Chapter 3.2: Behead them and kill their families

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Now that the six Kingdoms have raised their troops to destroy Qin, it is time to expand the army.

But military expansion requires resources, and Ying Xuan can't spend too much.

And after these people went back, those small moths became dormant in their homes, and no one thought about escaping from Capital and defecting to the Six Kingdoms.

Their roots are all in the Great Qin, and the most important thing is that they can't run.

Chu Xian's imperial guards are not vegetarians, but meat eaters. If they dare to run away, they will kill you directly.

Ying Xuan also knew that these alone were not enough to deal with the Six Kingdoms, but he now had the Heavenly Emperor system.

After returning to his bedroom, he also started his own cultivation.

He has heaven rank spirit stone, the exquisite seven-aperture pill, and the scriptures of Indestructible Gods and Demons.

In his body, powers were awakening and exploding continuously, as if ancient gods and demons were roaring, pouring out powerful and unparalleled power.

"Second level of refining gods!"

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It only took him two days to reach the second level of refining gods.

"Scripture of Gods and Demons, one thought is a god, and one thought is a demon. Although I am now at the second level of god refinement, I can have a second move with Nirvana realm masters."

Ying Xuan felt the powerful force surging in his body.

"Your Majesty, Commander Chu and General Xu have requested to have an audience."

Song De reported from outside the door.

"Oh? My two ministers are here." Ying Xuan said, "Let them in."

"See Your Majesty."

After Chu Xian and Xu Dajun came in, they immediately saluted and their eyelids also twitched at the same time.

Ying Xuan didn't hide his strength. So, they knew in an instant that he has reached the second level of refining gods.

They can remember that two days ago in the court hall, his majesty was only on the first level, but now he has made another advancement.

Chu Xian and Xu Dajun felt boundless joy in their hearts.

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At this time, even though they was in Nirvana, they felt an extreme pressure in front of Ying Xuan. This is the majesty of an Emperor.

"Be at ease."

Ying Xuan said: "Today, I asked the two ministers to come here because I have some important tasks for you"

"I await Your Majesty’s order."

"Ziwu Pass is the most important fortress in the Great Qin Dynasty. Xu Dajun, I ordered you to lead 100,000 crossbowmen and 300,000 infantry to support Ziwu Pass and take over its defense. And, you will also be promoted to be the Commander of Ziwu Pass."

Imperial order resounded out of


his mouth.


Great Qin’s army has, unstoppable courage.

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There are also hundreds of thousands crossbowmen, which are the most powerful force among all countries. They hold strong crossbows and are the strongest warriors.

The strong crossbow in their hands is an ancient blueprint obtained by the late emperor, and even though other six countries have seized some, but without the most important blueprints, the components of the material cannot be imitated even if they are disassembled.

But unfortunately, it is difficult to cultivate crossbowmen, and the crossbows in their hands also consume a lot of resources.

"As ordered, Your Majesty!"

Xu Dajun said.

His father also rose at the end of the century, fighting for the Great Qin Dynasty, and he was even more loyal to the Great Qin, and could throw his life and blood for its prosperity.

"As long as I’m here, Great Feng will never be able to invade Ziwu pass."

"Very good."

Yingxuan nodded appreciatively, and said again: "Commander Chu, you will also go with Xu Dajun this time. You have to be well aware that when the Six Kingdoms attacked my Qin dynasty, some people had different hearts and colluded to rot my Great Qin from inside.”

Ziwu Pass is too difficult to break through, and external attacks will inevitably cause heavy losses.

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Therefore, if Xu Dajun encountered some troubles from the inside, then it will cause a serious problem.

Perhaps the vast majority will be frightened by the imperial court, but a small part will not be able to hold on their greed.

If there is no Ziwu Pass, the Great Feng will send troops without any scruples and fight all the way to the Imperial Capital.

"I understand." Chu Xian said.

"If you catch them, you don't need to kill them directly. You can bring them back to the Capital, and I will deal with them myself."

Ying Xuan said.

Chu Xian nodded. He knew his mission. The situation at the border was complicated. If he went, he could help Xu Dajun stabilize the situation and arrest the traitors.

He looked at Ying Xuan, thinking.

The immaturity and bewilderment of when he first ascended the throne have long since disappeared.

It's like a different person, with tough methods, decisive killing, and a heroic spirit.

He also secretly said in his heart: "With His Majesty here, Great Qin will not perish!"

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