Chapter 13.2: Cut off three thousands lumps of flesh for free on Suzerain Novel Translations.

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Ying Xuan stared at him, and the pressure of gods and demons suddenly fell on him.

Liu Chuan was paralyzed, and said in fear: "Your Majesty, I’m guilty. I know that if I do this kind of thing, I won’t have any way out. For the sake of being from Qin, please give me a peaceful death. I want to atone for my sin with death!"

"Speaking the word ‘Qin’ from your mouth is tarnishing the Qin people."

Ying Xuan was humiliated by Liu Chuan’s previous status as a Qin man.

"Cao Yun, take me to the mass grave, and drag him along too."

Ying Xuan is going to the mass grave.

The mass graves are filled with gloom.

Many large pits were dug here, and Qin soldier's corpses were piled in. Some of the survivors were killed directly in the pits.

The crows were circling, and some of the exposed corpses were still being eaten.

Ying Xuan's coercion shook them violently, and all the crows were shocked to death.

"Liu Chuan, these are your former comrades. Why were you so inhumane?!"

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Cao Yun couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and kicked Liu Chuan hard.

The chief general of Pingshan Pass is his good friend, Pao Ze. Both of them came from the same county, and they both served in the frontier pass. They started from the bottom of the ranks of soldiers, and have reached their current status.

But now the yin and yang are separated.

He wished he could directly cut Liu Chuan.

But how to deal with him depends on His Majesty's order.

"Bury our great Qin soldiers well. This is where the cemetery of our great Qin warriors will be located. They will enjoy sacrifices (prayers) of the Great Qin forever. Their families will be given the greatest compensation. The soldiers of our great Qin cannot die in vain."

Ying Xuan ordered.

Although he has crossed over, but now he is the Great Qin Emperor and belongs to this world.

"Your Majesty!"

The army that followed them all knelt down sincerely.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of meaningless death.

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"The last general thanked His Majesty on behalf of the Great Qin soldiers!"

Cao Yun knelt heavily.

It's worth it to work for such an emperor!

"As for you, I will not kill you.”

Ying Xuan's words changed, "It's too cheap to kill you, and your death can't comfort the heroic spirit of Great Qin’s dead soldiers, so you can stay here and guard the cemetery forever as a tomb guard."

"Tomb guard!"

Liu Chuan's eyes widened, "No, no, Your Majesty, please give me death, I just want to die!"

He never felt that death, the most terrifying thing, turned out to be an


extravagant wish for him.


"Come here, cut him into pieces. Cut off all the flesh and blood from his body, tie him to the iron pillar, and let him take a good look at the cemetery of the heroic spirits!"

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This is how Ying Xuan asked him to guard the tomb.

"Your Majesty, let me do it myself!"

Cao Yun said!

"Alright." Ying Xuan said.

Immediately, Cao Yun cut off three thousand pieces of flesh from Liu Chuan's body with one slice at a time.

Ordinary people, if this continues, they will die long ago.

But Liu Chuan is a Nirvana realm master. His flesh and blood have been baptized by the fire of Nirvana, and he will not die, unless his head is smashed into a pulp.

At this time, Liu Chuan was tied to the iron pillar. He had already become a skeleton, and his internal organs could be clearly seen still wriggling.

His head was only a skull, but his eyes and brain were still there.

Liu Chuan was in pain, but he couldn't die like this.

He had already become a skeleton, but instinctively, the flesh and blood on his body were growing back.

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The vitality of Nirvana is really amazing.

"I will keep people here and use the origin stone to provide you with strength. When your body grows flesh and blood, they’ll cut them off again. Continue to linger until the day you can die naturally. Let me watch your dead corspes at that time only, till then suffer here relieving these heroic spirits!"

Ying Xuan shouted.

It was as majestic as the sky.

When dealing with the enemy army, he can give the other party an easy death. After all, they are enemies in the first place, and there will be no kindness on both sides.

But for this kind of traitor, kindness is not something he can have.

The soldiers of Great Qin were extremely happy to see this scene.

You deserve it, you deserve it, this is what happens to traitors.

"You tyrant, you are inhumane, you are a tyrant!"

Liu Chuan hated why he was in the Nirvana state. With his vitality, he could live for two or three hundred years, but for these two or three hundred years, he had to endure this pain every day.

"If the Great Qin can be made strong and the people can live and work in peace and contentment, what about being tyrant?"

Ying Xuan left an imperial decree, "Don't let him die, I want him to live well!"

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