is revenge, venting anger.

Great Qin established had the military merits system and it also rose with the military support. There are only two ways of sky reaching achievement: Imperial Decree or Behead the enemy and count the meritorious deeds. It is precisely because of this system that many people have the opportunity to rise from the common background.

But at this moment, there is no Governor in charge to collect these heads.

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"Run, the people of Great Qin are all demons!"

"Madman, this is a group of lunatics! How can there be such cruel lunatics in the world!"

"No, I don't want to die!"

They roared in fear, and

the people around them fell down one by one, blood flowing like rivers.


The usefulness of the army is revealed at this moment.

Originally, even with Xin Zhao's strength, he could only hunt and kill the opponent's strong man, but killing the dispersed 250,000 soldiers was close to impossible.

However, there are 100,000 troops, and they will not give them a chance to live.

At this time, Pingshan Pass was a prison, trapping Great Feng’s soldier.

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This is war, cruel and bloody.

Ying Xuan was sitting in the chariot, and the extremely bloody smell rushed towards him. Looking at the battlefield there, he was unmoved, and his spirit was impacted by a bloody wind at this moment.

He actually directly broke through to the eighth level of refining gods.

For him, the breakthrough was that simple.

The battle lasted from noon to evening, and the entire Pingshan pass was filled with corpses.

None of Great Feng's 250,000 soldiers survived, and all of them were buried in Pingshan Pass.

This is the price they have to pay, thinking that they can be unscrupulous in the Great Qin, just because they don’t have harmony realm master.

Although the Great Qin Ruishi also suffered casualties in this battle, they were nothing compared to the other party’s annihilation.

After fighting for a while, Cao Yun was covered in blood, and said: "Your Majesty, none of the 250,000 soldiers survived, and they all died in Pingshan Pass!"

In this battle, they killed very well, very happily, and vented their inner anger.

He raised his head and looked at His Majesty profoundly.

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His Majesty's cultivation has actually become stronger.

"You have done a good job. This battle has shown the prestige of the Qin people, but Great Qin's offensive has just begun."

Ying Xuan appreciated them.

"Your Majesty, this general also discovered a mass grave."

Cao Yundao: "The mass graves are full of Qin soldiers, the former defenders of Pingshan Pass."

"Xin Zhao, bring Liu Chuan to me."

Ying Xuan ordered.

"His Majesty!"

Xin Zhao lifted Liu Chuan's head and threw him directly to the ground. Feeling the majesty of the emperor, he knelt on the ground trembling with fear.

This Emperor is so cruel. He just slaughtered 250,000 soldiers without batting an eyelid.

"You are also qualified to call me Your Majesty?"

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