Chapter 4.1: Qianzhou seven dynasties

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​​"In the face of strength, any strategy is useless. Only strength can fight against strength. After all, strength is supreme in this world!"

Ying Xuan deeply understood this truth.

If he is in the harmony realm now, then how can the six kingdoms have the idea of attacking the Great Qin?

But now that he has the Heavenly Emperor system, it will be completely different.

"I have ordered everything that should be ordered; let's practice."

Ying Xuan practiced the Indestructible Gods and Demons scripture.

This technique is terrifying, and it is definitely a technique that can be cultivated to the level of immortal gods.

What is an immortal god? That’s an illusory legend.

With this technique, one can cultivate oneself to become immortal, possessing the magic power of a god along with that of demons, and the body of a demon has no defects, whether it is a spell or a physical body.

In the realm of refining gods, a powerful external force is needed to stimulate the soul and transform it.

And this step of cultivation requires a lot of resources, but Ying Xuan is the Emperor of Great Qin, and he does not lack the required resources.

The exquisite seven-aperture pill provided him with powerful energy.

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With the gods and demons in one body and the blessing of dynastic luck, Ying Xuan exudes a powerful domineering aura.

Time is relentless, and a month seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye.

According to the calendar, it is already November.

This year, Imperial Capital is extremely cold. It's only November, and there have been several days of heavy snowfalls in a row.

However, Imperial Capital is still very lively, but the clothes worn by the people are not very thick as they correspond to the season.

This is a fantasy world of cultivation, and as long as the body is casted and refined, it can resist the cold.

The people of Great Qin are not the most sumptuous among the Seven Dynasties, but they are definitely the most martial and fierce.

The other six kingdoms are also afraid of the Great Qin people. They are not as fierce and courageous as the Qin people, whereas the Qin people are more than willing to sacrifice their lives for the military honors.

Ying Xuan gradually demonstrated to the world what an evildoer is during this month. He has advanced directly to the fifth level of refining gods.

During this time, he also found that his soul was exceptionally strong, and the pain caused by refining the gods was nothing to him.

He guessed that this was because his soul had been blessed through time travel.

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Of course, he wasn't too entangled, but his cultivation speed is absolutely astounding.

Usually it would take a normal person years to advance in cultivation, but he has already stepped in the fifth level within a month.

As soon as he swung his fist now, he felt an explosive force. True essence mana can also be used indefinitely.

Now he wants to test his prowess against a Nirvana realm master. He wants to see how powerful his fist is. Can he directly smash a


Nirvana realm to death?


In the past month, he has also been reading the memorials from various places.

The situation is bad, and there are wars going on in every direction..

The six Kingdoms have always been Great Qin's greatest adversary.

Although there is some turmoil in internal counties, most of them are still loyal to him, and those civil turmoil can be suppressed by powerful force.

And since he killed chickens to scare monkeys, at least no one in the Imperial Capital dared to blatantly collude with the six Kingdoms.

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At this moment, he was looking at the huge map hanging in the Qin Palace.

Qianzhou is very large, and seven countries coexist.

There are billions of people in each country and the area of the Seven Dynasties is even larger than the area he lived in before crossing.

In the north of Great Qin, there are also northern Mongolians.

"This world is really big."

"It's snowing continuously, and the plum blossoms in the garden have already bloomed."

Ying Xuan walked outside the palace, looked at falling snow, and stretched out his hand.

"Yes, the plum blossoms in the garden are really beautiful." Song De served beside him.

"Chu Qing is also back." Ying Xuan said lightly: "The plum blossoms in the plum garden are so beautiful, I can't enjoy them all alone.”

“Song De, go and pass on my order.”

“I invite all my loyal courtiers to accompany me to enjoy these beautiful plum blossoms and have the blessing of a resounding banquet.”

"Follow the order."

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Song De saw His Majesty's cultivation speed like a rocket and this time of appreciating plum blossoms, he knew, was not as simple as enjoying the scenery.

Emperor Qin's decree was issued, and hundreds of officials received it.

"Your Majesty actually wants us to go to the Plum Garden to appreciate the plum blossoms. Why?"

"It's called Appreciating Plum Blossoms, but its meaning is definitely not for enjoying the scenery. Your Majesty must have other purposes."

"I can't figure out his majesty’s thoughts at all. This is a Hongmen banquet, and I just don't know what to do.”

"No need to guess much. Let’s go. As long as we don't commit treason, nothing will happen."

After receiving the order, who would dare not go?

These ministers all live in the Imperial Capital, and they can arrive there soon with their cultivation base.

People in the old Qin state didn't think much, so they just went wherever His Majesty said. It was the people from the new Qin who thought a lot.

Plum Garden is a royal place in the Imperial Capital.

The snow fell heavily in the plum garden, and the plum trees were blooming with beautiful blossoms. It was really beautiful in the scenery effect of the falling snow.

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